Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Magnetosphere Update - Wednesday JUNE 20, 2012

The Japanese magnetosphere website has temporarily ceased updating since Monday April 2, 2012 to "develop more accurate and practical space environment models and will resume the real-time simulation in the near future" ( 
 Will post when it becomes available -Cave Editor 
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program(HAARP)
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field. Data from a chain of magnetometers are also available.
A magnetosphere is formed when a stream of charged particles, such as the solar wind, interacts with and is deflected by the intrinsic magnetic field of a planet or similar body. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn…

Swedish Institute of Space Physics

The Kiruna magnetogram provides realtime data of the local Earth magnetic field at ground level. Strong deviations in the data, primarily the black line could signal the development of geomagnetic activity. The curves on this plot show deflections from an average. The average is derived from the monthly means of the five most quiet days.

Current LASCO C2 and LASCO C3 - Wednesday JUNE 20, 2012 at 11PM CT

LASCO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) is one of a number of instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO). LASCO consists of three solar coronagraphs with nested fields of view.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

US Severe Weather Map - Tuesday JUNE 19, 2012 at 7:45 PM CT

Magnetosphere Update - Tuesday JUNE 19, 2012

The Japanese magnetosphere website has temporarily ceased updating since Monday April 2, 2012 to "develop more accurate and practical space environment models and will resume the real-time simulation in the near future" ( 
 Will post when it becomes available -Cave Editor 
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program(HAARP)
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field. Data from a chain of magnetometers are also available.
A magnetosphere is formed when a stream of charged particles, such as the solar wind, interacts with and is deflected by the intrinsic magnetic field of a planet or similar body. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn…

Swedish Institute of Space Physics

The Kiruna magnetogram provides realtime data of the local Earth magnetic field at ground level. Strong deviations in the data, primarily the black line could signal the development of geomagnetic activity. The curves on this plot show deflections from an average. The average is derived from the monthly means of the five most quiet days.

Dutchsinse | 6/19/2012 -- Severe Weather Overview -- S. Canada, MN WI MI , Mexico, TX LA AR

Use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally and internationally:
The storm in the north USA / South Canada is pressing eastward. Producing two very strong outbreaks of severe weather in South Central Canada -- west of Saskatoon and Regina... heading ESE towards the Montana Border.
In Minnesota, North Wisconsin, and North Michigan -- we see damaging winds, hail, and possible tornadoes detected -- moving Eastward.. slightly southeast.
This storm to the north has created a depression or pocket for the flow from the south over the gulf of mexico states --- Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas --- to pull northward towards Oklahoma and Missouri. These cells (further south near TX/LA border) are producing hail -- most likely will produce damaging winds, and maybe even a possible tornado.
All these lines of storms are moving eastward eventually.. storm to the south will pull up over Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky ...
the storm to the north will pull eastward over Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, south Canada (tornonto) -- then further pulling storms up over Pennsylvania, New York state, new england.
In the far south.. tip of Florida to Puerto Rico -- be alert of the new tropical flow heading your way indefinitely. 
Off the SW coast of Mexico.. be alert of the tropical buildup there as well.. 
Also England/UK should be alert on this tropical storm moving NE in the Atlantic .

Current LASCO C2 and LASCO C3 - Tuesday JUNE 19, 2012 at 6PM CT

LASCO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) is one of a number of instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO). LASCO consists of three solar coronagraphs with nested fields of view.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Magnetosphere Update - Monday JUNE 18, 2012

The Japanese magnetosphere website has temporarily ceased updating since Monday April 2, 2012 to "develop more accurate and practical space environment models and will resume the real-time simulation in the near future" ( 
 Will post when it becomes available -Cave Editor 
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program(HAARP)
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field. Data from a chain of magnetometers are also available.
A magnetosphere is formed when a stream of charged particles, such as the solar wind, interacts with and is deflected by the intrinsic magnetic field of a planet or similar body. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn…

Swedish Institute of Space Physics

The Kiruna magnetogram provides realtime data of the local Earth magnetic field at ground level. Strong deviations in the data, primarily the black line could signal the development of geomagnetic activity. The curves on this plot show deflections from an average. The average is derived from the monthly means of the five most quiet days.

Current LASCO C2 and LASCO C3 - Monday JUNE 18, 2012 at 4:15 PM CT

LASCO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) is one of a number of instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO). LASCO consists of three solar coronagraphs with nested fields of view.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dutchsinse | 6/17/2012 -- Severe weather outbreak -- ND SD MN WI - south Canada - also TX MO OH

North Dakota, Montana, South Central Canada, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Thunder Bay Canada... St. Paul Minnesota.. Duluth MN.. several cities in the path of this large storm system... producing hail , damaging winds, and confirmed tornadoes.
Southwards.. through the midwestern states of Missouri Arkansas .. into Texas, Louisiana --- hail, damaging winds, and possible tornadoes as well.
near the tropics.. Puerto Rico.. south of Florida.. Hail and damaging winds detected.
HAVE A SEVERE WEATHER PLAN READY just in case you have to deal with events such as these.
Use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally and internationally:

Magnetosphere Update - Sunday JUNE 17, 2012

The Japanese magnetosphere website has temporarily ceased updating since Monday April 2, 2012 to "develop more accurate and practical space environment models and will resume the real-time simulation in the near future" ( 
 Will post when it becomes available -Cave Editor 
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program(HAARP)
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field. Data from a chain of magnetometers are also available.
A magnetosphere is formed when a stream of charged particles, such as the solar wind, interacts with and is deflected by the intrinsic magnetic field of a planet or similar body. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn…

Swedish Institute of Space Physics

The Kiruna magnetogram provides realtime data of the local Earth magnetic field at ground level. Strong deviations in the data, primarily the black line could signal the development of geomagnetic activity. The curves on this plot show deflections from an average. The average is derived from the monthly means of the five most quiet days.

Current LASCO C2 and LASCO C3 - Sunday June 17, 2012 at 4PM CT

LASCO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) is one of a number of instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO). LASCO consists of three solar coronagraphs with nested fields of view.