Just appeared online today -- Local media in Louisiana asking good questions on the relative 'safety' of living atop a salt dome. My best advice to locals.. KEEP YOUR HOUSES!! Move out ... but keep the houses!!! Underneath these houses.. a LARGE AMOUNT OF OIL AND GAS IS COMING UP ! It will be worth millions, and you'll own the property rights ! Just don't live there. Confirmed that the "big hum" oil deposit / gas deposit , is making its way up under the houses and dome . Also, the sinkhole has grown from just a hundred feet across in August --- now approx EIGHT ACRES --- and still growing. --------------------- Notice one of the people interviewed mentions the entire strategic petroleum oil reserve is stored in the salt domes (gulf coast) --- this is not understood by most people, there are BILLIONS of barrels of oil, gas, butane, and other substances being stored in the hundreds of salt domes extending from Louisiana, east through Florida.. and south into the Gulf of Mexico. The entire area is being PUSHED UP FROM UNDERNEATH --- the natural gas (methane) and crude oil (natural oil from the ground) are seeping up from the pressure building. The problem WILL expand -- nothing there to stop it. The methane pressure from underneath is being caused by a Global event occurring across the pacific plate -- the breakup of the Indo-Australian plate -- causing pressure to be placed on the North American Craton from the WEST ! A buckling , or bending is occurring along the southern edge of the north american plate.... causing earthquakes at the fracking sites to the North (Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado) ... causing earthquakes to the East (Mobile Bay, AL -- north to central Alabama ).. and to the northeast (virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, and south Canada --- even a few EQ's in New Jersey/New York. All this points to one thing.. the pressure on the plate from the WEST is causing the displacement and bending deep in the crust... the pressure is forcing methane, crude oil upwards --- from underneath and to the west of the Salt Dome complex. The methane pressure from underneath will not stop until the plate pressure is reduced, and it would appear the plate pressure will not be reducing until the Indo-Australian event slows down. The Indo-Australian event is being caused by PGRE (post glacial rebound effect / expanding earth)... and PGRE is being caused by an unknown cause solar system event (causing heating on multiple planets). All in all, the problem is going to expand, and is here to stay for a long while. http://www.kmsstv.com/news/it-dangerous-live-salt-dome-experts-assess-risk here is the full roundtable discussion we had on the subject: part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErPQyQhKv2M part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2YZuXk541s Full breakdown of the Bayou Corne, Louisiana event when it first began back in August -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcbLvO0-huQ ------- Website posts here: http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/?s=bayou+corne&submit=Search Last months full update here: http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/1017202-bayou-corne-sinkhole-infor...