Friday, July 10, 2009 | READY FOR THE ONE YEAR BLACKOUT ?


Conference Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009
New York

This conference will take place from September 8-10, 2009, in Niagara Falls, New York, and will feature local and national U.S. Government representatives, EMP Commission speakers, think tank leaders, first responders and a range of experts in the EMP threat and infrastructure protection.

Two Congressional Commissions have recently warned that, while America could suffer catastrophic consequences from a nuclear EMP attack by terrorists or rogue states, the U.S. could be protected.

In July 2008 the EMP Commission delivered to Congress a report outlining a cost effective plan for protecting critical infrastructures from a wide spectrum of threats, including EMP, cyber-attack, sabotage, and natural disasters.

In May 2009 the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States reaffirmed this EMP threat, and urged implementation of the EMP Commission’s recommendations. The Strategic Posture Commission also criticized the Department of Homeland Security for failing to act to safeguard critical infrastructures from EMP.

Early this year, the National Academy of Sciences released a blue ribbon study concurring with the EMP Commission’s warning that an event very similar to an EMP attack is expected about once per century from natural causes, due to periodic massive solar storms. According to the National Academy of Sciences, such a storm is inevitable, and could occur as early as the next cyclic peak of solar flare activity in 2012.