Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | Today's Feature Stories - July 15, 2009

U.S. Senate Health Committee Passes Health Care Reform Bill that will Bankrupt America
(NaturalNews) The great lumbering health care reform gears are in motion in Washington D.C., and the Big Government machine is spitting out a new recipe for the bankruptcy of America: A "health care reform" bill that pleases all the special interest groups...

Americans Wipe Their Butts with Non-Renewable Trees
(NaturalNews) Environmentalists are increasingly pushing for people in the United States to change their toilet paper buying habits, in recognition of the fact that the soft, fluffy toilet paper widely preferred in the United States for home use can only...

Think Twice Before Using Pesticides: Strong Link Found with Pre-Cancerous Condition
(NaturalNews) Just how dangerous are pesticides? No one knows the full answer to that question yet, but research is revealing that exposure to these toxins is clearly a bigger health risk than most people realize. For example, Natural News recently reported...

The Junk Food Dilemma Calls for a Change in Mindset (Opinion)
"Oh my God, there it is"! A chocolate covered doughnut, a "Super Sized" nut and marshmallow candy bar, steamy hot, garlic Cajun spiced fries. You know this is the last thing you should eat. You know you'll get a sugar rush that will make...

Coconut Oil is the Antiviral of Nature
In a time when strange viruses are making headlines around the world, perhaps it's time you knew about the most powerful natural antiviral around: coconut oil. The antiviral activity in coconut oil is remarkable, even among the most resistant...

Mind-Body Connection Part I: Our Thoughts can Affect our Health
Have you ever wondered if there is any scientific evidence supporting the notion of spontaneous remission, faith healing and other described miracles? Until recently there hasn`t been much scientific information to support these claims, but...

Codex Continues to Assume GMO Labeling Would Confuse Ignorant Consumers
At the latest Codex Commission on Food Labeling (CCFL) meeting held in Calgary, Canada in May, the US and its allies continued to push for the case that food created through the use of genetic modification (GM) needs no labeling. Despite...

Turmeric Shown to be Natural Remedy Against Alzheimer's
Anyone who has had to care for an elderly friend or relative that suffers from Alzheimer`s will know how debilitating and upsetting the disease can be. Alzheimer`s attacks the brain cells and disrupts the messages that travel between them...