Lights Return Following Brazilian Blackout – U.S. just sent a message to Brazil in case Brazil decides to support Venezuela .....if U.S. takes Chavez oil fields and refineries.....pending Israel attack on Iran. Think who owns 600,000 acres in Paraguay (Bush) and who is involved with oil......with Brazil's new offshore field promised to red chinks.......this is a message. Hawk
Gold Rises Towards $1,120/oz as Dollar SlidesChina Hints at Yuan's Departure from Dollar Peg
‘Collapse’ Cassandra Nails Cheney, Says End Is Nigh, Hoard Gold
Doubt, Worry and Fear: New York Faces Dramatic Consequences of Crisis
Airlines, Hotels Face Bleak Holidays
The Man Who Despises America
CAIR Speaker to Muslims: OK to Attack Fort Bragg
Smashing the Axis of Financial Fraud Is the Day of Great Leaders Past?
Why More Americans are Learning to Pick Locks, Bust Out of Handcuffs, and Avoid Surveillance.
Can We Manipulate the Weather?
100% Proof U.S.A. has Tested Using Rain to Infect American Citizens 15 Years Ago – video
What Could the H1N1 Vaccine, Autism, and Chronic Disease Have in Common? Retroviruses.
Something May Come Through Dimensional Doors at LHC
Vatican-Sponsored Meeting Discusses Chances of Extraterrestrial Life
Mind Reading (Neural Decoding) Goes Mainstream Dream of 'Biblical' Flood – prophetic
Microchip Implants, Mind Control & Cybernetics
Entering a Dark Age of Innovation – flashback