Monday, December 21, 2009 | Headlines - Monday, December 21, 2009

Weapon of Monetary Destruction
Lew Rockwell on the Fed.
Automatic for the People
C.J. Maloney on the AK47.
History Quiz
Clyde Wilson on American presidents.
Destabilizing the Economy
There is a disaster ahead, says Marc Faber.
Soviet Colorado
Mark Crovelli on his truck and emissions laws.
Coming: a 400% (and Higher) Excise Tax
Mike Rozeff on Obama’s rip-off plan for you.
A Plague on Both Their Houses
Becky Akers on Congress and the TSA.
Stop Complaining and Love the State
Justin Raimondo on Capitol Hill advice.
Time's Up, Obama
Vedran Vuk on preparing for the inevitable.
Armed Citizens
They’re the real-life heroes.
The Growth of Jobless Claims, the 'Shadow Inventory' of Houses
The depression continues, says Bill Bonner.
Chill Out, Lights Out
To get your best night’s sleep, says Joseph Mercola.