Thursday, December 10, 2009

When toy guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have toy guns - NY legislation that would increase penalties for selling a toy gun by 500 %

Speaker Christine C Quinn, together with Council Member Al Vann, today announced legislation that would increase penalties for selling a toy gun by 500 percent. The legislation would also enhance the Department of Consumer Affairs’ enforcement ability and allow the agency to shut stores that are repeat offenders of the law. Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Jonathan Mintz and Criminal Justice Coordinator John Feinblatt joined the Speaker and Council Members at the announcement. The officials also announced a new citywide public awareness campaign about the dangers of toy guns that look real and real guns that look like toys. Hmmmm...

I once wrote about the "wussification" of our nation's youth--the cradle-to-grave indoctrination in the dogma of the Church of Guns are Icky. This is yet another manifestation of that campaign. A couple generations of boys who have been taught to recoil in horror from even imaginary games of "cops and robbers," or storming an imagined Iwo Jima with a toy Garand rifle, and perhaps the gun culture will be so weakened that there will be no one left to fight for gun rights, and the forcible citizen disarmament agenda can really get underway.

I eagerly await the next step, will Bloomberg start a Mayors Against Illegal Toy Guns? Will he have his pet congresscritters introduce a "Toy Gun Trafficking Prevention Act"? Will he set-up "straw" toy gun purchases at gun shows?