Tuesday, April 27, 2010

NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 27, 2010

Big Brother to track your compliance with electronic transmitters in pills
(NaturalNews) Now that the U.S. government has achieved its monopoly over health care, new technologies are in the works that will allow the government to remotely monitor and track whether ordinary citizens are complying with taking medications prescribed...

Natural substance in breast milk destroys cancer cells
(NaturalNews) Breast milk is documented to be the best food possible for infants and breastfeeding is known to have enormous health benefits for moms, too. It turns out, however, that breast milk has even more amazing properties. Swedish researchers have...

Two-thirds of store-bought chickens contaminated with food-borne illness microbes
(NaturalNews) Two out of every three store-bought chickens may be contaminated with bacteria that commonly cause human illness, according to a study conducted by the Consumers Union. "Consumers still need to be very careful in handling chicken, which...

Cigarettes: Inhaling Dangerous Chemicals may Cause Depression
A new study recently found that about half of the people with diagnosed depression smoke cigarettes. It's a large percentage and while the cause and effect relationship wasn't studied, it should have been. It wasn't even looked at whether...

Vitamin D reduces diabetes risk by 43 percent - is there anything this vitamin can't do?
(NaturalNews) A team from Warwick Medical School in the U.K. has found that people who maintain healthy vitamin D levels are 43 percent less likely to get heart disease or diabetes. After evaluating 28 different studies conducted on nearly 100,000 people...

Maca Gives Potential Relief for Migraine Sufferers
People who suffer from the debilitating pain of migraine headaches need relief. Could the solution be found in a radish-like root vegetable that grows in an extreme climate where few other plants can survive? Might something the Incas consumed...

Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part II
In the 1960s, the only known consequence of vitamin D deficiency in adults was osteomalacia, a form of bone softening. Abundant evidence now points to numerous cardioprotective functions of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to...

Women can dramatically slash their risk of strokes through regular walking
(NaturalNews) A large, long-term study just reported in the American Heart Association journal Stroke has great news for women. Once again, a non-drug approach to avoiding one of the country's top killers has been shown to be a powerful "prescription...

Why intelligent life in the universe is likely to be hostile
(NaturalNews) Famed physicist Stephen Hawking recently made headlines by explaining that even though extraterrestrial intelligence very likely exists in the universe, we probably don't want to meet aliens any time soon. "If aliens ever visit us," Hawking...

Illegal drug money saved banks during global finance disaster
(NaturalNews) Billions of dollars from the illegal drug business was the only thing that kept the global financial system from collapsing at the height of the banking crisis just over a year ago, according to the head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime...

Stunning documentary: Raw in 30 days reveals rapid cure for type-2 diabetes
(NaturalNews) Very few films have the power to change the world and shake up the establishment, but Raw in 30 Days is one of them. Filmed at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, this courageous reality film documents...

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