Friday, June 4, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - June 4, 2010

FDA defeated in federal court over censorship of truthful health claims
(NaturalNews) Health freedom has just been handed a significant victory by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, which ruled last week that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) violated the First Amendment rights of a nutritional...

Letting babies swim in chlorinated pools harms their health for life
(NaturalNews) Young children who swim in chlorinated pools may suffer an increased risk of lung infections and even lifelong asthma and respiratory allergies, according to a study conducted by researchers from Catholic University Louvain in Brussels,...

Top no-soy protein bars
(NaturalNews) When it comes to finding the right protein bar to supplement a healthy lifestyle, it can be difficult to find one that has no soy. Many health-conscious individuals have decided to skip the soy because, in its unfermented state, it mimics...

Poison gas leak kills DuPont worker
(NaturalNews) A DuPont worker died after being sprayed in the face with poison gas, in only one of four safety incidents at a West Virginia factory over a two-day period at the end of January. The Belle plant in Charleston, W.V. reported on Jan. 22...

Use Home Remedies to Quickly and Safely Eliminate Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by a fungus. The affected area is usually red and itchy and the most common symptom is cracked, flaking, peeling skin between the toes. Left untreated, the condition may last for a short or...

Three Homeopathic Treatments Help Acid Reflux Symptoms and GERD
Acid reflux is characterized by pain and burning in the esophagus as a result of food and stomach acids backing up in to the esophagus damaging its lining. Homeopathic medicines work to relieve gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD symptoms...

Enjoy SuperFood Nutrition for the Summer
Eating by the season is a key aspect to a healthy nutritional plan. Fruits and vegetables are at their nutritional peak during their prime growing season. Before the advent of refrigeration and the mass production and storage of foods everyone...

Big Pharma blackmails Greece; halts medicine supply over cash demands
(NaturalNews) In the midst of runaway economic problem in Greece, the pharma industry has decided to blackmail the nation and halt shipments of medicines to Greece until it agrees to pay full price for the drugs. In order to cut costs during its...

Raw tahini, organic sun-dried figs and my health products philosophy
(NaturalNews) Tahini is one of the favorite foods used by vegans, raw foodies and everyday health-conscious people. But not everyone is familiar with tahini. What is it, exactly? Just like peanut butter is made from grinding up peanuts, tahini...

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