Tuesday, June 8, 2010

NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - June 8, 2010

America today: Medicated drivers, toxic foods and counterfeit money supply
(NaturalNews) There are a great many reasons to love America. For one thing, Freedom of Speech remains largely intact in the USA (although the FDA has struck a serious blow to the principle with its ongoing censorship of free speech about nutritional...

Doctors are addicted to "every drug under the sun"
(NaturalNews) Doctors suffer in secret from a wide range of physical and mental health problems including addiction, according to the findings of a new health program in the United Kingdom. The Practitioner Health Program (PHP) was set up in response...

Daiya, a soy-free, vegan cheese that actually tastes like cheese
(NaturalNews) Many Natural News readers are probably aware of the many "cheese-free" cheeses on the market. Most of them are derived from soy, which more often than not is genetically-modified (GMO), and many of them lack the characteristics of cheese...

Western diet promotes depression in women
(NaturalNews) Women who eat a typical Western diet high in junk food may increase their risk of suffering from mood disorders such as depression, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Melbourne and published in the American...

Breast cancer cells destroyed by peach and plum extracts
Even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells couldn't stand up to treatments with peach and plum extracts. That's the outcome of a natural fruit-derived treatment tested in the Texas AgriLife Research Lab which resulted in cancer...

Home Remedies with Garlic Quickly Relieve Ear Aches and Ear Infections
Troublesome ear aches and ear infections can usually be relieved in short order with home remedies which include garlic. Garlic has a natural antibiotic called allicin and it is an essential ingredient in some of the most effective home remedies...

Use Essential Oils to Prevent Mosquito Bites: Catnip, Clove, Neem and Lemon Oil
Essential oils such as clove, catnip and lemon oil prevent mosquito bites. These oils repel mosquitoes, along with citronella and patchouli. Commercial insect repellants contain many harmful ingredients, are irritating to the skin and the...

America Today (comic)
(NaturalNews) There are a great many reasons to love America. For one thing, Freedom of Speech remains largely intact in the USA (although the FDA has struck a serious blow to the principle with its ongoing censorship of free speech about nutritional...

Antidepressants during pregnancy cause alarming 68 percent increased risk of miscarriage
(NaturalNews) Back in 2005, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that exposure to the antidepressant paroxetine (sold as Paxil, Paxil CR, and Pexeva) in the first trimester of pregnancy might increase the risk for birth defects, especially heart...

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