Wednesday, July 7, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - July 7, 2010

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists
(NaturalNews) Normally I would open this article by explaining this is the story the mainstream media won't dare report. Except in this case, they are reporting it. It's right on CNN, on the Anderson Cooper "360" report. What happened is that Lance...

Pecans provide neurological protection, could help fight ALS
(NaturalNews) One of the hottest areas of medical research currently is also one of the nuttiest -- literally. For example, as NaturalNews recently reported, nuts have been found to lower cholesterol...

Conventional prostate cancer treatments increase risk of blood clots by 250 percent
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in The Lancet Oncology has found that men with prostate cancer are twice as likely as healthy men to suffer a blood clot, and those with the disease who undergo certain conventional treatments are at an even...

Damaged brains rewired by singing
(NaturalNews) The damaged brains of stroke patients can be "rewired" by singing, restoring the ability to speak to patients who have lost it, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and presented at the annual meeting...

Use Garlic Instead of Antibiotics
Too often when people are sick, they just don't know what to do. More and more people are starting to distrust doctors and their drugs, but in a time of illness or infection they're unsure where to turn. Unfortunately, this uncertainty leads...

Fruit Pectin Chelates Heavy Metals and Facilitates Drug Detox
Fruit pectin is effective for removing contaminants from the body such as heavy metals and unwanted drug residue. When these substances deposit in the body's cells, they contribute to a variety of serious diseases. Detoxifying the body from...

Make Your Own Tasty and Healthy Raw Food Vegan Burgers
Many may believe that eating a healthy raw food or vegan diet would preclude eating such things as burgers, especially grilled burgers, unless you want to opt for one of the bland cardboard soy burgers. Such is not the case with a bit of...

Sunlight alone does not cause skin cancer: The truth you've never been told
(NaturalNews) We've all been told that sunlight causes skin cancer. This message has been drilled into our heads for so long that most people actually believe it. But what if this "truth" was actually a medical myth? What if dermatologists and health...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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