Monday, July 19, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - July 19, 2010

Reserve your screen names now for the launch of NaturalNews.TV video sharing site
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews.TV website is the new, up-and-coming community video website that lets you upload, share and promote videos on topics like natural health, green living, natural foods and much more. It will be officially launched in less...

Plant extract heals ulcerative colitis, may prevent colon cancer
(NaturalNews) Ulcerative colitis is a serious disease that affects about a million people in the U.S., causing inflammation and sores in the lining of the rectum and colon that bleed, produce pus and cause frequent diarrhea. Although drugs, especially...

Too Fat to Fight (comic)
(NaturalNews) A group of retired military officials recently expressed concern that school lunches are a threat to national security. According to them, the food being fed to children at public schools is making them "too fat to fight", leaving a potentially...

Foods and drinks sweetened with fructose linked to high blood pressure
(NaturalNews) Fruits and vegetables contain relatively small amounts of the form of sugar known as fructose. But the typical American diet is now loaded with unnaturally high amounts of refined versions of this sweetener, primarily in the form of high...

Lack of sunlight exposure causes mothers to give birth to babies with multiple sclerosis
(NaturalNews) A recent study out of Australia has found that natural sunlight plays a very important role in the development of unborn children. According to the research, mothers who get little sunlight during the first 90 days of their pregnancies bear...

Antidepressant drug linked to increase in breast cancer deaths
(NaturalNews) Women who take the antidepressant Paxil (paroxetine) while undergoing some breast cancer treatments are significantly more likely to die than women who do not take the antidepressant, according to a study conducted by researchers from the...

China's reckless use of antibiotics unleashes deadly superbugs on the world
(NaturalNews) China's profligate use of antibiotics in both medicine and agriculture is creating a grave threat to global health, scientists have warned. Overuse of antibiotics encourages the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as...

The American Cancer Society Runs With the Money and Away from the Cure, Part VI
In the previous installment of this series, we examined the close relationship the American Cancer Society (ACS) has had with the chemical industry. Today we will take a look at the relationships the ACS has had with the Mammography and other...

Sauerkraut is the Original Probiotic Superfood
With the advent of refrigeration and airline flights, getting and storing fresh vegetables year round is not something most people have to be concerned about. But before cold storage and long haul shipping was commonplace, vegetables spoiled...

Choose Unrefined Sea Salt over Table Salt
Are there any benefits to switching out your traditional iodized table salt for unrefined sea salt? Aside from the superior taste that many say sea salt possesses, there are indeed several reasons you may want to consider choosing sea salt...

Saturated Fat is Not a Health Hazard (Opinion)
You have undoubtedly come across the advice to avoid saturated fat; it is supposed to be bad for your heart because it increases serum cholesterol levels. To lower our risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) we are encouraged to switch to unsaturated...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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