Tuesday, December 7, 2010

EPIC Solar Blast - December 6, 2010

EPIC BLAST: As predicted, the a "mega-filament" of solar magnetism erupted on Dec. 6th, producing a blast of epic proportions. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action as the 700,000-km long structure lifted off the stellar surface and--snap!!--hurled itself into space. Click on the arrow to play the movie:

movie formats: 4 MB gif, 1 MB iPad, 0.5 MB iPhone, 1 MB still frame

The eruption produced a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by the STEREO-A spacecraft: video. Earth was not in the line of fire; the cloud should sail wide of our planet. Earth-effects might be limited to pretty pictures.

more images: from Stephen W. Ramsden of Atlanta, GA