Monday, March 5, 2012

3/5/2012 -- ENTIRE SOUTH and MIDWEST ! Steaming Plume event = be alert and aware

website post with multiple screenshots :
Today.. in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.....once again.. in the late afternoon...PLUMES APPEARING on Visible satellite -- viewable from space -- All erupting from the ground at the same time in the afternoon -- yesterday only one or two -- and now today we see WELL OVER 50 !!
The chances of "wildfires" all erupting AT THE SAME TIME over multiple states.. would either mean a network of arsonists, or a fairly well timed wildfire EACH DAY .. which then magically goes out overnight and half the day.. and then at sunset fires up again. Also, the chances of "control burns" all at the same time across multiple states .. again are minimal..
If its NOT a fire.. then what does that leave us with as an option for a plume from the ground visible from space that is NOT man made??
view it on the GOES visible satellite (1km or 2km product view)...
I have already formed my personal opinion on what I think may be causing these plumes --- I believe the north american craton is in a state of unrest --- that these plumes could EASILY be caused by the plate pressure ... magma pressure underneath an already earthquake prone area ( and a long dormant volcanic chain in Arkansas extending into OK, TX, LA, MS, AL... even as far east as Georgia )
I am doubting official reports that these are ALL WILDFIRES... since early reports came in that these were ALL CONTROL BURNS DONE AT ONCE... then some other skeptics came to my prior videos and claimed these are "weather convenctions of moisture which just LOOKS like steam/smoke"...
I personally think this is the sign of an imminent geologic event of larger proportions. I HOPE I AM WRONG --- but the last time THIS MANY plumes appeared (on the west coast from dormant volcanic sites).. we saw a 6.0M to the north.. and a 6.0M to the south of the area that was showing plume activity.