Friday, March 2, 2012

Dutchsinse | 3/2/2012 -- HAARP rings, Scalar Squares, and Ghost storms - IL, KY, IN, TN, VA, MS, AL, GA

Possible tornadoes, damaging winds, hail, and severe thunderstorms....... Hendersonville Tennessee , Hopkinsville Kentucky, Paducah Kentucky, Evansville Indiana, Lincoln Illinois to Chicago Illinois, Cincinnati Ohio, Columbus Ohio, Western W. Virginia ..... 24-48 hours.
Also southern states experienced a HAARP ring outbreak earlier today that I was not able to record. Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky from earlier today as well.
Explanation on Scalar RADAR:
Read more about 'H.A.A.R.P. rings' and frequency manipulation of the weather here: (less info)