Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dutchsinse | 4/25/2012 -- Radiation Test - St. Louis, MO - 54.4 CPM and 54.5CPM

I have assembled radiation links from around the world to use here, plus two good charts to show exposure level limits:
This measurement was made on April 25, 2012 at approx. 530pm CDT. It indicates "midrange levels" of radiation. 
The Radiation Network Alert level is considered anything over 100CPM. [1000 counts/Clicks during a 10 min. measurement] . 
The overall radiation measurement, taken over the course of 10 minutes was 544 counts/clicks and 545 counts/clicks = 54.4CPM and 54.5CPM (per minute average).
Compared to last year its a bit higher ----- last year 36.1CPM ----- this year 54.5CPM : here is last years measurement