Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dutchsinse | 5/23/2012 -- Be aware -- Tornadoes and Hail = CO NE KS IA MN WI MI LA SC NC VA

Website has the link to multiple sites so you can monitor the severe outbreak directly:
Severe weather has broken out along a line stretching NE from Pueblo Colorado.. eventually through Goodland Kansas (with possible tornadoes).. heading ENE from Colorado .. through W. Kansas --- across the state of Nebraska --- extending further northeast through Minnesota , Western Wisconsin, and Western Michigan .. also extending into South Canada.
Southeast / Mid-atlantic states.. Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina --- hail detected with several cells still developing from the east coast system.
Snow at higher elevations in the Pacific Northwest and Western Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Washington State , and Oregon.
Be alert in the Midwest as the multiple systems push ENE .. this may eventually even include the remains of tropical storm "Bud" .. in the southwest... still over the Pacific ocean off the shore of Mexico. 
IF TS "Bud" passes over Mexico intact --- it will intersect the southern states of Texas and Louisiana possibly... then it will depend on the other systems to the north as to how far Bud might push onwards (thats IF Bud survives the heat of the mexican deserts).