Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dutchsinse | 5/5/2012 -- SIGN THE WHITEHOUSE PETITION -- Shut down nuclear reactors like Japan

Here is the short link to sign the petition: needs 25,000+ signatures ASAP!
from the petition instructions: we have 30 days to get 25,000+ LEGITIMATE signatures from US Citizens:
"You now have 30 days to get 25,000 signatures in order for your petition to be reviewed by the White House. Until your petition has 150 signatures, it will only be available from the following URL and will not be publicly viewable on the Open Petitions section of We the People:"
here is the long version of the link:!/petition/shut-down-all-nuclear-reacto...
text of the petition:
we petition the obama administration to:
shut down ALL nuclear reactors 1 at a time, safety as the reason. Must be made to withstand Earthquakes / Tsunamis.
Recently, (May 5 2012) Japan has announced the SHUT DOWN of its final nuclear power plant.
The entire country is now operating free from nuclear power.
Here is the MSM news story confirmation released May 5, 2012:
This petition of redress to the Whitehouse, specifically to President Obama, is aimed to mimic the reduction, and eventual ELIMINATION of all nuclear power plants within the Continental United States of America.
The shutdown process: Close each nuclear plant when it comes up for safety review. The reason for shutdown will be for the plant to assure it is 100% earthquake / tsunami proof.
If the plant is not deemed 100% Earthquake / Tsunami proof, then it will be permanently closed.