Thursday, June 7, 2012

6/7/2012 -- RADIATION ALERT on multiple systems -- North Indiana - South Michigan

Radiation monitoring links here:
website post with screenshots here:
Blackcatsystems and Radiation Network shown in the video... location in question is north Indiana at the Michigan Border..
TWO different systems.. both showing HUGE spikes in radiation detection..
here is the actual chart from the blackcatsystems location
.. it is similar to the readings also obtained on Radiation Network --- Alert Level on Radiation Network is 100CPM..... level I personally saw peak was in the 1500CPM range ... others reported as high as 7000CPM...
On Blackcatsystems.. the highest levels I personally have seen so far is the 4500uR/hr range.
Both levels are EXTREMELY (lethally) high if under prolonged exposure.