Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dutchsinse | 10/24/2012 -- Severe Weather Oubreak - Midwest - Tornadoes, Damaging winds, Hail

use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally, and internationally:
A large outbreak of severe weather is occurring ahead of the snow storm currently in Colorado/Wyoming.
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota --- currently under strong cell thunderstorms, damaging winds, hail, and MULTIPLE detections of possible tornadoes.
Storm moving East Northeast --- will pass across the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan... moving eastward... the storm may even draw up from the southern states... 
Possibly, if the storm pulls further east before going north.. it will effect Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio.
Be prepared in all the aforementioned states.. hope the storm dies out as it cools out to the north... right now.. Mid 70 degree temps in Missouri.. and 25 behind the storm in Colorado.
The inbetween.. we're seeing a large outbreak occur.