Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dutchsinse | 12/11/2012 -- Fracking Locations / OWNERS NAMES / Substances pumped -- now on Climateviewer

The days of "getting away" with causing earthquakes -- without catching any heat as the "owner" of the well....
those days are OVER !
now we have a growing list of owner names, and substances being pumped / injected.
Next fracking earthquake... will see if we can find the OWNER of the well that caused it .
Word to the owners,if you want to "own" something, and make money from it, while trashing the earths crust (and other peoples property in the process).... you can OWN the heat that you're going to get from doing it
here is the most recent link to my website covering fracking:
here are my youtube videos on the subject: