Saturday, September 19, 2009 | Today's Featured Stories - September 19, 2009
Why Ecuador and South America despise the USA's "War on Drugs" (NaturalNews) The U.S. "War on Drugs" is despised by almost everyone except for those who benefit from it (the DEA, prison corporations, paramilitary contractors, etc.). In South America, the War on Drugs is especially disliked for many good reasons,... |
Home Pesticides Linked to Childhood Cancers (NaturalNews) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a malignant disease of the bone marrow, is the most common cancer diagnosed in children. In fact, nearly one third of all pediatric cancers are cases of ALL. Although this form of cancer can be cured in... |
Sodas, Obesity and Sickness: Become Part of a Whole New Solution Sodas and obesity have become a hot topic, but the topic is focused on raising taxes on sodas by about 12 cents in effort to reduce consumption and therefore reduce obesity rates. If we're going to get serious about obesity, why not get rid... |
Pharma Pushing Virus Theory for Blood Pressure: Thinly-Veiled Attempt to Push "Blood Pressure Vaccine" (NaturalNews) A new study suggesting that a common virus might play a role in hypertension has some suggesting that a vaccine might be developed against high blood pressure. Researchers from Harvard Medical School found in laboratory studies that the... |
UCS Study Says Genetically Modified Crops Have Failure to Yield A 43-page study released by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) reveals that since the inception of genetically modified (GM or GMO) crops, no significant increases in crop yields can be attributed to them. This is directly contrary to... |
Pasteurized Mandate Hurts Domestic Almond Growing Business On September 1, 2007, the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) in conjunction with the Almond Board of California (ABC) mandated that all California almonds, even those labeled and sold as raw on store shelves, must be pasteurized... |
Hypnosis Shown to Reduce Medical Cost of Sedation Hypnosis research covers a vast number of topics from treating medical conditions such as asthma and irritable bowel syndrome to researching pain control from headaches and surgery. Research on hypnotherapy has also included brain images... |
Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media (NaturalNews) The mainstream media is engaged in what we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu. It seems to be true with this issue more than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a colleague of mine -- a nationally-syndicated... | |Surrender the sand? Not all of our beaches can be saved by fighting nature.
READ MORE>>>> | Outrageous Artificial Deflation and the FDIC Black Hole
By: John_Mauldin
Elements of Deflation, Part 3
Outrageous! - Artificial Deflation!
If You Are in a Hole, Stop Digging!
The Hole in the FDIC
How Can Just Four Stocks Be 40% of the NYSE Volume?
This week we continue to look at what powers the forces of deflation. As I continue to stress, getting the fundamental question answered correctly is the most important issue we face going forward. And the problem is that we cannot use the usual historical comparisons. This week we look at one more factor: bank lending. I give you a sneak preview of what will be an explosive report from Institutional Risk Analytics about the problems in the banking sector. Are you ready for the FDIC to be down as much as $400 billion? This should be an interesting, if sobering, letter.
Atlantic Council | Zbigniew Brzezinski Endorses Obama Missile Decision, Slams Rollout

September 19, 2009
National Taxpayers Union | Watchdog Group: GM Money-Back Guarantee Paid for With Tax Dollars
(Alexandria, Va.) – General Motors’ new 60-day money back guarantee campaign seems to offer something for everyone – except taxpayers, the 362,000-member National Taxpayers Union (NTU) pointed out today. NTU Vice President for Policy and Communications Pete Sepp offered the following statement about the program:
This Sunday, General Motors launched a new marketing campaign, ‘May the Best Car Win,’ and will offer car buyers a 60-day money-back guarantee. Perhaps a more fitting slogan is ‘Taxpayers, You Lose.’
Normally a strategy like this would be a bold move to compete in the marketplace – one that consumers and shareholders would ultimately decide to reward or punish. Unfortunately, with this 60 percent government-owned company, taxpayers don’t have the option of ‘pulling out’ of GM and putting their investments elsewhere; unless, of course, they’d like to be prosecuted by the IRS and spend a few years in jail. As a pro-market organization, we would applaud GM’s gutsy approach – if only GM hadn’t rigged the market in the first place.
Given that rigged market, it’s no wonder GM can afford to offer money-back guarantees. After all, it’s got $50 billion in bailout money. And GM’s probably not going to pay it back, according to a report last week from a Congressional Oversight Panel.
Since the federal government owns 60 percent of GM, maybe it ought to consider offering a money-back guarantee to the taxpayers as well. Instead, with this money-back guarantee GM continues to flaunt the enormous taxpayer investment in it.
According to the State of New York Banking Department, a new car loses up to 20 percent of its value the second it drives off a dealer’s lot. Should taxpayers be footing this bill for GM’s Zipcar-like incentive program?
If GM has money to burn on this type of program, perhaps it doesn’t really need the $50 billion it received from the Treasury.
NTU is a nonpartisan, nonprofit citizen organization founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, smaller government, accountability from public officials, and economic freedom at all levels. In 2008 and 2009, the group actively opposed both the automaker bailout by mobilizing its members in email alerts, conducting talk radio interviews, issuing vote alerts to lawmakers, and lobbying Congressional staff face-to-face. Note: For further information, visit |CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT DECLINES IN 48 STATES IN AUGUST COMPARED TO LAST YEAR AS INDUSTRY CONTINUES TO SUFFER
State Construction Employment - August
September 18, 2009
Nevada and Connecticut Experience Largest Declines and 41 States Experience Double-Digit Job Losses; Only North Dakota & Louisiana Add Construction Jobs During the Past Year
Construction employment saw significant declines in all but two states this August compared to last year according to an analysis of new state-by-state employment figures released today by the federal government. The analysis, conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America, however did show that the number of states gaining construction jobs increased slightly in August compared to July 2009.
"Construction employment continues to shrink at an alarming rate," said Ken Simonson, chief economist for the association. "I don't expect much improvement in construction employment until stimulus money flows more broadly, the federal-aid highway program is renewed, and home building gains momentum."
The five biggest percentage losses in construction employment over the year occurred in Arizona (27 percent, or 50,000 jobs), Nevada (25 percent, or 29,500 jobs), and three states with 22 percent losses: Connecticut (14,300 jobs), Kentucky (18,300 jobs) and Tennessee (28,300 jobs). He noted that 41 states saw double-digit percentage decreases in construction employment for the year. Meanwhile, construction employment expanded in just two states compared to August 2008. North Dakota added 800 construction jobs for a 4 percent increase while Louisiana added 4,400 jobs for a 3 percent increase in construction employment.
Simonson noted, however, that when compared to the previous month, the construction employment picture was slightly less bleak this August with 30 states shedding construction jobs, 16 adding construction jobs, and four states and Washington, DC remaining stable, compared to 34 states losing and only 14 states adding construction jobs in July.
The largest percentage gains were a 3 percent rise in Idaho (1,000 jobs); 2 percent each in Delaware (500) and Nebraska (800), and slightly more than 1 percent each in Florida (5,500) and Alaska (200). The largest percentage losses for the month were an 8 percent decline in Mississippi (4,800 jobs), a 5 percent decline in Rhode Island (900), and 3 percent declines each in Ohio (5,700), Tennessee (2,800), and South Carolina (2,600). (The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics combines construction with mining and logging in Delaware, Nebraska, Tennessee and four other locations to prevent disclosing information about industries with few employees.)
"Many more federal, state and local agencies need to convert stimulus funds into construction contracts to stem the tide of construction job losses," said Stephen E. Sandherr, the association's chief executive officer. "More important, Congress and the administration need to focus on pro-growth policies that will reawaken declining private-sector construction activity."
Attached Files:
Associated Press | Today's MILWAUKEE Tea Party Protest Draws Thousands - County Executive, Sheriff Speak At Event
6:44 p.m. CDT, September 19, 2009
The rally is the latest of the so-called "tea party" demonstrations held nationwide to protest tax policies, growing government spending and bank bailouts.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department estimated the crowd at Veteran's Park at 8,000 to 10,000.
Don Kraus of Jefferson says government is "spending money like crazy," and taking away taxpayer rights.
Meanwhile, House Republican leader John Boehner said in Washington Saturday the "tea parties" are the result of pushback against Democrats' spending. Boehner said people are demonstrating and attending town hall meetings because "we're in the midst of a political rebellion in America."
Last weekend, tens of thousands of protesters fed up with government spending marched to the U.S. Capitol.
Information from: WISN-TV, | Ex-Chinese Official Details Plan for World Domination
How to deal with America?
”America was first discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the white race. We the descendants of the Chinese nation are ENTITLED to the possession of that land!”
However: “Only by using special means to ‘clean up’ America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there.” | Reader Mike: "WHAT MANDATE HAS AMERIKAN TROOPS INVADING SOMALIA TOWNS?"
Somalia Shell Attack Kills 15, Including Disabled Veterans | Canada hasn't joined U.S., others in donating H1N1 vaccine
Canadian officials are being vague about why this country is conspicuously absent from a list of developed nations donating one-tenth of their pandemic vaccine to countries that don't have access to the shots.
The nine-country initiative, announced Thursday by U.S. President Barack Obama, involves the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil and Norway.
“At this time, Canada is doing an analysis of various options to support the provision of H1N1 vaccine to developing countries,” the Public Health Agency of Canada said Friday in an e-mailed response to questions about why it hasn't joined the initiative.
2.2 Magnitude earthquake hit 13 mi E of Manchester, Kentucky today - September 19, 2009

y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
map 2.2 2009/09/19 07:10:56 37.172N 83.525W 0.1 21 km (13 mi) E of Manchester, KY
map 1.3 2009/09/17 06:31:47 36.419N 89.481W 3.1 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Tiptonville, TN
map 1.4 2009/09/16 02:40:22 36.483N 89.547W 8.7 12 km ( 7 mi) S of New Madrid, MO
09/18/09 Webbot Cliff High with Veritas Show - YouTube 18 videos
Try this link for Clif's Veritas interview:
In this interview Cliff and Mel discuss the swine flu hoax as well as the threat of forced vaccinations. They go on to discuss the imminent collapse of the dollar and social unrest on a global scale.
It's like changes in language precede large emotional events. The larger the emotional impact of an event, the more advance notice the bots seem to give.
If you picture some pin holes in a piece of paper - and you imagine being able to look through each pinhole for a fraction of a second - with the objective of seeing the future on the other side of the paper - that's where the web bots are today.
Ever since Plato's Allegory of the Cave, people have sensed that odd things go on at the archetype level of consciousness. The web bots are an attempt to use the high data density of the internet to sample language and seek linguistic shifts that we believe may precede events. The initial results suggest that language shifts on a macro level begin to occur 45 to 90 days before society-changing events.
NY Times | The Financial Crisis and America’s Casino Culture
Cave Headlines | Morning September 19, 2009

More Abortions Likely Under Obama Health Plan -President Obama's health plan will lead to more abortions unless those who oppose federal funding make themselves heard, ... |Nurse practitioners to perform abortions?
Fox | Dominican Republic Reaffirms Commitment Against Legalizing Abortion
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 19 Sep 2009
Germany boosts terrorism alert level 19 Sep 2009 The German government raised its terrorism alert level after 'al Qaeda' posted a video on the Internet threatening attacks in Germany if this month's elections do not come out the way the terrorist organization wants. The ministry added that it has noted an uptick in threats against Germany by al Qaeda and 'other Islamist' groups since the beginning of the year.
Suspect's Computer Said to Show Sports Stadiums, Fashion Sites --Officials Report Denver Man Sent Texts Suggesting Attack Coming; 'Wedding Cake' Is Ready 19 Sep 2009 As 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi was set to be questioned for a fourth straight day by FBI agents about his alleged ties to al Qaeda, law enforcement officials said the Denver man's computer showed he had researched baseball and football stadiums and sites used in the recent Fashion Week event in New York City. While officials say they do not know the targets of the alleged plot, the contents of Zazi's computer are considered a valuable insight into what he might have been planning.
Feds probe alleged terrorists who tried to rent giant truck in suspected Al Qaeda bomb plot 19 Sep 2009 Investigators probed a failed Queens truck rental for ties to a possible 'Al Qaeda' bomb plot yesterday as a chief terror suspect tried making a deal to save his skin. The New York end of the expanding federal probe centered on seven Afghan men who tried to rent the biggest truck at a Queens U-Haul on Sept. 9, sources told the Daily News. The size of the vehicle involved - a 26-foot-long truck - suggested the conspirators wanted to pack it with explosives, sources said. A police source acknowledged there was "quite a bit that we weren't completely sure of" about the plot or the role of Najibullah Zazi, the bearded public face [!?!] of the terrorism investigation.
4th day of questioning in terrorism probe 19 Sep 2009 A man under investigation in a terrorism probe in New York and Denver is expected to voluntarily answer questions for a fourth day even as a senior U.S. intelligence official says the man played a crucial role in an intended terrorist attack. Najibullah Zazi's attorney says the 24-year-old airport shuttle driver has never met with al-Qaida operatives and isn't involved in terrorism. Zazi completed a third day of questioning by FBI agents in Denver Friday but was not under arrest and was allowed to return to his apartment.
Defense: 2nd man questioned in terror probe 18 Sep 2009 FBI agents were questioning the father of a man under investigation in a terrorism probe in New York and Denver, a spokeswoman for the defense team said Friday. The FBI didn't say why it wanted to talk to Mohammed Zazi, but he is cooperating, said the spokeswoman, Wendy Aiello.
New York terror suspect Najibullah Zazi 'admits terror ties' 19 Sep 2009 Afghan-born American resident Najibullah Zazi, 24, has admitted ties to al Qaeda, according to officials investigating a home-grown terror plot against the New York subway system. The suspect has admitted contacts with extremists in Pakistan and may strike a plea deal over allegations that he attended a military training camp, according to US media reports of law enforcement officials. He denies involvement in any terrorist acts or plots.
Official: Terror Plot Suspect Admits al Qaeda Ties, May Plead Guilty --Three-Day FBI Interrogation Reveals Denver Man Had Received Explosives Training 18 Sep 2009 The Denver man at the center of an alleged New York bomb plot, Najibullah Zazi, has admitted he has ties to al Qaeda and is in negotiations to plead guilty to a terror charge, a senior law enforcement official told ABC News.
Court affirms use of chemical terrorism law against Penn. woman 18 Sep 2009 Carol-Anne Bond, of Lansdale, was arrested by federal authorities in June 2007 and charged under a 1998 chemical-weapons law for applying highly toxic chemicals on the mailbox, car door, and front house door of a close friend and romantic rival, Myrlinda Haynes. Bond's attorney, Robert E. Goldman, had argued that Bond's messy personal situation did not justify federal charges under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998. The law, he said, was meant to prosecute terrorists - not scorned spouses.
Obama Warned By Ex-CIA Directors On Justice Probe of Detainee Interrogators 18 Sep 2009 Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to order a review of the controversial interrogation techniques used by Central Intelligence Agency employees on high-value terrorist detainees during the prior administration has drawn a cautionary letter to President Barack Obama from seven former CIA directors. [Ten buck says Obama caves in to their request in eight pico-seconds, under cover of some grandiose speech as to how our troops might be harmed by 'finding out' that the CIA (and US mercenaries) tortured people and blah blah blah. --LRP ]
Looks like I get my ten bucks --see item above: Inquiry Into CIA Practices Narrows --Ex-Agency Directors Urge Administration to Drop Investigation 19 Sep 2009 The Justice Department's review of detainee abuse torture by the CIA will focus on a very small number of cases, including at least one in which an Afghan prisoner died at a secret facility, according to two sources briefed on the matter. On Friday, seven former CIA directors urged President Obama to end the inquiry, arguing that it would inhibit intelligence operations in the future and demoralize agency employees who believed they had been cleared by previous 'investigators.'
Former CIA Directors Urge Obama to End CIA Interrogation Probe 18 Sep 2009 Seven former directors of the Central Intelligence Agency urged President Barack Obama in a letter to end an investigation into CIA interrogations of terror suspects conducted during the Bush regime.
CIA probe must go to highest level: UN rights head 27 Aug 2009 The U.S. prosecutor's investigation into alleged criminal CIA interrogation techniques must go right to the top political level, the chief UN rights official said on Thursday. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, in a wide-ranging interview with Reuters, urged European and other countries to resettle Guantanamo detainees prisoners so that President Barack Obama can close the U.S.-run prison in Cuba by year-end.
Pakistan Police Raid US-Contracted Security Firm --Pakistan police say they raided US-contracted security firm for illegal weapons possession 19 Sep 2009 Pakistani police raided a local security firm that helps protect the U.S. Embassy on Saturday, seizing dozens of allegedly unlicensed weapons at a time when unusually intense media scrutiny of America's use of private contractors mercenaries has deepened anti-U.S. sentiment. Two employees of the Inter-Risk company were arrested during the raids in Islamabad, police official Rana Akram said. Reporters were shown the seized weapons -- 61 assault rifles and nine pistols. Akram said police were seeking the firm's owner.
Troops in Afghanistan said to use private armies for detention and interrogation --Nato forces rely on illegal Afghan militias, report says 16 Sep 2009 Nato forces in Afghanistan are increasingly reliant on illegal militias, often run by warlords responsible for human rights abuses and drug trafficking, according to an independent report published tomorrow. New York University's Centre on International Co-operation (CIC) reports that the use of private security companies and militias is growing exponentially and accounts for up to a fifth of the funds spent on Afghan reconstruction. The CIC report, called The Public Cost of Private Security in Afghanistan, says many of the troop contingents in Nato's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) use private militias not only to guard their camps and secure convoys, but also for "black ops", including detention and interrogation... Jake Sherman, one of the report's authors, said today: "The Kandahar incident shows these groups are being employed by US special forces, and we know they are engaged in black ops."
LOL: CIA director: Karzai appears to have won 18 Sep 2009 CIA Director Leon Panetta says Afghan President Hamid Karzai appears to have won re-election despite charges of fraud and corruption in the vote. Panetta said in an interview with Voice of America radio taped Wednesday that Karzai appears to have enough votes to carry the election even after fraudulent votes are eliminated. [I love it. We're over there to protect A) opium routes B) gas pipelines C) mercenary contracts and D) pick their president.]
Roadside bomb kills 11-year-old in north Iraq 19 Sep 2009 Authorities say a roadside bomb has killed an 11-year-old boy and wounded his two friends in the city of Mosul in northern Iraq. A Mosul police officer says the bomb exploded around 4 p.m. after a police patrol that was the apparent targeted had already passed by. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
Iraq shoe-thrower in Greece for medical treatment 17 Sep 2009 The Iraqi journalist jailed for throwing his shoes at former US president [sic] George W. Bush has arrived in Greece following his release, Iraqi diplomats said Thursday. TV reporter Muntazer al-Zaidi went to Greece for medical treatment after suffering torture while in prison, his family said. He was released on Tuesday after being jailed for one year for launching shoes at Bush on December 14 during a Baghdad press conference.
Iraq shoe thrower 'was tortured' --Zaidi said he had suffered beatings, whippings, electric shocks and simulated drowning [waterboarding] at the hands of officials and guards. 15 Sep 2009 The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former US President [sic] George W Bush says he was tortured by senior government officials while in jail. Shortly after his release from nine months in a Baghdad prison, Muntadar al-Zaidi demanded an apology - and said he would name the officials later. Iraqi officials told the BBC his claims should be investigated... He also said he feared US intelligence services regarded him as an "insurgent revolutionary" and would "spare no effort" in a bid to kill him.
'No change from Bush to Obama', say Neocons and Liberals 16 Sep 2009 American foreign policy under Barack Obama has not changed course after the Bush years, according to a group of prominent commentators from both sides of the political divide. The academics from The University of Manchester, Birkbeck College and the Institute for the Study of the Americas, say the public should be properly informed that the US aims to pursue its interests, regardless of which party holds power.
CLG: Are You One of Obama's 'Lone Wolf' Suspects? By Lori Price, Citizens For Legitimate Government 18 Sep 2009 Yesterday, we read: White House Backs Controversial Domestic Surveillance Provisions. The Obama administration is urging lawmakers to extend three provisions of the controversial domestic surveillance law known as the USA Patriot Act. The U.S. Justice Department issued a letter Tuesday asking Congress to renew provisions of the law that allow authorities to conduct roving electronic eavesdropping, or wiretaps, access business records and track so-called "lone wolf" suspects with no known links to foreign powers or terrorist groups... I say, we are all 'lone wolf' suspects, ready to howl and bray at the injustices that were not eradicated after Barack Obama took office. Indeed, the injustice and malfeasance is growing under President Obama. Despite the premise and unending promises of 'change,' the only 'change' that we see is a deepening of the entrenchment of policies and ideologies of the Bush regime, and a lack of willingness of the political Left to question and/or attack the sad and sorry trail of Obama's broken promises. Sign up to be one of Obama's 'lone wolf' suspects (activists) on Facebook and (other sites forthcoming), so that we form a pack, er pac!
Obama administration to seek extension of Patriot Act spy powers By Patrick Martin 17 Sep 2009 In a letter from the Justice Department to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Obama administration has gone on record for the first time supporting the extension of key provisions the USA Patriot Act, including the notorious provision that gives the federal government the power to subpoena library records of any individual. Several provisions of the Patriot Act, legislation adopted in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that grants sweeping surveillance powers to US intelligence agencies, are scheduled to expire December 31, unless renewed by Congress.
Coughing Swine in Northern Ireland Prompt Search for Flu Source 19 Sep 2009 Coughing hogs [!] at a 5,000-head piggery in Northern Island are being investigated to determine how they became the latest animal victims of swine flu. The pandemic H1N1 influenza strain infected about 4,500 hogs at the piggery in Greenhill, U.K. veterinary officials said in a report to the World Organization for Animal Health yesterday.
Canada anger at 'flu body bags' 18 Sep 2009 Canada's health minister has ordered an investigation after body bags were sent to aboriginal reserves as part of supplies to deal with swine flu. The body bags were delivered this week to First Nation communities in Manitoba province which were hard hit by a swine flu outbreak a few months ago. Community leaders said they were "horrified" when they saw the bags. Ordering an inquiry, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said the actions of the Health Canada department were unacceptable, insensitive and offensive.
'We'll be going to every (school) district, and we're talking with private schools as well.' Flu shot clinics planned at schools 19 Sep 2009 (WI) Wood County Health Department officials will host H1N1 flu shot clinics at local schools this fall. The Food and Drug Administration approved the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine this week, and there are plans to roll out the first supplies by early October.
First U.S. H1N1 vaccines will be nasal spray - CDC 18 Sep 2009 The first U.S. roll-out of vaccines against the new swine flu virus will be 3.4 million doses of MedImmune's nose spray [containing live viruses], the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday. The CDC's Dr Jay Butler said the vaccines would be distributed the first week of October.
Justice targets Bush Cabinet official in probe 18 Sep 2009 The Justice Department has launched an investigation into whether former Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton illegally used her position to steer lucrative oil leases to Royal Dutch Shell PLC, the company she works for now, officials with both departments confirmed to The Associated Press. The criminal investigation is focused on a 2006 decision by the Interior Department to award three oil shale leases on federal land in Colorado to a Shell subsidiary. Oil from the leases could eventually earn the company hundreds of billions dollars.
Federal Appeals Court Voids Campaign Finance Reform Rules 19 Sep 2009 A federal appeals court overturned hard-fought campaign finance reform regulations in a ruling on Friday that will make it easier for independent political groups to raise and spend money to influence elections. The three-judge panel struck down regulations intended to blunt the power of such organizations. The ruling, if it stands, could provide a boost to Republicans and their allies as they try to win back Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012.
Fed Considers Sweeping Rules on Bank Pay [Yeah, right!] 19 Sep 2009 The Federal Reserve and the Treasury are preparing broad new rules that would force banks to rein in practices that made multimillionaires out of many financial executives during the housing bubble, officials said. The rules depart from the hands-off approach that dominated bank regulation for the last three decades, but are not as strict as proposals from some European leaders and suggestions from some members of Congress angered by the financial troubles of the last year... And because the rules would be applied through the confidential bank examination process, it would be hard for consumers and investors to judge how strictly the 'rules' were being applied.
Power firms to grab £3.4bn extra profit 19 Sep 2009 Britain's big six energy companies have rejected calls to cut prices, despite a halving in the wholesale cost of gas and electricity over the past year. The big six companies will earn an estimated extra £3.4 billion in profit over the next 12 months if they fail to pass on price falls to consumers, according to energy consultants Ineco.
Previous lead stories: A dozen on constant watch including Najibullah Zazi in FBI's terror probe 18 Sep 2009 Najibullah Zazi, the once-chatty suspect at the center of the probe, was silent and downcast as he arrived at FBI headquarters in Denver for a second round of questioning. "We are here to continue our cooperation," said Zazi's lawyer, Arthur Folsom. When the probe began this week, five Colorado men cited as members of the cell were under a round-the-clock watch. By yesterday, police sources said, that number had risen to as many as 12. A half-dozen were reportedly in New York, where Zazi arrived for a visit last week. Sources said he returned to Colorado after slipping an FBI tail. The Homeland Security Department beefed up security in the nation's airports as a result of the Colorado-based probe, a senior official disclosed yesterday.
Obama administration to seek extension of Patriot Act spy powers By Patrick Martin 17 Sep 2009 In a letter from the Justice Department to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Obama administration has gone on record for the first time supporting the extension of key provisions the USA Patriot Act, including the notorious provision that gives the federal government the power to subpoena library records of any individual. Several provisions of the Patriot Act, legislation adopted in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that grants sweeping surveillance powers to US intelligence agencies, are scheduled to expire December 31, unless renewed by Congress.
Chicago Sun Times | Michelle Obama, Obama lobbying for Chicago Olympics at UN, G20. Michelle's story to figure in Copenhagen pitch
President, First lady to pitch Chicago 2016 at upcoming UN, G20 meetings
WASHINGTON -- Friday afternoon, first lady Michelle Obama huddled for 90 minutes with a close circle of senior advisers in her East Wing office to map strategy for her biggest solo assignment to date: traveling to Copenhagen to lead Chicago's drive to land the 2016 Olympics.
The coming days will put Mrs. Obama on the international stage at a level she -- and the world -- has not seen before as she lobbies in Copenhagen, New York and Pittsburgh for Chicago's bid.
Wednesday evening, the Obamas headline a reception in New York for about 190 world leaders gathered for the opening of the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly. From there, the first couple jump to Pittsburgh to host the G20 global leaders' summit on Sept. 24 and Sept. 25, where Mrs. Obama will have her own separate schedule of events. She lands in Copenhagen on Sept. 30 in advance of the International Olympic Committee's Oct. 2 vote to name a host city for the 2016 Summer Games.
Pinch-hitting for the president -- who is staying home to battle for health-care reform legislation -- Mrs. Obama will be in the spotlight as one of the key figures in Chicago's final presentation to the 106 IOC members. Mrs. Obama's biography -- a daughter of Chicago's South Side who grew up near where many of the proposed Olympic venues will be located -- will figure heavily in her pitch.
The first lady will be competing with presidents and prime ministers, the leaders of rival nations Spain, Japan and Brazil who will be promoting Madrid, Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro.
Until now, Mrs. Obama has taken on a supporting role with a small portfolio of noncontroversial issues, generating gobs of positive publicity when she has traveled overseas. Leading the homestretch of Chicago's Olympic charge, however, puts pressure on her to deliver the votes.

Form of ... the Olympic torch! Tons of Oprah news this week, even after her big Michigan Avenue throwdown the week before. First, she conceded that she'd be more than happy to join first lady Michelle Obama in Copenhagen next month to make Chicago's final case for the 2016 Olympics. Go, girls! Then Oprah and Tyler Perry were in Toronto, hawking the new film "Precious, Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire" (worst contractually obligated title ever!). By Friday, Oprah was in New York City's Central Park for a live taping of her daytime talk show (despite its slipping ratings). It's a new game: Where In the World is Oprah Winfrey? (And With Whom?!) | Activists gather in Pittsburgh before G-20 summit
PITTSBURGH - About 100 activists and community leaders of various stripes have gathered in Pittsburgh as part of a People's Summit being held in response to next week's Group of 20 meeting.
The gathering Saturday kicks off three days of speeches and workshops on topics including universal health care and an end to war.
Democratic state Sen. Jim Ferlo of Pittsburgh railed against globalization, what activists are calling the myth of free market economics and health care as a "basic human civil right."
Ferlo urged those planning to take part in the city's mass protests to be peaceful. He also urged those in attendance Saturday to "take to the streets" later in the week.
The gathering in Pittsburgh's Oakland section will run throughout the day and resume Monday and Tuesday. | Let's Make a Deal: Beltway Edition
George Ure's | 3,711. That's the number of bank branches that have failed since IndyMac in May 2008 - September 19, 2009
Where Are The Comedy Writers?
3,711. That's the number of bank branches that have failed since IndyMac in May 2008. This week, while the failure of two banks may not seem like much, it's still 27 branches of additional capacity that have been turned over as the weeding out/concentration of power continues in the banking revolution that's underway in America..... | Today's Headlines - September 19, 2009
09/18/09 Webbot Cliff High with Veritas Show - YouTube 18 videos
Try this link for Clif's Veritas interview: | Debate over Afghan war moves to Congress
Strong earthquake shook Bali today, injuring at least seven people and sending panicked tourists and residents fleeing out of homes and hotels.
Indonesia's Meteorological and Geophysics Agency put the quake at a more powerful 6.4 magnitude.
The magnitude 5.8 quake hit just after 6am local time (0900 AEST), 75 kilometres south of Denpasar, the island's capital, the US Geological Survey said.
Seven people were treated for head injuries and broken bones at Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar, said Dr Ken Wirasandi, adding that women and children had run from their homes screaming when the ground began to rattle.
"I was frightened because it was strong," said Ernst Raynaldo, a tourist from the Netherlands who was staying at the Kuta beach strip.
"I ran out immediately as I saw many others rushing into the swimming pool," which was the closest open space.
The Bali quake comes just two weeks after a larger tremor on the main Indonesian island of Java killed nearly 100 people and ruined thousands of homes.
Friday, September 18, 2009 | U.S. Authorities Probing $100 Billion of Bonds Seized in Italy
Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Secret Service is examining more than $100 billion of U.S. government bonds confiscated in northern Italy in August, just two months after $134 billion of allegedly fake securities were seized in a nearby town.
The Secret Service is analyzing whether the bonds taken in August may be counterfeit, said a spokeswoman for the U.S. embassy in Rome. Italy’s financial police in Varese, north of Milan, arrested two individuals carrying the securities in a briefcase, according to a person involved in the case.
The two men currently are in custody as prosecutors in the town of Busto Arsizio carry out their investigation, the person said. The seized notes include securities with face values of $500 million and $1 billion, Italian daily MF reported today, without saying where it got the information.
“There must be a well-organized group behind these alleged crimes,” Fabio Polimeni, a Milan lawyer specializing in counterfeiting cases, said.
Italian authorities seized U.S. treasuries on June 4 with a face value of more than $134 billion from two Japanese travelers attempting to cross into Switzerland. The two men later disappeared and the case is still under investigation. The U.S. government bonds found in the false bottom of a suitcase carried by the men were fake, a U.S. Treasury spokesman said June 18.
“As financial markets become more sophisticated, creative and bigger, we can expect criminal activity to go with it and it’s happening everywhere,” Livia Oglio, a Milan lawyer, said. “The amount seized is phenomenal.”
Since the beginning of the year the police at border stations in Italy have seized 1.7 million euros of genuine money and bonds, and have confiscated more than 100 million euros of bonds that have been determined to be false, according to an Italian finance police statement in July.
Smuggled: $134 billion in US bondsItaly's financial police, Guardia Italiana di Finanza, have arrested two Japanese citizens as they attempted to smuggle $134 billion worth of US bonds in ...