UK issues findings of Iraqi abuse inquiry
LONDON (AP) -- An Iraqi man beaten and killed while in the custody of U.K. troops was the victim of "an appalling episode of serious gratuitous violence" and a serious breach of discipline, an investigation found Thursday....
Syrian ally Iran urges dialogue, end to violence
BEIRUT (AP) -- Syrian security forces kept up a deadly crackdown on dissent Thursday as the embattled regime faced surprising calls to end the violence from its closest ally, Iran, in a sign of growing alarm over the 6-month-old uprising....
Libyan estimate: At least 30,000 died in the war
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) -- At least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Libya's six-month civil war, the interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gadhafi....
Gadhafi loyalists fire rockets from desert bastion
WADI DINAR, Libya (AP) -- Moammar Gadhafi's loyalists fired at least 10 rockets from inside one of his last strongholds Thursday, hours after a TV station aired an audio message believed to be from the ousted Libyan leader urging his fighters on...
Gaddafi regime sold 29 tons of gold
London Independent | The new governor of Libya’s central bank says Gaddafi sold about 20% of the country’s gold.
Palestinians officially launch statehood campaign
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -- The Palestinians on Thursday officially launched their campaign to join the United Nations as a full member state, saying they would stage a series of peaceful events in the run-up to the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly later this month....
U.S. News, Politics & Government |
U.S. Citizen Linked To Al Qaeda Terror Plot on 9/11 Anniversary
Federal officials say they have a specific, credible -- although still unconfirmed -- threat involving a possible al Qaeda plot aimed for the anniversary of September llth. Related articles here and here.
Top Clinton Official: Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama
Flashback: July 14, 2010 - A former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton says that the only thing which can rescue Barack Obama’s increasingly tenuous grip on power as his approval figures continue to plunge is a terror attack on the scale of Oklahoma City or 9/11...
Homeland Security Companies Made A Fortune After 9/11
While there's certainly an argument to be made over whether government spending on homeland security since 9/11 has made the nation safer, companies like Rapiscan Systems, makers of security screeners for passengers and cargo...
After 9/11, Perry’s Texas Wasted Homeland Security Money On Sports Cars, Neckties, And A Hog Catcher
Texas officials used DHS money to buy two 2011 Camarros. In the years since the Sept. 11 attacks, Texas has received at least $1.7 billion from the Department of Homeland Security, with little accountability over how lawmakers spent the money.
U.S. Army orders its first batch of suicide drones
Soldiers who fly hand-launched drone scouts to spot enemies on the battlefield may soon get a deadly robotic device capable of also delivering a knockout blow. The U.S. Army has ordered its first batch of small suicide drones that are capable of launching from a small tube, loitering in the sky and then diving at a target upon command.
Ron Paul Missing From Fox News GOP Poll (only 3 candidates listed)
There's a new poll up at Fox News asking, "Who is the strongest GOP presidential candidate at the moment?" The only choices listed are Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney or Rick Perry. The funny part is that it's titled "No Spin Poll." hahaha. Related poll here.
AND the Award for Most Deceptive Graph Goes to: NBC!
...What? How? Why? Who? How do these people keep getting work? Twice in a day I find myself in a bewilderment.
NEW VIDEO - Jerry Doyle Slams Perry and Defends Ron Paul - Amazing Radio Segment
Jerry Doyle hit a home run again for Ron Paul and for what we are fighting for. He destroyed Rick Perry, destroyed Rick Santorum and then said things about Ron Paul that we have been wanting ANYONE in the media to say. This was sensational.
Greenwald: "Creepy and disgusting" cheering for death penalties/ Perry
Wildly cheering the execution of human beings as though one's favorite football team just scored a touchdown is primitive, twisted and base. All of that would be true even if the death penalty were perfectly applied and only clearly guilty people were killed. But in the U.S., the exact opposite is true...
VIDEO: The 9/11 Toronto Hearings Now Live
Streaming live video by Ustream: This is the official broadcast site of the International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, at Ryerson University from Sept. 8 to 11, 2011. The official website of the Hearings is: http://torontohearings.org
The 9-11 Ten Years After (20 pics)
Exclusive: National Archives sits on 9/11 Commission records
(Reuters) - Ten years after al Qaeda's attack on the United States, the vast majority of the 9/11 Commission's investigative records remain sealed at the National Archives in Washington, even though the commission had directed the archives to make most of the material public in 2009, Reuters has learned.
Gates: More defense cuts would be security threat
DENTON, Texas (AP) -- Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates believes the $400 billion in cuts that the Pentagon will face over the next 10 years should be manageable but anything beyond that would pose a threat to national security....
Big Sis Set To Zap Travelers With MRI-Style Scans
Janet Napolitano’s promise that travelers will soon not be required to take their shoes off at airport security checkpoints comes at a cost – new MRI-style scanners that will zap Americans with a powerful magnetic field that has been linked with numerous health risks.
Obama Preparing for Martial Law During Hyperinflation
September 7, 2011 - In August of 2009, the city of Paterson, New Jersey, proposed the implementation of martial law by imposing an adult curfew at night in an attempt to curb violence. This unprecedented proposed ordinance...
Ron Paul: Border Fence Could Be Used To “Keep Us In”
Paul Joseph Watson - Having made similar comments to the Alex Jones Show last week, Presidential candidate Ron Paul warned last night during the Republican debate in California that constructing a border fence could...
Pictures Suggest Perry Attempted To Physically Intimidate Ron Paul
Pictures taken during a commercial break in last night’s GOP debate at the Reagan Presidential Library suggest that Texas Governor Rick Perry attempted to physically intimidate Congressman Ron Paul, prompting Paul’s security to intervene. Photographs published by the AP and Reuters show...
Embarrassing for the Establishment: Poll Showing Ron Paul Won Debate at Reagan Shrine
Kurt Nimmo - It’s embarrassing for the establishment. They keep holding these “debates” and Ron Paul keeps winning. The corporate media keeps posting polls and Ron Paul keeps winning. And yet we are told he can’t possibly win the nomination.
FLASHBACK: Neo-Con Hierarchy Launches Dirty Tricks Campaign Against Real Constitutionalists
A prominent insider has told Infowars that Texas Governor Rick Perry and other establishment neo-cons have decided to deliberately target grass roots constitutionalists with dirty tricks campaigns in an effort to derail and hijack the growing liberty movement whose influence is threatening to blow the Texas gubernatorial race wide open.
Obama: ‘Best Debate Ever’
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A jubilant President Barack Obama said that tonight’s Republican forum was “the best debate ever,” calling it “the first good news I’ve had since I nailed bin Laden.”
VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul calls for vote of no confidence in Treasury Secretary Geithner
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) on Wednesday took to the Senate floor to call for a vote of no confidence in Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, one of the stalwarts of President Barack Obama's administration.
NYC mayor: NYPD not unfair in surveillance
NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the New York Police Department's surveillance of the city's ethnic neighborhoods had not unfairly targeted any group in an effort to root out possible terror connections, and compared it to screening kids for measles....
Mall of America visitors unknowingly end up in counterterrorism fusion center reports
Bloomington, Minn. – On May 1, 2008, at 4:59 p.m., Brad Kleinerman entered the spooky world of homeland security. As he shopped for a children’s watch inside the sprawling Mall of America, two security guards approached and began questioning him. Although he was not accused of wrongdoing, the guards filed...
VIDEO: Mobile Surveillance Towers to be Showcased to Congress
The Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower (MUST) is slated for demonstration to The House of Representatives, Senate and their staffs today, according to Homeland Security Newswire.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sues trucking company for sidelining alcoholic truck driver
(NaturalNews) As the actions of the federal government continue to spiral out of control -- with armed raids on Gibson Guitars, raids on Rawesome Foods and the assaulting of children's lemonade stands across America -- the insanity of government only...
Obama sees U.S. crisis, pushes $447 billion jobs plan
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama laid out a $447 billion jobs package of tax cuts and government spending on Thursday that will be critical to his re-election chances but he faces an uphill fight with Republicans.
Obama's "Jobs" Plan: Just Don't Call It "Stimulus"
Failure of the President's hallmark spending plan doesn't stop him from hoping to repeat it
Goldman Sachs Head Gold Trader: Authorities Could Intervene To Slam Down Price of Gold
Central banks could openly intervene at a key inflection point to slam the price of gold down.
Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes
Which one of these tax hikes will destroy the most jobs?
The NAFTA Of The Pacific Will Soon Allow Millions More American Jobs To Be Shipped Overseas
The United States is negotiating one of the biggest free trade agreements in history and there is barely a peep about it on the news.
More people applied for unemployment benefits
WASHINGTON (AP) - The number of people seeking unemployment benefits ticked up slightly last week, evidence that the job market isn't improving. Weekly applications for unemployment benefits rose 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 414,000, the Labor Department said Thursday.
You think we owe $14.5 trillion? The real figure is more like $211 trillion
(NaturalNews) Remember the tussle between Congress and the White House earlier this summer over raising the nation's debt limit? Supporters of the "deal," including President Barack Obama, tried to assuage our angst over the incredible amount of money...
Restaurants Want a Piece of Food Stamp Pie
The number of businesses approved to accept food stamps grew by a third from 2005 to 2010, U.S. Department of Agriculture records show, as vendors from convenience and dollar discount stores to gas stations and pharmacies increasingly joined the growing entitlement program.
Higher prices push Smithfield Foods 1Q profit up
SMITHFIELD, Va. (AP) -- Smithfield Foods Inc.'s fiscal first-quarter net income rose 8 percent, as the world's biggest hog producer charged higher prices and sold more packaged meats....
Mortgage rates lowest in decades, but few qualify
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mortgage rates have reached their lowest levels in six decades, making this the best time in most Americans' lives to buy or refinance a home. For people who qualify, today's rates could save thousands of dollars a year....
SAN DIEGO -- A major power outage hit San Diego County, Imperial County and parts of Orange County Thursday, leaving residents throughout the region without power.
* Related Article: Southern California blackout led to shutdown of two reactors at San Onofre nuclear power plant
NOTE: Our very own Marie of The Power Hour is completely without power. HOWEVER, the good news is she is a Power Hour listener and was all prepared. She will keep us updated!
Officials triple number of homes charred in Texas fire
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Some 1,386 homes have been destroyed in a monstrous fire burning southeast of Austin that has destroyed more homes than any other blaze in Texas history...
PHOTO GALLERY: More Texas Wildfires
Sep 6, 2011 - Especially hard-hit has been Bastrop County, about 25 miles from the city of Austin, where a 30,000 acre fire still burns uncontained. Collected here are some of the scenes from around Texas, where residents continue to struggle with a long drought and wildfires that have burned 3.6 million acres since November 2010. See earlier entry Texas Wildfires, from April, 2011. [39 photos]
Remnants of Lee bring floods to soggy Northeast
WINDHAM, N.Y. (AP) -- From Maryland to New England, the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee on Thursday flooded roads and highways, swelled waterways and put emergency responders still weary from dealing with last week's cleanup back on alert....
After Quake, Virginia Nuclear Plant Takes Stock
New York Times - The situation is so unusual that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, already facing questions about American earthquake safety after a meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, has no protocol in place for determining whether North Anna’s 1970s design still holds up, post-earthquake. USA TODAY article here. Photo gallery here.
YouTube: Fukushima Fallout 255 CPM Radioactive Manure Purchased In Southern California August 2011
This manure was purchased in Redlands, Ca at the local home improvement store. Thankfully I tested this before I used it in my yard. Results log here and radiation report here.
Essential First Aid Item: Activated Carbon
Activated carbon in powdered form should be in every medicine cabinet and first aid kit. It is also called activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is used around the world as a universal antidote for hundreds of poisons, including...
Discover the most versatile medicine in nature
(NaturalNews) For centuries, Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) has been used to treat a number of medical and skin conditions. This miracle plant is also known as the 'harmonious remedy' by the Chinese people, the 'elixir of youth' by the Russians and the...
Milk thistle provides a protective shield to the liver, heart and brain
(NaturalNews) The liver is one of the most critical organs essential to human health. It serves more than 300 functions in the body to detoxify against chemical and environmental intrusions, and it promotes metabolic function as well. Silymarin is commonly...
Be aware of the problems of organ printing and the future of artificial biology
Organ printing, or the process of engineering tissue via 3D printing, possesses revolutionary potential for organ transplants. But do sociological consequences follow? Organ printing offers help to those in need of immediate organ transplants...
Find out about an exceptional source of omega-3 and more
(NaturalNews) Finding the right inexpensive source of omega-3 fatty acids is trickier than ever before. Fish are a great dietary source. But sea life has been exposed to many toxins lately. And seafood is not so cheap. Flax seeds or oils (organic) are...
Five easy ways to restart your metabolism with Ayurveda
At one point or another, just about all of us have tried to lose weight. With almost 75% of the American population either overweight or obese, this challenge is becoming seemingly more insurmountable every day. The typical quick diet programs...
Google Details Electricity Usage of Its Data Centers
Google released what was once among its most closely guarded secrets on Thursday: how much electricity its enormous computing facilities consume. The company said that its data centers continuously drew almost 260 million watts — about a quarter of the output of a nuclear power plant...
UN chief calls for urgent action on climate change
SYDNEY (AP) -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Thursday that urgent action was needed on climate change, pointing to the famine in the Horn of Africa and devastating floods in northern Australia as examples of the suffering caused by global warming....
VIDEO: Japan gov’t now posting Fukushima radiation forecast maps
Forecast maps from the Swiss Meteorological Bureau
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading |
EU high court rules on GMO contamination; opens door to biotech liability
On Sept. 6, the European Union’s top court paved the way for farmers and beekeepers to recoup losses when their crops or honey become genetically contaminated from neighboring GM fields.
VIDEO: Man vs Dog Eating Competition
Cute Video of a man that challenges his dog in an eating competition. One of the foods they competed with isn't on my top ten list of things a dog should eat (something I'd never give my own pets), but still a cute video.