Saturday, June 20, 2009
How to Make Roasted Dandelion Root Coffee
How to Make Roasted Dandelion Root Coffee
Roasted Dandelion Root Coffee is a surprisingly delicious beverage! It closely resembles coffee in flavor and body when brewed properly. I serve it at all my workshops and presentations and am always amused by the response. People tend to hesitantly sample it with a look of serious doubt on their faces, and the next thing you know the whole pot disappears!
Dandelion Root is a rich treasury of vitamins and minerals, as well as trace minerals and micronutrients. It also contains numerous medicinal components, but one that draws particular attention lately is a substance called inulin, which may be an important ingredient in managing diabetes. Even the bitter flavor of the Dandelion Coffee is good for you as it helps to stimulate the entire digestive system, from the appetite all the way to the better absorption of nutrients. Truly there is a fine line between food and medicine with this precious herb!
There are no harmful substances in Dandelion Coffee, unlike our commercial coffees that do far more harm than good. Folks would be far better off if they started each day with a hot cup of Dandelion!

Miners celebrate in front of the "gaby" drill after breaking through the east tube of the Gotthard railway tunnel in Switzerland to connect Erstfeld and Amsteg. Being built at a cost of almost 18 billion Swiss francs (£10 billion), it is scheduled to become the world’s longest tunnel at 60km (40 miles) when it is completed
Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters
Cosmic Rays: A Review for Astrobiologists pdf
Space Ref (press release) - USA
Cosmic rays represent one of the most fascinating research themes in modern astronomy and physics.
Dan Winter - Gravity Explained in Screen Video- Hydrogen / Palladium -13.56 megahertz Kanzian Frequency
Dan voices over his recent post of the cause of gravity. This is a milestone in physics (PHIsix). It fills the gaps in Einstein Quantum physics.
Web bot Clif High (Half with Capt Jack on Badlandsradio | 06/19/09 (4 Videos) | Saturday 20June09

Published Monday - Friday about 8 AM Central Time Except Holidays....many major typos are fixed by 8:30 daily
Saturday June 20, 2009 07:08 A CDT
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Waiting For the Market Break
Since this is Saturday morning - and I don't do Saturday updates (save the energy for the Peoplenomics report, which this week will focus on how governments keep control of their subject/citizens/'consumers') I'll briefly point out that the market - as expected - went through a complete yawner yesterday at options expiration. It got so boring that I turned my computer off about 10 AM Eastern and just worked on projects around the ranch. Most days I check 3-20 times during the session but yesterday? Ha!
Next week on the other hand, and actually through mid-July, will likely be another story because we have some potentially market moving events on the horizon.
For one, the Treasury will be auctioning off $104-billion worth.
The I-a-Told-yah's are likely to be defied to some extent in Iran, which would be a plus for the defense industry. You saw where the Washington Post had a piece this morning about the twittering behind the demonstrations in Tehran? Strike up the orchestration, if'n you please...
North Korea either will, or will not, pop off with a missile test which more than a few readers have said "Do they have a suicide wish?" Can't speak to that, although Kim Il Jong has not replied to my questions I sent a while back, so he's not on my list of polite people yet. Oh, they have cut their financial ties with the UN looks at expanding sanctions against them.
Frankly, combined this is all side show stuff. The real movers next week are likely to involve fund managers trying to take profits off the table before the end of Q2 in order to hit bonus levels. And, along with that, trying to get ready for whatever is next in the market.
Getting on the right side of the next move will be important if you have any money left from the meltdown in the Dow which once upon a time in October of 2007 was over 14,000. Not trying to run salt in the wounds, but just saying that we have three major paths open to us.
The first is that the country goes into a period of additional deflation. A search of news headlines for the word 'deflation' bring up tidbits like "Bank of Japan: Must keep close watch on deflation" and "Gold gains limited by deflation, dollar: Prechter."
But on the other side, Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report says Hyperinflation could hit US in 5-10- years. And already, around the edges you can see troubling indicators. For example, Austin Peay State University in Clarkesville, Tennessee is looking at a tuition increase of 6-9%. That's be double the official cost of living numbers here lately.
You saw Nouriel Roubini's outlook? No recovery till at least end of the year and then a weak and vulnerable state.
Balancing off the reports is difficult, time consuming, and just plain frustrating. However, since my personal investment goals are a) party on and b) preserve whatever little purchasing power I have, my three-pronged approach is really simple:
One third in paid for property which has some ag value
One third in cash & T-bills
One third in precious metals
In the ultimate worst case either on the inflation side (and where I've been nibbling at long-term silver call options here lately as a hedge) or on the deflation side when treasuries would be the winning bet to maintain purchasing power, I still would be able to eat; something pretty far up there on my agenda.
This is definitely not a 'get rich quick' kind of environment, so I'm not going to waste any of my time or yours suggesting otherwise.
So while I sit back and wait for the titanic forces of finance to sort out the present mess (and linguistically head toward hyperinflation late this year and into 2010), the real problem is where to move money when a break toward inflation or deflation happens.
The problem, to take the hyperinflationary course, is what do you buy if you see hyperinflation coming? Already gold deliveries are slow and even though I've got a stone and acid for testing quality of coins (along with a micrometer, etc...) buying gold when it's taking off seems problematic.
The alternative I'm considering is purchase of additional ag land that adjoins our property, but the longer term problem there has to do with taxes and that local governments are likely to be finding federal bucks harder to come by (since the federal government has money issues itself) and that means the local folks will come after the landowners.
Seems like there's just no 'easy win' out there, other than to look for a country where you pay the taxes just once when you buy property and then that's it. Simple transfer taxes at sale time work fine in places like the Cayman Islands, but they have the good sense to have Cayman Island dollars that give them a 20% spread over the US dollar.
Effectively, they tax imports this way, something we should be doing in my view, but the wage-rate-differential corpsters would squeal like pigs (for reasons that are porcinely obvious). Then they'd run up the false banner of 'free markets' which means, best I can tell, that it's OK for them to pay a worker in some backwater third world sweat shop 50¢ an hour so they can take the labor rate differential ' betwix thar and here' and buy a new Lexus every year and live in The Hamptons, or whatever.
A break to the deflationary side is also problematic, but less so, since the government will have plenty of paper to sell thanks to the bailout of the banksters.
No, I don't have any grand illusions about changing the world, but with the limited way I can 'vote with my wallet', seems that investing in staples of life (land, food, education, etc) will have at least as good a payback as treasuries or precious metals in the very short term.
Could it be the best possible investment these days is a treadmill? Oh the ponderings. Thankfully it's the weekend and we can all sit back and ask "WTF is going on here?"
Three More Banks Fail
One thing is banks are still failing:
I've given up counting
Terra Changes
Good BBC video on how "Glacier melt chances Italian border..."
Right Kinda 'Tude
Attitude is everything & readers are sometimes geniuses. Take for example the email that came in under the subject line "Write When You Get Rich..."
"Cash for clunkers". Well George, I am rich, just check out my driveway. "
I loved it. Why they couldn't have just said something simple like "Under 18 MPG combined OR has more than 100,000 miles on it and you deserve better..." is just beyond me. But then the "You deserve better could be applied to a lot of things, now, couldn't it?
Around the Ranch: Field Day Preps
Off to a ham radio breakfast this morning - so part of the reason for a short column. Don't forget last Saturday in June is ham radio field day - when a bunch of radio nuts go off into the hinterlands, suffer through mosquitoes and warm beer and try to make as many radio contacts with any many other stations as we can while running on generators, solar, wind, and whatever else we can cobble up in the way of power.
Pound on a Morse code key, or moving pictures around the world without the internet may seem like a dumb hobby, but no more so than 'drowning worms'. Besides, we get to use soldering irons and scopes, LOL.
See you bright and early Monday morning...
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For Your Money's Worth:
Obama's Reconstruction Problem
This may sound a little odd - to be talking about the reconstruction plans of the Obama Administration, since there hasn't been a big enough disturbance to the economy to require any 'reconstructing' yet. But, since I have a few clues as to what will be in the next predictive linguistics update, and because the second leg down in the derivatives disaster will likely be pulling into view before September, I figure it's as good a time as any to consider how America's future could work out. In the process, I'm guided to some extent by After Collapse: The Regeneration of Complex Societies. In order to do this efficiently, I've written up a PowerPoint and I show you the slides I'd put up in a board room if someone were foolish enough to ask me to place some bets on how the future's going to work out. Not foolish because I'd be wrong, but maybe foolish because who wants to see this coming? | Summer Solstice .. begins in the northern hemisphere on Sunday, June 21st, at 5:45 am UT (1:45 am EDT) | Feature Stories
Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children (NaturalNews) Just how dangerous are the amphetamine stimulant drugs prescribed for children with so-called ADHD? According to scientific research funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health, drugs increase the risk of... |
Polio Vaccine Victim Wins Lawsuit Against Big Pharma (NaturalNews) A New York jury has concluded that Lederle Laboratories was responsible for the injury to a man who contracted polio from a vaccine 30 years ago, and ordered it to pay him $22.5 million. Dominick Tenuto became infected... |
Discover the Benefits and Uses of Gotu Kola Gotu kola is an herb native to India and Sri Lanka. It plays a key role in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, treating a myriad of conditions. Its reputation is almost mythical: gotu kola is famous for its rumored link to the long life span... |
Metabolic Typing Explains Why Different People Need Different Diets Ever wonder why the diet and supplements your friend is taking works wonders for him/her, but not for you? Ever wonder which experts are right: those who promote high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diets or those who promote high carbohydrate... |
Use Natural Remedies for Bee Stings Along with summer, comes pretty flowers. We all know how much bees are attracted to flowers. If you've ever experienced getting stung by a bee, you know how badly it can hurt. There are even certain people who are highly allergic to a bee's... |
Common Spices Work Better than Aspirin to Stop Blood Clots Spices do a whole lot more than liven up food. New research has found that the active ingredients in several common spices prevent platelet aggregation and blood clot formation up to 29 times better than aspirin, and without the side effects... |
Global Food Production Plummets in 2009 (with chart) (NaturalNews) Global food production is expected to plummet between 20 and 40 percent in 2009, due to widespread drought and other stresses on agricultural production Two-thirds of the world's food is produced in countries currently in the grip of... |
Fluoridation is the Ultimate Deception (Opinion) The following article is, in essence, my testimony delivered to the Hawaii Senate Health Committee in 2008. It contains facts that anyone can use to oppose water flouridation wherever you live. The good news is that once again we have been... |
Lead is in Everyday Products There is no level of lead that is safe for the system, especially when it comes to children or pregnant women. So then why is lead in so many of our products? Lead is intentionally added to vinyl plastic as a stabilizing agent, and although... |
Ease Excruciating Earaches Naturally An earache is an awful thing to experience. Everyone has experienced one at some time of his/her life. It was probably an event so traumatic, that s/he is bound to remember. An earache can be caused by a number of things. These could include... |
Bird Populations Plummet Due to Disappearing Habitat (NaturalNews) Populations of many species of birds have plunged over the past 40 years, primarily due to habitat loss, according to a report issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior. "Just as they were when Rachel Carson published 'Silent Spring'... |
Victoria Boutenko Part II: HCL Levels, Rotating Greens and Hiking Raw This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni`s Rawkathon, which can be found at In this excerpt, Victoria Boutenko shares on HCL levels, rotating greens and hiking raw. Rawkathon with Victoria Boutenko... |
Friday, June 19, 2009
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 19 June 2009
Breaking: Wildfire burning in hills east of Livermore 19 Jun 2009 A wildfire broke out a short time ago in a hilly area east of Livermore owned by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The fire is burning along the Alameda-San Joaquin County line.
Judge Questions Justice Dept. Effort to Keep Cheney Remarks Secret 19 Jun 2009 A federal judge yesterday sharply questioned an assertion by the Obama administration that former Vice President [sic] Richard B. Cheney's statements to a special prosecutor about the Valerie Plame case must be kept secret, partly so they do not become fodder for Cheney's political enemies or late-night commentary on "The Daily Show." U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan expressed surprise during a hearing here that the Justice Department, in asserting that Cheney's voluntary statements to U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald were exempt from disclosure, relied on legal claims put forward last October by a Bush administration political appointee, Stephen Bradbury.
Judge requests Cheney interview notes 19 Jun 2009 A federal judge demanded notes from an FBI interview of former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney during an investigation into the leak of an ex-CIA operative's name. Judge Emmett Sullivan told the U.S. Justice Department to turn over the notes by July 1, The Washington Times reported Friday. The Obama administration's Justice Department, like that of the Bush administration, argued at a hearing Thursday that making the records public could open Cheney to ridicule from political enemies and even late-night talk-show hosts like Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show," the Times reported.
Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants 19 Jun 2009 Two militants' leaders who defected from notorious Taliban chief in Pakistan have revealed that their comrade was pursuing a US-Israeli agenda across the country. A prominent militant leader, Turkistan Bittani, who broke away from Baitullah Mehsud, called him "an American agent". Mehsud, a warlord in his late 30s, has claimed responsibility for dozens of devastating string attacks on both civilians and security forces throughout the feared region. Baetani also noted that al-Qaeda and Taliban's leadership was never targeted in the dozens of US drone strikes in the country's troubled north-west region.
Tribesmen protest US drone attacks 19 Jun 2009 Hundreds of local tribesmen in Pakistan's South Waziristan Agency are protesting US drone attacks on their areas. Soon after the Friday prayers, the tribesmen and elders of the Waziristan tribes staged a large protest rally in Wana city, the main town of South Waziristan Agency and marched in strong condemnation of the unmanned aircraft attacks, terming it an assault on Pakistan's sovereignty, a Press TV correspondent reported late on Friday.
Errors 'likely' caused Afghan deaths: US 20 Jun 2009 A failure by US forces to follow procedures in deadly air strikes in Afghanistan last month "likely" caused the death of at least 26 civilians, the US military said. During a May 4 'battle with Taliban insurgents' in western Afghanistan, US air crews... three air strikes by a B-1 bomber "did not adhere to all of the specific guidance" under US combat rules, a military investigation concluded. "Not applying all of that guidance likely resulted in civilian casualties," said a summary of the probe released on Friday.
Blast kills 2 coalition soldiers in Kandahar 19 Jun 2009 The US military says a roadside bomb attack on a military convoy outside of Afghanistan's southern city of Kandahar has killed two soldiers. "There was an IED (improvised explosive device) attack on the convoy this morning and two coalition service members were killed," US Chief Petty Officer Brian Naranjo said on Friday.
Jazeera staff held for "promoting terrorism": Karzai 17 Jun 2009 Two Al Jazeera journalists who were freed Wednesday after three nights' detention were held because the Afghan authorities believed their work promoted terrorism, President Hamid Karzai said. Qais Azimy, a producer on the network's English-language channel, and Hameedullah Shah, a producer on its Arabic station were freed Wednesday after being held since Sunday afternoon by Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security (NDS).
Iraqi oil director wants to scrap deals 18 Jun 2009 The state-owned South Oil Co. of Iraq called on the Iraqi oil minister to abandon plans for the end of June to open the country to foreign investors. Fayad al-Nema, the director of the company, said in a memo that some of the terms of the pending 20-year service contracts were identical to the work conducted currently by SOC. Nema had complained earlier the foreign deals would put the national economy in "chains" and "shackle" national independence for decades.
Iraq karate coach shot and killed 19 Jun 2009 The coach of the Iraqi national karate team has been shot dead by gunmen in the northern city of Mosul, police say. It is not known why Izzat Abdullah was attacked, although sports officials and athletes were regularly targeted at the height of the Iraqi 'insurgency.'
Georgia-Russia war: EU blames Saakashvili 19 Jun 2009 Confidential documents written by the EU team investigating last year's Russian-Georgian war assign much of the blame to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. A majority of EU experts say the Georgian president, and not the Kremlin, ordered the first military strike against two breakaway provinces, according to the documents obtained by German news magazine Der Spiegel. The Georgian offensive into South Ossetia and Abkhazia escalated into a five-day war with Russia that the powerful neighbor won.
Navy Positions Destroyer For Possible Intercept of North Korean Ship 19 Jun 2009 The U.S. military is preparing for a possible intercept of a North Korean flagged ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned. The USS John McCain, a Navy destroyer, is positioning itself in case it gets orders to intercept the ship Kang Nam as soon as it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The order to interdict has not been given yet, but the ship is moving into the area.
U.S. Fortifies Hawaii's Defenses Against North Korean Arms 19 Jun 2009 Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced Thursday that he had ordered the military to deploy missile interceptors and radar to protect Hawaii from a North Korean long-range rocket. Speaking at a Pentagon news conference, Mr. Gates said he had directed the military to deploy mobile, ground-based interceptors to Hawaii. Mr. Gates also ordered seaborne radar into the waters off Hawaii to provide detailed information to track and attack any North Korean missile.
Obama holds to measured course on unrest in Iran 19 Jun 2009 The Obama administration on Friday stuck to a measured response to the uprising in Iran over a disputed presidential election, even as both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to condemn an official crackdown on mostly peaceful demonstrations in the streets of Tehran. Administration officials said they remained convinced that the wiser U.S. course was caution over confrontation.
Iran's Supreme Leader unleashes threat of militias against election protesters 19 Jun 2009 Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned opposition leaders they would be held responsible for "bloodshed" if mass protests over the disputed election continued in Tehran. Ayatollah Khamenei denounced Britain as the "most treacherous" foreign power working for the overthrow of his government, a declaration that prompted the Foreign Office to summon the Iranian ambassador in London for a rebuke.
Leader: Nation's turnout rattled enemies 19 Jun 2009 The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the 'unprecedented' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a 'political quake' for the enemy. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said high turnout in the election, which witnessed more than 40 million Iranians casting their votes, was a great manifestation of people's solidarity with the Islamic establishment.
Post: CIA report outlined Israel nuclear agenda 19 Jun 2009 As the Israeli nuclear deterrent was in embryo, a CIA report marked out the way Tel Aviv was to benefit from the arsenal, says The Washington Post. The 1960 account, which was compiled two years after Israel began putting up its notorious nuclear facilities, was declassified earlier in the month by George Washington University's National Security Archives, the daily reported on Thursday.
National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) --NLE 09 is White House directed, Congressionally-mandated exercise -- Australia, Canada, Mexico and UK to participate in NLE 09. (FEMA) 04 Jun 2009 National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) is scheduled for July 27 through July 31, 2009. NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery... The NEP was established to provide the U.S. government, at all levels, exercise opportunities to prepare for catastrophic crises ranging from terrorism to natural disasters.
NZ prisoners quarantined over swine flu 18 Jun 2009 A group of New Zealand prisoners has been quarantined after a swine flu outbreak in a move being branded "ridiculous" by inmate relatives. At least three prisoners in a unit at Rimutaka Prison, near the capital Wellington, are sick with suspected influenza A H1N1 strain. Corrections Department health manager Bridget White confirmed the sick prisoners have been isolated and the other 50 unit inmates segregated from the rest of the prison.
US swine flu cases now exceed 21,000; 87 deaths 19 Jun 2009 The national count of swine flu cases has risen to 21,449 cases and the number of deaths have nearly doubled to 87. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the number of confirmed and probable cases Friday morning. The tally is up from the last week's count of 18,000 cases and 44 deaths.
Swine flu death toll in NYC hits 30 19 Jun 2009 The fast-spreading swine flu virus has claimed more victims. The city Health Department reported Friday that another seven New Yorkers have died, sending the city's death toll to 30. Health officials didn't provide any details on the recent deaths but said most were hospitalized in late May.
FDA Threatens to Seize All Natural Products that Mention H1N1 Swine Flu By Mike Adams 18 Jun 2009 In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice." "Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."
French helicopters spray mosquitoes threatening to swamp Britain 19 Jun 2009 Helicopters are being deployed to spray poison in the skies above northern France to wipe out swarms of mosquitoes that are threatening to cross the Channel into Britain. French officials launched the commando operation after insect experts warned that as many as six billion mosquito larvae had started hatching in swampland near the France-Belgium border – less than 100 miles from the south coast of England. Unusually warm, damp weather has brought on the mass hatching.
Alaska polar bear numbers declining - U.S. agency 18 Jun 2009 Polar bear populations in and around Alaska are declining due to continued melting of sea ice and Russian poaching, according to reports released Thursday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fewer polar bears have survived in the southern Beaufort Sea, which extends from northern Alaska to parts of Canada, and in the Chukchi and Bering Seas between northwestern Alaska and Russia, the agency's draft population assessments show.
Downing Street sets up support line for MPs distressed over expenses claims --Email sent by No 10 gives Labour MPs switchboard number to ring for support, advice or legal help 18 Jun 2009 Gordon Brown has set up a team in Downing Street to counsel and support distressed Labour MPs facing flak from constituents over their expenses claims, the Guardian has learnt. An internal email sent out by the Labour party to all MPs reveals that a "wellbeing" support line has been launched from No 10. MPs are being told they can ring the Downing Street switchboard to be put through for support and advice.
MPs' expenses: Scotland Yard launch criminal investigations --Scotland Yard has launched criminal investigations into the expenses claims of MPs following disclosures by The Daily Telegraph. 19 Jun 2009 The Metropolitan Police has announced that it will carry out inquiries into a small number of cases in the wake of the MPs’ expenses scandal. The Telegraph understands that they relate to claims based on "phantom mortgages" when an MP has potentially misled the Fees Office.
House panel subpoenas Fed over BofA/Merrill merger 19 Jun 2009 A congressional committee said on Friday it has served the Federal Reserve with a second subpoena for documents related to Bank of America Corp's purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co. The demand from the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was announced six days before Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is scheduled to testify about the central bank's role in the weeks surrounding the January 1 purchase.
Kansas bank is 40th failure of 2009 19 Jun 2009 Anthony, Kan.-based First National Bank of Anthony became the third bank seized by regulators Friday, marking the 40th bank failure of 2009, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. South Hutchinson, Kan.-based Bank of Kansas has agreed to assume the failed bank's deposits, the regulator said.
Bank failures in Ga., N.C. bring 2009 tally to 39 19 Jun 2009 Bank failures in Georgia and North Carolina have brought the number of failures in 2009 to 39, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. late Friday. Southern Community Bank of Fayetteville, Ga., was the year's seventh bank failure in that state and United Community Bank of Blairsville, Ga., will assume all of the deposits. Cooperative Bank of Wilmington, N.C., became the year's second bank to fail in that state. North Carolina First Bank of Troy, N.C., will assume all Cooperative deposits, except those from brokers.
Calif. unemployment rate hits 11.5 percent 19 Jun 2009 California's unemployment rate climbed to 11.5 percent in May, the highest in modern record-keeping, the U.S. Department of Labor reported Friday. The loss of another 69,000 jobs comes as a blow to the state after unemployment dipped slightly to 11.1 percent in April, according to revised figures.
House Democrats Unveil Plan for Health Care Overhaul 19 Jun 2009 House Democrats on Friday answered President Obama’s call for a sweeping overhaul of the health care system by putting forward a 852-page draft bill that would require all Americans to obtain health insurance, force employers to provide benefits or help pay for them, and create a new public insurance program to compete with private insurers -- a move that Republicans will bitterly oppose.
Bush finally attacks Obama 20 Jun 2009 George Bush has broken his vow of silence on President Barack Obama to attack him over the recession, health reform and Guantanamo in a speech to a business convention. Speaking in Erie, Pennsylvania, Mr Bush argued that health care should be left to private insurance companies... Mr Bush also took a swipe at Mr Obama's planned closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison.
The Senator's Scandal: Text of Doug Hampton's letter to Fox News 19 Jun 2009 Doug Hampton, the husband of Cynthia Hampton, who had an affair with Sen. John Ensign (R-Hypocrite-NV), explains in a letter to a Fox News Channel anchorwoman, Megyn Kelly, how the senator’s affair with his wife has "completely ruined" the couple’s lives. The letter is dated June 11, 2009.
On the Ensign Affair, Fox Dropped the Ball [Faux passes on huge story to protect another GOPervert] 19 Jun 2009 Fox News passed up allegations that Sen. John Ensign had an extramarital affair with his former campaign treasurer, even after receiving a letter from the woman's husband detailing the relationship. After the Nevada Republican acknowledged the affair Tuesday, a Fox producer failed to tell his bosses that he had the letter from Douglas D. Hampton, also a former top aide to the senator, and Fox never reported it.
US hospital staff 'covered up' death 20 Jun 2009 Staffers at a Brooklyn hospital falsified medical records and lied to authorities in an attempt to cover up the neglect of a patient who died on the waiting room floor, according to city investigators. The report by New York's Department of Investigation was released on Friday, exactly one year after the death of Esmin Green, a Jamaican immigrant.
Vienna Man Dies After Bid to Stop Verizon Van 19 Jun 2009 (Washington) A 79-year-old Vienna man who was fed up with his Verizon service died after trying to stop a technician's van from pulling out of his driveway. The man, identified by neighbors as William Cornelius, fell after grabbing the steering wheel of the van late Wednesday afternoon and died hours later at a hospital, police said.
Female grizzly and cub killed by train 09 Jun 2009 Another two of Alberta's grizzly bears have been killed. A mature female grizzly known as Bear #71 and one of her two cubs were hit and killed on the tracks operated by Canadian Pacific Railway on Saturday. The animals were being tracked by Parks Canada officials. Both the mother and her yearling male cub were struck and killed on the tracks about three kilometres east of Canmore.
Previous lead stories: Iraqi Oil Minister accused of mother of all sell-outs --To public fury, the country is handing over control of its fields to foreign companies 18 Jun 2009 Furious protests threaten to undermine the Iraqi government's controversial plan to give international oil companies a stake in its giant oilfields in a desperate effort to raise declining oil production and revenues. In less than two weeks, on 29 and 30 June, the Iraqi Oil Minister, Hussain Shahristani, will award service contracts to the world's largest oil companies to develop six of Iraq's largest oil-producing fields over 20 to 25 years... Iraqis are wary of the involvement of foreign oil companies in raising production in super giant fields like Kirkuk and Bai Hassan in the north and Rumaila, Zubair and West Qurna in the south. They suspect the 2003 US invasion was ultimately aimed at securing Western control of their oil wealth. The nationalisation of the Iraqi oil industry by Saddam Hussein in 1972 remains popular and the rebellion against the service contracts has been gathering pace all this week.
Ex-KBR Worker Convicted In Bribery, Fuel Conspiracy --KBR has received billions of dollars since 2001 [one of the key motives behind the 9/11 inside job] to be a major provider of food and shelter services to U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 18 Jun 2009 A former employee of KBR Inc. has been convicted on federal charges in a bribery and fuel-diversion scheme at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. Raschad L. "Sean" Lewis was a former fuel-section employee assigned to Bagram, where KBR, a former Halliburton Co. subsidiary known as Kellogg Brown and Root, had a contract to provide support services to the U.S. Army. Lewis was found guilty Wednesday of conspiracy, false writing, bribery of a public official and false claims.
US Senate Committee approves $1.5 billion in Pakistan aid 17 Jun 2009 The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday unanimously passed the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act, (Kerry-Lugar Bill) authorising $1.5 billion annually to the key anti-terror ally for the next five years. The bipartisan measure will now have to pass the full chamber before the Senate and the House of Representative hold a conference to arrive at a reconciled version of the bill. The US House has already passed the bill. [See: Pentagon: Billions in U.S. terror aid to Pakistan diverted 06 Jun 2009; US Pledges Additional $200 Million in Aid to Pakistan 03 Jun 2009; Billions in U.S. Aid to Pakistan Wasted, Officials Assert 24 Dec 2007; US Senate approves Pakistan aid worth $785m 20 Dec 2007.]
Benjamin Fulford | Financial stalemate may drag on until September before final collapse
In Japan as well, the current slave government is delaying its inevitable collapse following elections must be held by September 11th. There will almost certainly be a truth and reconciliation committee formed after the change in government. The Japanese people will be shocked and disgusted by what it will reveal.
My advice is to rest up this summer and prepare for an exciting autumn.
The US financial system may not collapse until September 30th of this year, according to our latest intelligence. A new, precious-metals backed system is in place but a split at the highest levels of the US secret government in preventing its implementation. The politicians and generals bribed by the Federal Reserve Board are too greedy to give up their gravy train even though they are leading the US to disaster and collapse. The return of the US to constitutional law and government may also be delayed as a result. However, one source says that all US money center banks will be shut this Friday followed by an end to the Washington D.C. corporation. We shall see.
In Japan as well, the current slave government is delaying its inevitable collapse following elections must be held by September 11th. There will almost certainly be a truth and reconciliation committee formed after the change in government. The Japanese people will be shocked and disgusted by what it will reveal.
My advice is to rest up this summer and prepare for an exciting autumn.
"Last night, I saw the noctilucent cloud display of a life time," reports veteran observer Martin McKenna of Northern Ireland.

"Large loops, whirls and pillars with knots could be seen moving rapidly in real time; there were astounding silver and blue colours mixed with subtle yellow, gold and green. It was a sight that left me awestruck. This is the best NLC season I have ever experienced!"
These intense displays could be related to sunspots--or lack thereof. For reasons no one fully understands, NLCs tend to be most active during years of solar minimum. 2009 is such a year. The sun is in the pits of the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century, and many researchers expect a banner season for these mysterious clouds. | Hot Headlines 19June09
US Monitors North Korean Ship
Analysts Say North Korea's Chemical Weapons Pose as Grave a Threat as Nukes
Fort Detrick Inventory Turns Up 9,220 More Vials of Pathogens
The Ending of America's Financial-Military Empire
US Banks Operating Without Reserve Requirements
China’s Got a New Currency… and It Sure AIN’T the Dollar
Stupidity Without Borders
Holding It Together
What if the Fed had a Sale and No One Came?
China Commodities Undercut US Dollar
Bull Markets Bullsh*t & Bubbles
South Florida's Housing Crisis Leaves Behind Ghost Towers
Journalist Threatened for Exposing Terrorism Cover-Ups
How Science Fiction Writers Can Help, or Hurt, Homeland Security
Hitler's Psychiatrist Cited Sexual Motivation for War
New Insight into the Sun's Mysterious Quiet Period
Fireball as Unidentified Flying Object Crashes into Mountain
Giant Eruption Reveals 'Dead' Star
5.9 magnitude eathquake hits eastern Mediterranean Sea - 19 June 09

2009 June 19 14:05:00 UTC
Earthquake Details
Magnitude | 5.9 |
Date-Time |
Location | 35.385°N, 28.391°E |
Depth | 40.4 km (25.1 miles) |
Distances | 115 km (75 miles) S of Rodos, Dodecanese Islands, Greece 205 km (125 miles) S of Mugla, Turkey 265 km (165 miles) SW of Antalya, Turkey 505 km (315 miles) ESE of ATHENS, Greece |
THE POWER HOUR NEWS | 19 June 2009
Russia and China sign 100-billion-dollar deal of the century -- A new deal between Russia and China in the sum of about $100 billion became the largest deal that has ever been signed between the two countries, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said as a result of the meeting with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao.
Are Pesticides Causing Parkinson's Disease? -- Scientists are closing in on an inescapable conclusion: Pesticides may be a cause of Parkinson's disease. In the past few years, Christensen has been part of a movement exploring a possible connection between exposure to environmental toxins -- in particular, the organophosphate pesticides -- and Parkinson's disease, through her work with the Collaborative on Health and the Environment, a national network of advocacy and scientific organizations. She is co-founder of CHE's working group on Parkinson's Disease and the Environment.
FDA threatens to seize all natural products that dare to mention H1N1 flu -- In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."
Public outcry forces hate crimes hearing-Senate received hundreds of thousands of letters -- Democratic bill managers in the Senate, who earlier had been reported to be wanting to attach a "hate crimes" plan as an amendment to another bill already moving through the legislative process, apparently have dropped that plan.
Baxter expect to deliver A/H1N1 vaccine to WHO by July -- Baxter International Inc. has completed testing and evaluation of the A/H1N1 influenza virus and is now in full-scale production of a commercial A/H1N1 vaccine using its Vero cell culture technology. Baxter received an A/H1N1 strain from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center] in early May and is diligently working to deliver a pandemic vaccine for use as early as July.
Charges filed in Austria against Baxter for contaminated bird flu vaccine -- "I have filed criminal charges in Austria against Baxter and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology for producing and distributing contaminated bird flu vaccine material this winter, alleging that this was a deliberate act to cause a pandemic, and also to profit from that pandemic."
WHO cries wolf over flu -- How can the WHO say swine flu qualifies as a pandemic? And why?
Obama's Doctor Knocks ObamaCare -- Scheiner, 71, was Obama's doctor from 1987 until he entered the White House; he vouched for the then-candidate's "excellent health" in a letter last year. He's still an enthusiastic Obama supporter, but he worries about whether the health care legislation currently making its way through Congress will actually do any good, particularly for doctors like himself who practice general medicine. "I'm not sure he really understands what we face in primary care," Scheiner says.
World’s oldest man dies at 113, official says -- Japanese ex-land surveyor drank milk every morning and avoided alcohol. (He drank milk every morning, but I'll bet it wasn't corporate farm, rBGH enhanced milk!) Tanabe, who was born Sept. 18, 1895, had eight children — five sons and three daughters. The former city land surveyor also had 25 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren, according to a statement from the Miyakonojo city. He was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest man when he was 111 years old.
The Secret History of Government Debt (Treasury Bonds) -- One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that government debt is a “safe haven.” Today we’re going to revisit one of The Sovereign Society’s favorite “hidden histories” for the real scoop. Tally Sticks were a brilliant invention. But they were also insidious, as they formed the foundation for the fiat currency systems we still have today. One where the root of a currency's value is in a promise from a faceless institution, and not in the actual value of a tangible object...
What is a Ponzi Scheme -- A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors rather than from any actual profit earned. The Ponzi scheme usually offers returns that other investments cannot guarantee in order to entice new investors, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. Read More...
Officials: US tracking suspicious ship from North Korea -- The U.S. military is tracking a ship from North Korea that may be carrying illicit weapons, the first vessel monitored under tougher new United Nations rules meant to rein in and punish the communist government following a nuclear test, officials said Thursday.
Sewage treatment plants fail to remove artificial sweeteners completely from water -- Sewage treatment plants fail to remove artificial sweeteners completely from waste water. What’s more, these pollutants contaminate waters downstream and may still be present in our drinking water.
USDA misleading investors to hide looming food shortage -- The Weekly Times Now reports that world wheat stocks 'to increase'.
Nanotechnology - the new asbestos? -- The safety risks of nanotechnology use by the food industry could make it “the new asbestos”, says toxicologist Dr George Burdock of the Burdock Group.
30 toxic chemicals to avoid -- California has identified 30 chemicals that may cause cancer, reproductive problems and other serious health concerns.
ACLU, Ron Pauls' Campaign for Liberty to sue TSA over illegal detainment -- The American Civil Liberties Union may have just earned itself a few more Republican admirers. Announcing a lawsuit against the Transportation Security Administration for the “illegal” detention of the Campaign for Liberty’s treasurer in April at a St. Louis airport, the ACLU damned what it called a “troubling pattern” of aggressive invasions of privacy by the TSA.
Web beats TV, radio as preferred news source -- The Internet is by far the most popular source of information and the preferred choice for news ahead of television, newspapers and radio, according to a new poll in the United States.
BRIC nations join to fight US dominance -- With public hugs and backslaps among its leaders, a new political bloc was formed yesterday to challenge the global dominance of the United States.
Ridiculous News: Student who blew kiss to mom denied diploma -- A Maine high school senior says he was denied his diploma because he bowed during graduation and blew a kiss to his mother.
Future combat systems - lessons learned -- The Army’s Future Combat Systems failed to live up to expectations, but it failed well rather than badly, according to a Government Accountability Office official.
CIA recruiting laid off bankers in NYC -- Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you -- as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your wallet.
Towards a new financial world order -- During their summits in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg on Tuesday, SCO and BRIC members urged the creation of a new global financial security system, reiterating their drive to act in concert to weather the economic meltdown.
NASA prepares to bomb the moon -- NASA scientists are preparing to launch a space mission from Cape Canaveral carrying a missile that will fire a hole deep in the surface of the moon. (why are we spending money on this?)
Cement kilns release tons of toxic mercury into the air -- The federal agency has proposed regulations that could cut mercury emissions 81% to 93% annually. Industry representatives warn the rules would increase costs and could lead to outsourcing.
Stand up for rural America while you still can -- The assault on rural America continues unabated. For the past six months dairy farmers across the country have suffered a historic drop in milk prices while operating costs remain high. Since December 2008, the price that farmers are paid for the milk they produce has plunged over 50 percent, the largest single drop since the Great Depression.
Protection from EMF radiation -- Protect your health from Electromagnetic Radiation.
YouTube: Chemtrails over Florence, Oregon -- A unknown plane dumps chemicals on a small town in oregon.
Thursday, June 18, 2009 | Today's Feature Stories 18 June 2009
FDA Threatens to Seize All Natural Products that Dare to Mention H1N1 Swine Flu |
(NaturalNews) In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... |
Hospital of Horrors in UK Killed Hundreds |
(NaturalNews) An obsession with financial and administrative concerns over the welfare of patients led to such shoddy care at a U.K. hospital that hundreds of patients died unnecessarily. "This is a story of appalling standards of care and chaotic.. |
Fats to Avoid: The Polyunsaturated Oil Epidemic |
They sit on the grocery store aisles, appearing rather innocent. They are clear and odorless - mainly because they have been bleached and deodorized with chemicals after high-heat processing has turned them rancid. And, interestingly enough.. |
Use Natural Cures for Tinea, or Fungal Skin Infections |
Tinea is a fungal infection of the skin more commonly known as athlete's foot. Although the name suggests that only the feet can be affected, athlete's foot can in fact attack any part of the body. As with all fungi infections all that tinea. |
The Truth about Food: Why Irradiation is Not the Answer |
In a flagrant insult to both journalism and nutritional science, 20/20`s John Stossel heavily touted irradiation - exposing food to radiation in order to kill any microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that may be present in the food. |
High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes: What the Experts Say |
(NaturalNews) According to the Corn Refiners Association, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is no worse for you than any other dietary carbohydrate. Many health experts, however, disagree, warning consumers that HFCS is strongly correlated with diabetes.. |