Saturday, June 13, 2009
Benjamin Fulford | The Secret World Power Elites and their dramas continue
A global paradigm shift is getting closer
The tectonic plates of world power are shifting in ways that will be seen by many as being apocalyptic. Information from sources including senior Yakuza, the European illuminati, Asian royal families and the British Royal family make it clear some sort of climax is approaching.
The current main axes of secret power are: the Chinese secret societies, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Saiid family and the Agha Khan family (who control Islam), the Teutonic Knights (the Nazi Thule society and Skull and Bones), the Rothschild clan (who consider themselves to be the kings of the Jews even though 99% of Jews don’t know this), the European illuminati, and the super-secret Dragon clans.
At present the Chinese, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Dragon clans and the European illuminati agree on the need for an intensive campaign to develop forbidden technology, end poverty, stop environmental destruction etc. President Obama is on the phone with our side regularly now so hopefully he will soon be reading a happier new script on his teleprompter.
The Nazis and the Rothschilds are now desperately sucking up to the families that control Islam in a bid to keep power. They are likely to get short shrift. However, our group is still expecting to hear from Islamic representatives, Inshallah (Allah willing), to see where they stand. That is how things stand at present to the best of our knowledge.
Earth Changes - Prophecy |
OneRadioNetwork - FREE sign up to listen to the following interviews:
- Clif High - Half Past Human - Future Predictions, Economic Stability, Global Uncertainty, Wars, Religion & Life
- Pole Shift - High Water - Science Meets Prophecy - Brent Miller "The Horizon Project"
- John Hogue - Nostradamus and the AntiChrist, Code Name: Mabus
- Clif High - Half Past Human - Future Predicitons - You May Want To Sit Down For this One (2008)
- Apocalpse 2012 - Mayan Elders - Lawrernce Joseph's work is chilling
- Mitch Battros on Solar Flares and 2012
- Mitch Battros of Earth Changes
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Refuses to Prosecute President Obama
Berg brought action against Obama and after months of delay Holder’s Staff refused to investigate
Berg raised issue of “Conflict of Interest” and why Discovery was “not” turned over
and Judge Roberts Dismissed case against Obama on June 9th is the web site for the truth about Obama
(Washington, DC – 06/11/2009) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama's lack of Constitutional "qualifications/eligibility" to serve as President of the United States and his cases that are still pending, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama, et al announced today that United States Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute President Barack H. Obama for Obama illegally running for and holding the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois because he was Constitutionally ineligible to be a U.S. Senator.
A False Claims Act [FCA] case is when a person has knowledge that another party has obtained money from the Government based on a false claim. In this instance, in order to be a United States Senator, you must be a United States Citizen for nine [9] years. Obama is not a United States Citizen and therefore, usurped the Office of U.S. Senator for Illinois and obtained payment from the U.S. Department of the Treasury based on his false statements that he was a U.S. Citizen and constitutionally eligible to serve the position of United States Senator.
Berg said, “What a miscarriage of justice! At a closed door hearing on June 9, 2009 because of the status of the “sealed case,” sealed because of the nature of the case, that being a “Qui Tam” or FCA [False Claims Action] case, the Attorney General through his representatives refused to proceed with the prosecution of Obama for fraudulently serving as a U.S. Senator from Illinois for 3 ½ years. [FCA cases are usually used in Medicare/Medicaid fraud cases]”
Berg continued, “I presented overwhelming evidence that Obama was ineligible to be a U.S. Senator and therefore, Obama fraudulently received a salary and benefits of nearly $1 Million Dollars.
Since the case was ‘Dismissed with Prejudice’ it is now ‘Unsealed’ and the record is open for review. The case, Berg vs. Obama, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 08-cv-1933 and is available on Pacer or our website, I, Phil Berg, will be Appealing this case !”
Berg said, “During oral argument, I raised the issue of a ‘Conflict of Interest’ as Attorney General Holder’s boss is the President Barack H. Obama, so how could they properly review this case? I suggested the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. I also raised the issue that any Discovery used in the Government’s decision to have the case dismissed, which was secured by the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney General’s Office should be turned over to me as the Relator, however, no Discovery was turned over.”
Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution entrusts the Executive, which includes the United States Attorney General, with duty to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. Berg stated, “I am very disappointed that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder through his Staff has failed to uphold his duties.”
Berg concluded, "I am not giving up and am continuing my legal fight to prove Obama is not constitutionally qualified/eligible to be President of the United States. I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in 'our' U.S.A., for 'our' forefathers and for the 1.5 million men and women that have died defending our Constitution in the many wars over the years and the 1.5 million men and women who were injured in those wars,"
* * * * * * *
The following is an update on my three [3] pending cases regarding my challenge to Obama's lack of qualifications/eligibility to be President.
As you know, I was the first to legally raise the issue - having filed my lawsuit on August 21, 2008, before the DNC Convention.
Status of Cases:
Berg vs. Obama, Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340
Briefs have been filed by all parties.
This is case that was dismissed in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of PA
Judge Surrick dismissed for lack of "standing" by Philip J. Berg
This is case that I bypassed Third Circuit to U.S. Supreme Court - where U.S. Supreme Court denied several Injunctions and to hear case.
However, case is still alive in the Third Circuit.
Oral argument is tentatively scheduled for September/October 2009.
Berg vs. Obama, U.S. District Court, Case No. 08-cv-1933
Case originally filed under seal on 11/07/08. The Government moved for the dismissal of the case that was granted on June 10, 2009 at which time Judge Roberts ordered the case unsealed.
Case will be appealed.
Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama,
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, No. 09-5080
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 08-cv-02254
This is the case of retired Air Force Colonel Hollister who is on lifetime Presidential recall.
Hollister needs to know if recalled by Soetoro/Obama - must he obey an Order by legal President or disobey the illegal Order by a Constitutionally ineligible/unqualified "Usurper" President.
Case was dismissed and Sanction of “Reprimand” imposed on our local attorney.
Appeal has been filed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. We are waiting for the briefing schedule so we can file our opening briefs.
For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Senate Bill 787 - The Great Water Heist Prepare To Hand Over YOUR Property!!! (video)

New Equator location after Earth's upcoming Pole Shift (video)

This video illustrates approximately where the new equator will be located after Earth's pole shift in 2012. This is based on data which indicates the pole shift will be approximately 35 degrees, placing the new North Pole at the top of Mongolia. The white icon in the middle of the video marks the line of the new equator. | Top Stories | Large Solar Prominence on Sun's NW limb (for scale Earth would fit beneath arch with room to spare)
"We really enjoyed observing and imaging this prominence on the sun's northwestern limb," says Stetson.
Although it resembles fire, no combustion is involved. Prominences are glowing clouds of solar plasma held aloft by magnetic fields. The shape of the prominence traces the shape of the underlying magnetic field--in this case a towering triangle. For scale, Earth would fit beneath the arch with room to spare.
There are many more prominences dancing around the edge of the sun today. Readers, if you have a solar telescope, take a look.
SOHO's latest image
more images: from Patrick Pelletier of Serbannes, France; from Marco Vidovic of Stojnci, Slovenia; from Matthias Juergens of Gnevsdorf, Germany
Mag 4.9 earthquake - PUERTO RICO REGION - 69 km (43 miles) NW (320°) from SAN JUAN - Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 12:12:33 PM at epicenter
2009 June 13 16:12:33 UTC
Earthquake Details
Magnitude | 4.9 |
Date-Time |
Location | 18.960°N, 66.558°W |
Depth | 42.7 km (26.5 miles) |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 6.3 km (3.9 miles); depth +/- 10.7 km (6.6 miles) |
Parameters | NST= 94, Nph= 94, Dmin=71 km, Rmss=0.93 sec, Gp= 32°, M-type=body wave magnitude (Mb), Version=Q |
Source |
Event ID | us2009hvay |
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Friday, June 12, 2009
RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service | Current Active Volcanoes June 12, 2009 at 11pm CDT
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National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary | NEW crop circle today ... similarities to the phoenix or Zorastrian bird symbol | OBAMA ERA: BULLDOZE SHRINKING CITIES?
US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive
Dozens of US cities may have entire neighbourhoods bulldozed as part of drastic "shrink to survive" proposals being considered by the Obama administration to tackle economic decline.

This NOAA satellite image taken Friday, June 12, 2009 at 2:45 p.m. EDT shows dense cloud cover over Arkansas where strong thunderstorms developed on Friday. These storms contained large damaging hail and high winds. More clouds lie scattered about the region as thunderstorms and showers continue.
(AP PHOTO/WEATHER UNDERGROUND)Recent Yellowstone National Park Earthquakes - two quakes shown today so far June 12, 2009 at 1:30pm CDT
Update time = Fri Jun 12 12:23:18 MDT 2009
Here are the earthquakes appearing on this map, most recent at top ...
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
0.4 2009/06/12 08:34:10 44.779N 111.171W 9.3 14 km ( 9 mi) NNW of West Yellowstone, MT
0.3 2009/06/12 07:18:54 44.770N 111.074W 9.1 12 km ( 8 mi) NNE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.3 2009/06/11 17:40:21 44.610N 110.363W 2.2 55 km (34 mi) SSE of Gardiner, MT
1.4 2009/06/11 12:31:36 44.350N 110.428W 8.5 64 km (40 mi) ESE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.3 2009/06/11 11:41:05 44.350N 110.433W 7.6 64 km (40 mi) ESE of West Yellowstone, MT
0.9 2009/06/11 00:25:38 44.614N 111.061W 8.7 6 km ( 4 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT | News Headlines June 12, 2009
N Korea: Back at the Brink?
N Korea Resolution Lacks Teeth
The Only Way to Tame N Korea is Through China
Why China Won’t Stop N Korea
Japan Has "Necessary Response" to N Korea Nuclear Test
Scenarios: Retaliation N Korea May Take Against UN
Report: Iranian Missile Threat on US by 2015
Terror Drill: 'New York, You Have a Problem'
Texas Storms Flood, Cancel Flights, Shut Off Power
Flooding Leads to West Dallas Evacuations
Massive Volcanic Eruption in Kamchatka
Vog Still Plagues Hawaii's Big Island
Senate Approves FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products
Peak Soil Investment: This Quiet Land Grab is Just Beginning
Fast-Food Nation Kills Kids, Sickens Corn-Fed Cows: Interview
Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB Agent: Turning America to Communism – video
One More Sign That the Levelers are Now in Charge
One Year and Still Waiting on FEMA Funds
America Losing Its Language and Culture Without a Whimper
When I was a Boy, America was a Better Place
14-Year-Old Hit by 30,000 mph Space Meteorite
My Take: What's Wrong With Our Sun?
We're Living in a Pandemic: Now What Do We Do?
First Batch of Swine Flu Vaccine Produced
India to Lodge Protest With China Over Fake Drugs
Netanyahu May Yield to 2-State Solution after Pressure from Obama
China Refuses to Reduce Its Carbon Emissions
Dog Alerts Ohio Family to Fire – Then Dies in Blaze | Hot Headlines June 12, 2009
Rangel Steers Darpa Millions to Natural History Museum
Nuclear War is Kim Jong-Il's Game Plan North Korea, Iran Joined on Missile Work: U.S. General Iran to Hold Week-Long Air Maneuver Over Persian Gulf Local Military, Civilian Police Training Builds Skills
NORAD and USNORTHCOM Exercise Planned for mid-June
Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says
McGurn: The Media Fall for Phony 'Jobs' Claims
Foreclosure Reality Check: 1.6 Million Foreclosure Filings with 5 Months of Data. California Notice of Defaults and Foreclosures Skyrocketing.
Chart of the Day: Household Equity
Counterfeit or Just Fake? Sino-Russian Baby Comes of Age
Supervolcano May Be Brewing Beneath Mount St Helens Melbourne Shrugs Off Flu as Pandemic Spreads Globally Aztec Temple Promises to Yield One of Antiquity’s Great Treasures
'Ultracool Subdwarf' Stars Speeding Through Milky Way Acoustic Black Hole Created in Bose-Einstein Condensate
Aerial Hunter Sniffs Out Mosquito-Ridden Pools
The Singularity is Near
THE POWER HOUR Team Network News | June 12, 2009
Novartis Makes First Batch of Swine Flu Vaccine Ahead of Time -- Novartis AG has completed production of the first batch of swine flu vaccine weeks ahead of time as its cell-based method proved faster than an egg-based approach. The 10-liter (2.6 gallons) batch of wild-type H1N1 vaccine will be used for pre-clinical tests and is being considered for use in human trials, Basel, Switzerland-based Novartis said in an e-mailed statement today. Based on the results with the wild- type vaccine, Novartis expects to gain approval for manufacture with reassortant seed in the fall.
Latest swine flu maps -- Interactive Google map pinpointing outbreaks of H1N1 swine flu in 2009, together with source attributions, report dates, and current known statuses.
Mexico to host swine flu summit in Cancun -- Mexico will next month host an international summit on swine flu at the Caribbean beach resort of Cancun, the country's health minister said Monday.
Global influenza pandemic declared -- The world is now in the early days of a global pandemic of novel H1N1 influenza, the World Health Organization announced today.
Predictions of $250 per barrel oil -- The price of oil burst through the $71 a barrel mark today amid revelations that proven reserves had fallen for the first time in 10 years and predictions that the price could eventually hit $250.
US museum attacks seen as home grown terrorism -- Wednesday’s killing of a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum by an elderly white supremacist is the latest incident in what many see as a potential new wave of right-wing violence triggered, at least in part, by the election of President Barack Obama and the economic downturn.
AMA to oppose Obama's health care reform -- Congress and Obama can not afford to mess this up. So far, everything is pointing to higher costs, longer waits, government dictated treatment, and physicians turned into Government employees. Is that the change you signed up for?
Declassified documents reference system -- Fully searchable collection with online images and text files of more than 70,000 declassified documents in many subject areas. UT Austin users.
Man has brain surgery and awakens as a talented artist -- When Alan, 49, emerged from a gruelling 16-hour operation following his stroke, he found he had become a reborn 'Michelangelo' and was able to paint and draw with incredible detail.
Peru suspends decrees that fueled Amazon violence -- Peruvian lawmakers suspended a controversial law that eased restrictions on lumber harvesting in the Amazon rain forest, days after it sparked clashes between police and indigenous protesters, killing dozens of people.
YouTube: Monsanto & cancer milk: FOX news kills story and fires reporters -- FOX NEWS Reporters (Reporters Steve Wilson & Jane Akre) uncover that most of the Milk in the USA and across some parts of the world is unfit to drink due to Monsanto Corporation's POSILAC®, which has been proven to be a cancer-causing growth hormone. (known in short as "BGH" "BST" or "rBGH" ), but they were fired for trying to tell people the truth.
No probable cause? New Jersey bill would expand post accident sobriety tests -- An effort in the New Jersey statehouse would require sobriety tests for truckers and other drivers in “serious” wrecks, whether or not there’s indication of driving “under the influence.” The additional power the bill would give to law enforcement is of significant concern to the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association.
California collapsing as lawmakers debate Blueberries & Pomegranates -- As California faces what one official this week called a complete meltdown of state government, some lawmakers have their minds on other matters.
Canada frosts the most widespread in recent history -- The multiple frosts that have blanketed Western Canada in the last week are the most widespread in the top canola-growing province of Saskatchewan in at least five years, the Canola Council of Canada said on Tuesday.
FEMA offers Katrina survivors trailers for $1 -- The offer comes 10 days after the FEMA housing program officially ended and amid growing worries that federal officials would start evicting tenants.
Lilly sold Zyprexa for dementia knowing it didn't help, files say -- Eli Lilly & Co. urged doctors to prescribe Zyprexa for elderly patients with dementia, an unapproved use for the antipsychotic, even though the drugmaker had evidence the medicine didn’t work for such patients, according to unsealed internal company documents.
EU security proposals are dangerously authoritarian (scary stuff here) -- The European Union is stepping up efforts to build an enhanced pan-European system of security and surveillance which critics have described as “dangerously authoritarian”.
Super volcano may be brewing beneath Mt St Helens -- IS A super volcano brewing beneath Mount St Helens? Peering under the volcano has revealed what may be an extraordinarily large zone of semi-molten rock, which would be capable of feeding a giant eruption.
FDA trying to censor Omega 3 oil claims -- The FDA has proposed a rule that would prohibit food manufacturers from marketing any product as an "excellent source" of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Cinnamon is the wonder spice for health & well being -- Cinnamon is well known as the world's oldest spice. It has a beautiful warm aroma that makes it an inviting ingredient to add to food. In the past Cinnamon was seen as an expensive luxury that was used as an aphrodisiac, and as it was more expensive to buy than silver, many people simply used it as currency. It is a wonder spice for health and wellbeing.
Radioactive wasps bug out nuclear cleanup workers -- If workers cleaning up the nation's most contaminated nuclear site didn't have enough to worry about, now they've got to deal with radioactive wasp nests. Mud dauber wasps built the nests, which have been largely abandoned by their flighty owners, in holes at south-central Washington's Hanford nuclear reservation in 2003.
More rain, more mosquitoes, more West Nile virus? -- As the first day of summer approaches, many people will engage in outdoor activities that will be accompanied by a very unwanted guest--the mosquito.
Incoming space rocks now classified -- A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, has learned.
Robocop gadget developed for police -- The lightweight handheld unit uses high frequency microwaves to see through clothes and pick up "reflections" of concealed guns or knives from a distance of several metres.
AsianTimesOnline | Economic hell - By The Mogambo Guru
read more..........
Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 5.0 and Greater in the World - Last 7 days | Update time 5:30am CDT June 12. 2009
Update time = Fri Jun 12 10:18:54 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 6.3 | 2009/06/12 09:44:21 | -17.617 | 167.737 | 53.4 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/12 09:24:45 | -17.540 | 167.677 | 53.6 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/12 08:47:43 | -17.491 | 167.650 | 53.2 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/11 14:29:04 | -7.957 | 130.411 | 81.2 | KEPULAUAN TANIMBAR REGION, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/11 08:55:04 | -25.062 | -13.612 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/11 03:37:53 | -24.162 | -176.922 | 108.4 | SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/11 01:35:05 | 53.159 | 159.219 | 72.3 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/11 00:16:01 | -4.942 | 102.834 | 58.0 | SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.9 | 2009/06/10 23:13:22 | -41.639 | -83.975 | 10.0 | WEST CHILE RISE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/10 23:09:02 | -17.009 | 168.212 | 216.3 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/06/10 22:05:35 | -41.731 | -84.204 | 10.0 | WEST CHILE RISE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/10 18:51:58 | 55.449 | 111.033 | 10.0 | LAKE BAYKAL REGION, RUSSIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/10 15:54:56 | 45.012 | 148.186 | 95.1 | KURIL ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/10 08:10:14 | -11.050 | 166.295 | 134.7 | SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/06/09 22:42:40 | -55.039 | -126.478 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/06/09 15:15:35 | -56.260 | -26.526 | 90.4 | SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/09 05:38:24 | 10.799 | 91.748 | 37.9 | ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/06/09 05:11:11 | -22.794 | 171.409 | 57.0 | SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/06/08 20:20:06 | -8.641 | -71.422 | 538.9 | ACRE, BRAZIL |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/06/08 05:13:16 | 15.855 | -86.936 | 10.0 | OFFSHORE HONDURAS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/06/08 04:33:19 | -22.212 | -179.629 | 612.2 | SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/08 03:31:46 | -22.834 | -174.999 | 14.3 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/06/07 23:24:40 | 58.967 | -136.719 | 37.3 | SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/06/07 21:26:47 | 16.155 | -92.854 | 143.8 | CHIAPAS, MEXICO |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/07 17:24:57 | -15.140 | 170.889 | 47.4 | VANUATU REGION |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/07 12:46:30 | -21.992 | -179.583 | 590.0 | FIJI REGION |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/07 05:25:25 | -8.484 | 118.386 | 141.6 | SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/06 21:51:20 | -8.616 | -74.668 | 120.1 | CENTRAL PERU |
MAP | 6.0 | 2009/06/06 20:33:28 | 23.860 | -46.084 | 10.0 | NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/06/06 15:37:34 | -47.818 | 99.317 | 10.0 | SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/06/06 12:21:42 | 54.348 | -162.603 | 44.9 | ALASKA PENINSULA |
MAP | 5.8 | 2009/06/06 05:52:43 | 35.455 | 140.943 | 34.0 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/06/06 04:15:26 | 54.690 | 161.400 | 33.8 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA |
MAP | 5.7 | 2009/06/05 21:17:01 | -17.448 | 167.666 | 41.4 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/05 18:08:36 | -9.194 | 123.733 | 59.9 | TIMOR REGION, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/06/05 16:01:44 | -30.689 | -178.667 | 405.1 | KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND |
MAP | 5.7 | 2009/06/05 13:39:10 | -35.471 | -104.268 | 10.0 | SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND |