About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M12Hf5J2bXU April 10, 2010 at 6:52 PM CDT |
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 9, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVbajmIUXI April 9, 2010 at 6:39 PM CDT |
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 9, 2010
Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview (NaturalNews) Jesse Ventura is known as being a tough, principled and courageous advocate of liberty and freedom. His new book, American Conspiracies, outlines a fascinating and well-documented accounting of some of the most important conspiracies... |
Secrecy in science is corrosive (NaturalNews) Secrecy undermines the practice of good science, charges Michael Schrage in an opinion piece published in the Financial Times, and governments need to step in and provide more incentives for open sharing of data. "On issues of... |
FDA finally admits that asthma drugs can actually cause serious asthma attacks (NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued new restrictions for four popular long-acting asthma drugs. |
Why Detoxification is Key to Upgrading Your Diet Scientists recently found that changes in the brain happen with eating large amounts of junk food, and that junk food can be as addictive as cigarettes or heroin. That's bad news for the wellbeing of junk food eating folks, but fortunately... |
Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children (NaturalNews) The British government plans to collect lifelong records on all residents starting at the age of five, in order to screen for those who might be more likely to commit crimes in the future. In a plan being piloted by Lincolnshire Community... |
Soda Tax: Consider the Health Benefit and Paying for Healthcare The new federal excise tax on soda and other sugary drinks is being considered by the Senate Finance Committee as they listen to proposals on how to pay for President Obama's universal health care plan, which is expected to cost more than... |
De-Inflame with Superfoods, Part I Cellular inflammation has been shown to be the underlying marker in nearly every major health problem. Every single day our body is attacked by free radicals; cells are damaged; and inflammatory mediators are produced and triggered throughout... |
Enjoy Safer Grilling this Year with Rosemary and Cherries For many of us, spring signals the start of grilling season. Unfortunately, grilling meat and cooking meat at high temperatures result in the formation of chemical compounds which may increase the risk of cancer. This year, if you find the... |
Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover (NaturalNews) I remember the H1N1 "swine flu" season of 2009 very well. People were rushing out to get vaccinated, scared half to death by the mainstream media which was pushing false reports that the swine flu would kill tens of millions of people and... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- The newest eating disorder: Sleep Eating
- Vaccines destroy the lives of children in China
- Los Angeles runs out of money, start shuttering city services
- Billions of dollars spent on swine flu vaccines that will now be destroyed as they expire unused
- Mass confusion about health care reform as people ask "Where's my free health care?"
- Gender-bender chemicals causing early puberty in girls
- Can the human eye actually emit an energy beam?
- Grey hair suddenly fashionable (unless it's natural)
- Bovine DNA found on chicken meat
- U.S. military brutally murders Reuters photographers in plain sight - classified footage released by Wikileaks
- Nestle drops Indonesia palm oil supplier after Greenpeace report on rainforest destruction
- Is Whole Foods getting back to its healthy roots?
Natural News
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere - April 8, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA9GlHwRcqM April 8, 2010 at 6:18 PM CDT |
Earthquakes hit Oklahoma and New Mexico today - April 8, 2010 at 12:00 PM CDT
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
MAP 3.2 2010/04/08 07:42:42 35.531N 97.308W 5.0 12 km ( 7 mi) E of Lake Aluma, OK
MAP 3.4 2010/04/08 04:36:58 36.864N 104.806W 5.0 33 km (20 mi) W of Raton, NM
New Mexico,
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 8, 2010
Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover (NaturalNews) I remember the H1N1 "swine flu" season of 2009 very well. People were rushing out to get vaccinated, scared half to death by the mainstream media which was pushing false reports that the swine flu would kill tens of millions of people and... |
Transplanted organs impart memories onto recipients (NaturalNews) Becoming an organ donor is a great way to help out a person in the event of one's death. A study has shown, however, that sometimes donor recipients take on certain characteristics or personality traits from the donor, a phenomenon that... |
New hope for MS patients from UV light from the sun (beyond vitamin D) (NaturalNews) It's not a new idea that multiple sclerosis (MS) is somehow tied to sunlight -- or, rather, the lack of adequate exposure to sunlight. For more than three decades, researchers have noted that MS is much more common in higher latitudes than... |
BPA Has Not Gone Away Most readers of NaturalNews are well aware of the health concerns around bisphenol A (BPA). Most parents know that everything their baby comes in contact with should be BPA-free. BPA has been linked to heart disease, sexual dysfunction, and... |
Social workers take baby boy after mom refuses to feed him processed junk food (NaturalNews) British social workers took a toddler into custody after his parents refused to feed him junk food. Paul and Lisa Hessey of Bolsover, England, took their two-year-old son Zak to a doctor when he began refusing to eat his mother's cooking... |
Battle Depression and Anxiety with This Inexpensive Amino Acid Billions of dollars are spent yearly on the costs associated with depression and anxiety disorders. It`s no surprise when you consider the statistic that about ten percent of the US population suffers from depression. Most Americans are not... |
Protect Your Pet: Common Pet Poisons in People Food and Plants We all love our pets, whether they are cats, dogs, birds, or all of the above. There are foods that might be considered fine for you and your family, but are definitely not for your four-legged friends. Many of these are commonly understood... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Billions of dollars spent on swine flu vaccines that will now be destroyed as they expire unused
- Mass confusion about health care reform as people ask "Where's my free health care?"
- Gender-bender chemicals causing early puberty in girls
- Can the human eye actually emit an energy beam?
- Grey hair suddenly fashionable (unless it's natural)
- Bovine DNA found on chicken meat
- U.S. military brutally murders Reuters photographers in plain sight - classified footage released by Wikileaks
- Nestle drops Indonesia palm oil supplier after Greenpeace report on rainforest destruction
- Is Whole Foods getting back to its healthy roots?
- Eating more good fats really does reduce your risk of of heart disease
- In it for the money? Surgeons with financial stake in clinic operate twice as much
- Anti-psychotic drugs double risk of deadly pneumonia
Natural News
A 25-foot tall replica statue of the Egyptian god Anubis passes in front of the Statue of Liberty

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 7, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html
April 7, 2010 at 6:44 PM CDT |
HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer - April 7, 2010
The chart is a running 36 hour plot of the readings taken from the fluxgate magnetometer, built by the University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute, operating at the HAARP ionospheric observatory in Gakona, Alaska. The three traces represent mutually orthogonal components of the earth's magnetic field as follows:
- The "H" component (black trace) is positive magnetic northward
- The "D" component (red trace) is positive eastward
- The "Z" component (blue trace) is positive downward
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field. Data from a chain of magnetometers are also available.
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 7, 2010
Heal yourself in 15 days with the joy of exercising in nature (NaturalNews) In our 15-day self-healing series, we've so far covered everything from juicing and fasting to how to stop making disease. But we haven't yet covered one of the elements most commonly associated with self-healing: Exercise! But don't... |
New study: Breast cancer deaths lower in areas without mammograms (NaturalNews) A 2005 study concluded that a push in Denmark to screen large numbers of women for breast cancer with mammography had reduced breast cancer deaths in Copenhagen by a whopping 25 percent. Sounds like proof that regular mammograms are truly... |
Psychiatrists say that being angry is a mental illness (NaturalNews) Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged "mentally ill" could... |
Secrets of Nature revealed by Markus Rothkranz on the Natural News Talk Hour (NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Markus Rothkranz, natural health advocate and artist, talking about "Food and Medicine - Discover the Secrets of Nature". Free yourself from rising food prices and skyrocketing medical bills... |
Latest Study: Diabetes Drugs Do Not Work; Diet and Exercise are Still Best According to a recent study the latest "magic bullet" drug therapy for diabetes and heart disease does not come close to working as advertised. In fact, researchers found that the combination of the high blood pressure... |
Expectant mothers reduce diabetes risk in newborns by eating more vegetables (NaturalNews) Women who eat more vegetables while pregnant significantly reduce their children's risk of developing Type 1 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Gothenburg and Linkoping University in Sweden, and... |
Seaweed could hold key to natural weight Scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have discovered a substance that reduces fat uptake in the body by more than 75 percent. This potential obesity fighter isn't a drug but a natural substance found in seaweed. The... |
USDA protocols for handling food contamination are inadequate Most people are aware that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) handles food contamination outbreaks by removing the tainted product from the market and working to identify the source of contamination. When it comes to tainted... |
Eat and Juice to Keep Alzheimer's Away A 10-year study named the Kame Project found Alzheimer's risk 76 percent lower among those who drank juices more than three times a week. As reported by Susan Sharma, MD, in "Fruit Lowers Risk," April 27-May 3, 2008, in Dementia Weekly, the... |
Review of new brown rice protein products: Boku Super Protein, SunWarrior, Jay Robb, Growing Naturals (NaturalNews) For those who enjoy high-quality plant-based proteins for your smoothies or protein shakes, there are some remarkable new products you'll want to know about. In this article, I reveal three new organic sprouted brown rice protein products... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Can the human eye actually emit an energy beam?
- Grey hair suddenly fashionable (unless it's natural)
- Bovine DNA found on chicken meat
- U.S. military brutally murders Reuters photographers in plain sight - classified footage released by Wikileaks
- Nestle drops Indonesia palm oil supplier after Greenpeace report on rainforest destruction
- Is Whole Foods getting back to its healthy roots?
- Eating more good fats really does reduce your risk of of heart disease
- In it for the money? Surgeons with financial stake in clinic operate twice as much
- Anti-psychotic drugs double risk of deadly pneumonia
- Offshore wind turbines could power the entire planet, says study
- Gee, really? Scientists discover that radiation causes breast cancer
- Prescription drug overdoses on the rise in the U.S.
Natural News
HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer - April 7, 2010
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth's magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 6, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDW2qdleK9w April 6, 2010 at 6:36 PM CDT |
7.8 Magnitude earthquake hit Northern Sumatra, Indonesia - Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 05:15:02 AM at epicenter
Update time = Tue Apr 6 22:30:22 UTC 2010
| MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region |
MAP | 7.8 | 2010/04/06 22:15:03 | 2.236 | 97.046 | 46.0 | NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |

NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 6, 2010
Review of new brown rice protein products: Boku Super Protein, SunWarrior, Jay Robb, Growing Naturals (NaturalNews) For those who enjoy high-quality plant-based proteins for your smoothies or protein shakes, there are some remarkable new products you'll want to know about. In this article, I reveal three new organic sprouted brown rice protein products... |
Chocolate lowers blood pressure and slashes risk of heart disease (NaturalNews) As NaturalNews reported previously, Canadian scientists have found that consuming chocolate regularly significantly reduces the odds of having a stroke... |
Prostate cancer drug boosts heart disease risk (NaturalNews) A common prostate cancer treatment may significantly increase men's risk of heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from King's College London and presented at a joint meeting of the European Cancer Organization and... |
Latest Hong Kong diet craze: Swallow parasitic worms to eat your food for you (NaturalNews) The government of Hong Kong recently issued a warning to its citizens against ingesting Ascaris worms. One of the latest crazes in the country, the practice of eating the giant intestinal roundworms has become... |
Cloves are the Best Antioxidant, Says New Study New research from the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) has found that cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are the "best" natural antioxidant. The study examined five antioxidant properties, with cloves showing amazing results for each. Cloves are... |
Flea and Tick Medications Harm Tens of Thousands of Pets Use of flea and tick control products has resulted in an alarming increase of reports of pet injuries and deaths in the past few years. This has prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to announce that they will be taking stricter measures... |
Make Your Own Vitamin B Complex: Save Money and Ignore Supplement Restrictions We are confronted with the prospects of worsening financial conditions for many, and the prospects of supplement suppression grow with new regulatory bills being introduced to hamper health freedom. It has already happened in the EU and Canada... |
The Skincare of Nature: Papaya Reduces and Prevents Wrinkles The pulp of the papaya fruit can help reduce wrinkles. Papayas contain an enzyme called papain that is known as a digestive enzyme that can also help repair wrinkles. The skin is made of tissues that stretch with age. Elastin and collagen... |
Medicated in the cockpit: FAA says pilots on psych drugs can fly commercial airliners (NaturalNews) What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs had been piloting a jet airliner instead? On Friday, the FAA issued a new rule that says pilots taking psychiatric... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- FDA ignored evidence that CT scans are killing 14,000 Americans a year from cancer
- Alice Water shamed by Organic Consumers Association over toxic sludge "biosolids"
- Obama appoints pesticide pusher to top of agricultural trade relations
- Americans eat too much meat, not enough fruit, says USDA research
- 1,500 bee stings help MS sufferer
- Gene patent decision infuriates biotech corporations who think they own your DNA
- Why the U.S. Supreme Court must agree to shut down Obama care mandates
- It's official: Smoking makes you stupid
- Why patenting genes is so absurd
- The fattest city in the world: Huge hamburger pic
- Five words in the health care bill that will bankrupt states
- Doctor refuses to treat Obama health care supporters (see sign on door)
Natural News
Monday, April 5, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 5, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg10sfZcGCU April 5, 2010 at 6:49 PM CDT |
RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service - Current Emergencies and Short-Time Events - April 5, 2010 at 4:45 PM CDT
National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
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Yellowstone National Park Earthquake Update - April 5, 2010
Update time = Mon Apr 5 15:01:50 MDT 2010
Here are the earthquakes appearing on this map, most recent at top ...
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
3.0 2010/04/05 08:48:01 44.596N 110.983W 5.7 12 km ( 8 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MThttp://www.seis.utah.edu/req2webdir/recenteqs/Maps/Yellowstone.html
2.8 2010/04/05 04:38:46 44.601N 110.990W 6.8 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.6 2010/04/05 03:29:08 44.596N 110.994W 5.7 12 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
0.7 2010/04/05 02:04:12 44.592N 110.993W 4.8 12 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
0.9 2010/04/05 00:51:57 44.599N 110.997W 5.8 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.2 2010/04/04 23:37:17 44.600N 110.997W 5.7 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.0 2010/04/04 20:42:46 44.596N 110.996W 6.0 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.7 2010/04/04 12:34:41 44.594N 110.984W 5.8 12 km ( 8 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.6 2010/04/04 09:31:16 44.598N 110.991W 7.4 12 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.5 2010/04/04 07:56:53 44.600N 110.993W 6.6 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.7 2010/04/04 07:51:41 44.595N 110.991W 6.4 12 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
0.8 2010/04/04 06:23:40 44.599N 110.995W 5.7 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.6 2010/04/04 06:22:21 44.599N 110.997W 6.1 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.1 2010/04/04 02:18:47 44.597N 110.994W 5.8 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.2 2010/04/04 02:16:46 44.599N 110.995W 5.9 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
1.5 2010/04/04 01:57:25 44.601N 110.993W 6.5 11 km ( 7 mi) SE of West Yellowstone, MT
NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - April 5, 2010
Medicated in the cockpit: FAA says pilots on psych drugs can fly commercial airliners (NaturalNews) What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs had been piloting a jet airliner instead? On Friday, the FAA issued a new rule that says pilots taking psychiatric... |
Diabetes drug linked to kidney problems, but FDA keeps it on the market anyway (NaturalNews) Three days after approving the Eli Lilly and Amylin drug Byetta as a stand-alone treatment for Type 2 diabetes, the FDA announced that the drug has been linked to kidney damage. "Health care professionals and patients... |
HRT drugs shown to cause asthma (NaturalNews) A new study out of France has revealed that women who undergo oestrogen-only hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are at a heightened risk of developing asthma for the first time. Several previous studies have also indicated that the oestrogen... |
Natural Treatment Helps Hair Loss in Women Many women are dismayed to see hair falling out in clumps, either following childbirth, during or after menopause or due to other causes. While some daily hair loss is normal, thinning hair and partial baldness is a frightening prospect for... |
Ibuprofen and Other NSAIDs Kill 2,500 a Year in the UK (NaturalNews) As many as 2,500 people per year die in the United Kingdom each year from stomach bleeding, a well-known side effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs function by blocking the action... |
Natural Ways Control Your Blood Sugar Diabetes has run rampant in our society today. The sad part is that the majority of diabetes cases here in the US can be prevented via dietary and lifestyle changes. Instead, we've been... |
Understand and Prevent Autism with Seven Simple Steps Autism is a disease characterized by impaired communication and social development, and one in 110 children these days is being diagnosed with autism related problems. Autism is often associated with heavy metals in the body, particularly... |
AIDS vaccines stop working after a few months, shocked researchers discover (NaturalNews) An experimental new AIDS vaccine is proving to be effective for only a very short time, according to researchers who have been finding it difficult to explain whether or not the drug is actually useful. Dr. Nelson Michael, a colonel at the... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Why the U.S. Supreme Court must agree to shut down Obama care mandates
- It's official: Smoking makes you stupid
- Why patenting genes is so absurd
- The fattest city in the world: Huge hamburger pic
- Five words in the health care bill that will bankrupt states
- Doctor refuses to treat Obama health care supporters (see sign on door)
- Drinking soda harms your sperm
- Guess where your fluoride comes from? China! And it's contaminated with heavy metals, too...
- Feds found Pfizer too big to nail, so they looked the other way on massive fraud
- Help retire Ronald McDonald (so he won't keep hooking kids on factory foods)
- 75 percent of minority children deficient in vitamin D
- Couples increasingly seeking out alternative infertility treatments such as acupuncture
Natural News
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Animated Magnetosphere Update - April 4, 2010
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X0G6B-HOYA April 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM CDT |
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