Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary
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MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 4.2 | 2010/04/03 23:10:55 | 18.364 | -81.377 | 10.0 | CAYMAN ISLANDS REGION |
Magnitude | 4.2 |
Date-Time |
Location | 18.364°N, 81.377°W |
Depth | 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program |
Distances | 105 km (65 miles) S of GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands 290 km (180 miles) ENE of Swan Island 430 km (265 miles) SSW of Cienfuegos, Cuba 825 km (510 miles) S of Miami, Florida |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 11.5 km (7.1 miles); depth fixed by location program |
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vQywRLNEu4 April 3, 2010 at 6:43 PM CDT |
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km
map 2.2 2010/04/03 08:52:16 35.500N 97.119W 5.0 23 km (14 mi) NNW of Bethel Acres, OK
map 2.3 2010/04/03 08:34:17 35.504N 97.233W 5.0 16 km (10 mi) ENE of Midwest City, OK
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q706_e8PMo8 April 2, 2010 at 6:38 PM CDT |
Organic cheaters exposed by public protest at health products trade show (NaturalNews) The Organic Consumers Association has long fought against what it calls "organic cheater brands" -- personal care products that use the name "organic" in the product name or brand, yet are not truly organic products at all. This year at... |
90 Percent of Parents Want to Know More About Alternative Medicine, Survey Reveals (NaturalNews) Ninety percent of parents would like to know more about alternative medical approaches for their children, according to a survey conducted by Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (Children's), a nationwide leader in integrative... |
Antidepressants simply don't work on most patients, study finds (NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have found that antidepressant drugs do little to nothing for people with mild to moderate depression. Countering the belief that drugs help everyone with depression, Robert DeRubeis... |
Rogue Kidney Brokers in The U.S. Sell Black Market Organs for Transplantation (NaturalNews) The recent arrests of 44 people on charges of organ trafficking have exposed a major criminal market in illegal organ transplants, where wealthy patients purchase organs from poor Third World residents through brokers residing in the United... |
Let Go of Negative Energy: Easy Techniques to Help Ever had a conversation or incident with someone that left you upset for a day or two? Maybe there's someone in your life, perhaps a boss or family member, that this happens with regularly? Energy is exchanged in conversation and in events... |
Falling Potash: Stop Our Pending Agricultural Collapse Of the three big fertilizers used in agriculture (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus), two are minerals that must be mined. Potassium ("potash") is a mineral that is mined, processed, and then spread on fields as fertilizer in most modern, industrial... |
Playgrounds for Seniors: A Fun and Practical Idea Gets the Elderly in Motion In Great Britain and Japan, playgrounds are being built for seniors. In Manchester, United Kingdom, seniors can use low impact exercise equipment in Dam Head Public Park. In Japan, with birthrates falling and the numbers of senior citizens... |
Vitamin and Mineral Shortages Cause Degenerative Diseases When micronutrients like vitamins and minerals are in short supply they are temporarily reserved for the most essential organs, at the expense of less pressing tasks. This is a survival mechanism, an example of physiological triage (1). Neglecting... |
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0tfX9S4HRQ April 1, 2010 at 6:00 PM CDT |
SOLAR PROMINENCE: Today, amateur astronomers around the world are monitoring a huge prominence rising over the sun's northeastern limb.
Eric Roel took the picture just hours ago from his backyard observatory in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Since then, the view has changed. Magnetic fields underpinning this magnificent structure are in a state of fairly rapid motion, pulling the plasma to and fro, offering a different profile to every observer. The whole thing could become unstable and collapse.
Judge strikes fear into biotech industry with nullification of patents on human genes BRCA1 (NaturalNews) As NaturalNews readers already know, corporations and universities right now claim intellectual property ownership over roughly twenty percent of your genetic code. This absurdity has occurred due to bizarre operations of the U.S. Patent... |
NIH researchers are up-front about their support from drug companies, right? Wrong! (NaturalNews) Medical research that is sponsored by drug companies has long been a conundrum. After all, scientists often welcome the big bucks of the drug industry in order to finance their studies -- but can they be totally objective when they are supported... |
Gary Schwartz discusses the G.O.D. experiments on the Natural News Talk Hour (NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Gary Schwartz, Ph.D talking about "The G.O.D. Experiments - Scientific Truths Revealed about G.O.D." Divine intelligence is REAL. This show reveals how science is recognizing the true essence of... |
Genetic breakthrough findings often bogus, even when in medical journals (NaturalNews) Many scientific "breakthroughs" widely reported in the popular press are actually false, warn researchers Marcus Munafo of the University of Bristol and Jonathan Flint of Oxford University, writing in The Guardian. |
Four Natural Ways Help You Look and Feel Younger At a time in history when all the rage is in looking and feeling young, there are a couple of things to understand. Most important: looking and feeling young doesn't come from pills or chemical based potions. It comes from healthy, chemical... |
Twenty percent of hospital patients have diabetes (NaturalNews) The National Health Service (NHS) of the U.K. recently conducted an audit of its hospital patients and found that 20 percent of them have diabetes. Many of these patients had been admitted to the hospital to be treated for conditions caused... |
How to Avoid Olive Oil Deceptions that Harm Health When you buy olive oil labeled Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you think you're getting the best of all possible salad oils. If it is what the label says, especially if it's from Italy, you assume that you are getting the healthiest... |
Britain Becoming Nation of Pill-Poppers as Rates Skyrocket (NaturalNews) Prescription rates in the United Kingdom have been rising rapidly, showing an increasing reliance on drugs to treat everything from allergies to obesity, according to a report released by the National Health Service (NHS) Information... |
Obesity: Trouble is Caused by Eating Quickly Have you ever been told to eat your food slowly? Parents often encourage their children to eat at a moderate rate and chew their food completely. It turns out that this is good advice. Recent research, conducted by three independent groups... |
National Health Service Recruits Six Times More Bureaucrats than Nurses The flaws of Britain's failed state health system have been highlighted again and again in recent years, and now the National Health Service has responded - by hiring an additional 5,000 administrators. The NHS Information Centre released... |
Superfood Cereals: A review of the most delicious and nutritious superfoods for morning meals (NaturalNews) I grew up eating a lot of cereal. Sadly, it wasn't the healthiest stuff, either: Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops and other sugary processed foods drowned in pasteurized, processed cow's milk. Sometimes I wonder how I ever survived... |
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/index.html CaveNews YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6TUiLniOXk March 31, 2010 at 6:46 PM CDT |
Superfood Cereals: A review of the most delicious and nutritious superfoods for morning meals (NaturalNews) I grew up eating a lot of cereal. Sadly, it wasn't the healthiest stuff, either: Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops and other sugary processed foods drowned in pasteurized, processed cow's milk. Sometimes I wonder how I ever survived... |
Metal hip replacements in pregnant women leach chromium and cobalt into babies (NaturalNews) Between 200,000 and 300,000 hip replacement operations are performed each year in the U.S., mostly in people over the age of 60. However, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), five to 10% of these procedures are... |
Fried, Grilled and Pasteurized Foods Cause Degenerative Disease, Concludes New Study (NaturalNews) Toxic chemicals produced when foods are cooked in certain ways encourage oxidation and inflammation in the body, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions, according to a study conducted by researchers from... |
MRSA superbugs actually caused by widespread antibiotics use in the 1960s (NaturalNews) A recent study published in the journal Science has concluded that the emergence of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, also known as methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), was caused by the widespread use of synthetic antibiotic... |
The Reason You are Sick and Tired may be Fatigued Adrenals, Part I Are you sick and tired of always being sick and tired? Do you feel tired and rundown most of the time and have problems getting a good rest - and when you are able to sleep it does not seem to help much with how tired you feel? If so, your... |
FDA Bans Another Alternative Health Option While Refusing to Pull the Plug on Dangerous Meds The FDA boosts Big Pharma sales and eliminates natural remedy competition. A current example is the FDA`s ban on ear candle production while allowing osteoporosis drugs with dangerous side effects to continue in the market place leading to... |
Wal-Mart to Label Products With Green Rating (NaturalNews) Retail giant Wal-Mart has announced plans for an ambitious "green rating" system, an easy to understand score giving consumers an idea of the ecological footprint of every product sold in Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart said it will gather... |
Bronchiectasis: Relief can be Found in Nature Bronchiectasis is a rare condition where the airways leading to the lungs become damaged. The result of bronchiectasis is enlargement of the bronchial tubes, loss of elasticity, scarring, and destruction of cilia instrumental in protecting... |
Essential Oils are One of the Most Precious Gifts from Nature Interest in the use of essential oils has enjoyed a massive revival in recent decades. Many of the more discerning amongst us have come to realize that our modern, fast and often frenetic pace of life is doing us harm. In addition, we worry... |
MAP | 3.0 | 2010/03/30 20:42:19 | 44.672 | -68.752 | 4.4 | MAINE |
Magnitude | 3.0 |
Date-Time |
Location | 44.672°N, 68.752°W |
Depth | 4.4 km (2.7 miles) |
Region | MAINE |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 0.7 km (0.4 miles); depth +/- 1.7 km (1.1 miles) |
Parameters | NST= 17, Nph= 33, Dmin=26.7 km, Rmss=0.23 sec, Gp=155°, M-type="Nuttli" surface wave magnitude (mbLg), Version=a |
Source |
Vitamin B3 beats Big Pharma's Zetia cholesterol drug (NaturalNews) The utter worthlessness of Big Pharma's cholesterol drugs was demonstrated recently by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed that niacin (a low-cost B vitamin) out-performs Merck's drug... |
Researchers discover papaya is effective against breast, pancreas and other cancers (NaturalNews) Originally native to southern Mexico and now cultivated in many tropical countries (including Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka), the papaya plant has been touted by traditional healers for centuries as a source... |
LA Times Reports on Patients Eliminating Diabetes Meds Through Diet, Exercise (NaturalNews) The Los Angeles Times has run an article highlighting the cases of five people, including television star Larry Hagman of "Dallas," who have successfully cut out the use of insulin and other diabetes drugs through improvements in... |
Drug-addicted surgery tech gave hepatitis C to dozens of patients (NaturalNews) A Colorado woman is facing a 20-year prison sentence for carelessly infecting at least 36 patients with hepatitis C during her time as a surgery technician. Kristen Parker somehow made it through hospital drug screening procedures and proceeded... |
Breastfeeding Significantly Lowers Breast Cancer Risk (NaturalNews) Women who breastfeed their infants have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine |
Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure The answer for lymphomas and other forms of cancer may have been found in an extract of common brown seaweed according to research presented this month at the AACR Dead Sea International Conference on Advances in Cancer Research. At the conference... |
Natural Treatment Helps Hair Loss in Men It is normal to shed hair each day but sometimes hair loss may be exacerbated by stress, a poor diet or illness. Hereditary hair loss is known as alopecia, which affects men more often than women. Many men turn to cures that promise amazing... |
The Real Health versus Wealth Americans spend two to three times as much on disease care as do Europeans, but Americans are significantly less healthy! In a study of 9900 Americans, 6500 Brits and 17,000 mainland Europeans, ages 50 to 74, Americans had the highest prevalence... |
The Scientific Fraud Pandemic: Few Honest Scientists Remain, Part II Recently, most of the scientific fraud accusations have been aimed at China, but they rarely (if ever) point towards the medical establishment or the industry. Here on NaturalNews, of course, exposing the transgressions of... |
The real health reform solution: A Health Freedom Zone in America (NaturalNews) Even as America has just been handed a "reformed" health care monopoly, most Americans by now realize that the drugs-and-surgery approach to health care is a failure. Keeping people sick and diseased so that you can pump more profits... |
MAP | 6.4 | 2010/03/30 16:54:48 | 13.616 | 92.858 | 45.4 | ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION |
Magnitude | 6.4 |
Date-Time |
Location | 13.616°N, 92.858°E |
Depth | 45.4 km (28.2 miles) |
Distances | 215 km (135 miles) N of Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India 405 km (250 miles) SSW of Pathein (Bassein), Myanmar 825 km (510 miles) W of BANGKOK, Thailand 2310 km (1440 miles) SE of NEW DELHI, Delhi, India |
The real health reform solution: A Health Freedom Zone in America (NaturalNews) Even as America has just been handed a "reformed" health care monopoly, most Americans by now realize that the drugs-and-surgery approach to health care is a failure. Keeping people sick and diseased so that you can pump more profits... |
Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools (NaturalNews) The golden calf of public health was smashed in this recent flu season as many in the United States outright rejected the H1N1 vaccine. Drug companies are now holding the bag, as millions of doses of the vaccine are rotting on... |
Leading heart surgeon calls for ban on butter (NaturalNews) A British heart surgeon has issued a call for a ban on butter, citing excessive consumption of saturated fats which he believes has rapidly increased the number of heart disease cases in the Great Britain. Dr. Shyam Kolvekar expressed concern... |
Activated Charcoal: Keep this Inexpensive Miracle Powder in Your Medicine Cabinet Pharmacist P.F. Touery, shocked colleagues in The French Academy of Medicine in 1831 by drinking a massive dose of lethal strychnine in front of them. Amazingly, he suffered no toxic effects. He had combined the deadly poison with activated... |
Elderly patients being executed in UK hospitals (NaturalNews) Concern is growing that the United Kingdom's Liverpool Care Pathway, intended to ease the comfort of patients whose death is inevitable, is being misused to railroad elderly patients onto a path toward early death. "While we've been preoccupied... |
Three-Pronged System Enables GMO Takeover of American Agriculture Genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically modified crops (GM Foods) are fast becoming the only type of staple crops grown in the United States. Over 90% of soybeans, over 70% of corn, and more are all grown from GM seeds. The number... |
Studies Reveal Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Dogs with Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative joint disease that affects many canines, especially geriatric dogs. Studies published in the January 2010 and March 2010 issues of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association... |
Find Enough Protein in a Vegetarian Diet (Opinion) If you are already eating a vegetarian diet or if you are moving in that direction, then by simply eating enough food from a variety of sources (consuming sufficient calories for your energy needs), you will automatically be getting enough... |
Heal yourself in 15 days with the people around you (part thirteen) (NaturalNews) Continuing with our 15-day self-healing article series, today we venture into the realm of what I call social healing. I wouldn't have believe this even two years ago, but I have since come to realize that WHO you are living with... |