Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows disastrous legacy of Halliburton and the real cost of the oil era (NaturalNews) Oil is a dirty business. It's not just the politics of oil, which are dirty enough by themselves -- it's also the environmental toll of the substance. Even when used correctly, its chemical byproducts cause air pollution and release carbon... |
Men remain oblivious to cancer risk of processed meat (NaturalNews) Men eat much more processed meat than women and are less likely to know that processed meat consumption has been linked to bowel (colorectal) cancer, according to a poll conducted for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). "The evidence... |
Solar cell breakthrough achieves 90 percent efficiency at a fraction of the cost of current panels (NaturalNews) Scientists from the California Institute of Technology (CIT) have developed a new solar cell technology that they say absorbs up to 96 percent of "incident" light. Experimental tests revealed that the new cells operate at around a 90 percent... |
Rheumatoid arthritis linked to vitamin D deficiency, researchers find A new study led by a Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) environmental health expert came up with an unexpected conclusion. The researchers were investigating why women living in the northeastern United States are more likely... |
Chi: Discover Your Source of Health, Healing and Longevity, Part I In this world of ever increasing lies and half truths in the fields of health and medicine, more and more people are coming to see that the true answers to these issues lie not in some new drug, surgical technique or technology but in natural... |
Autism: Study Confirms Increased Rates Correlate with Use of Aborted Fetal Cells The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted a study, published in Environmental Science & Technology,1 that shows a correlation between the rise in autism rates since the 1980s and the use of fetal cells from aborted... |
Health freedom alert: Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill (NaturalNews) Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Fuzzy math: General Motors pays back government loan with government money
- FDA wants public input for new rules regarding product packaging claims
- New FDA regulations to destroy small organic farms
- Lack of sunlight exposure causes mothers to give birth to babies with multiple sclerosis
- Even a low-dose vitamin D pill cuts breast cancer risk by 24 percent
- In Canada, adverse drug reports rise 35 percent in 2009
- Johnson & Johnson to pay $81 million over criminal promotion of Topamax
- The big sellout: Oprah to rake in $100 million in ad revenues from Proctor & Gamble
- Outrageous: All New Yorkers to become organ donors by default?
- Iraqi doctors run out of pharmaceuticals, start using acupuncture
- Qliance company ditches health insurance and offers direct affordable (conventional) care to patients
- Tell KFC and Komen for the Cure to stop pinkwashing! (online petition)