Friday, May 29, 2009


Flopping Around the Mud Flats

May 28, 2009
By Douglas McIntosh

One of the nice things about being a pessimist, a certified, card carrying Doomer is times like this don't make you break down. Being a Doomer, for as long as I have been a doomer, with a doomer pedigree, papers, documents and certificates to prove it, makes one relatively immune to the wave of chaos, anarchy and lunacy sweeping the planet. As the bard said "there is a tide that lifts." I say we missed that tide. We are now flopping around in the mud flats like fish who didn't quite catch the tide. The tide flows; the tide ebbs and then it comes in again. In our case it comes back in like a Tsunami.

I have been commissioned to write an overview of the current global situation. No problem. We are road kill. A brief yet pithy description of the current global situation.

That which is, is failing. That which is to come, has not arrived. We are twirling in the wind like one of those twirly things on a stick I used to get at the carnival when I was a kid. Blow on it and it will circle, round and round and round. Stop blowing and it will just sit there. Our economic policy, such as it is, is merely the Federal Reserve or whoever blowing on the stock market twirly thing to make it spin. When the Plunge Protection Team stops blowing, or dumping money into the system, the system stops. When you are watching shillovision about the economy, or the stock market or whatever, just think about blowing on one of those twirly things. As long as you blow, it moves. When you don't, it stops. The stimulus program is merely blowing on the twirly thing. Of course, given the vast resources of hot air in that Sodom on the Potomac called Washington D. C., endless breath is available. Unfortunately, endless money is not. Even Obama is now admitting that borrowing 46 cents out of every dollar you spend is not a good idea. I am not impressed.

Having written about the kinds of things that are now daily happenings for over 10 years, please excuse me if I am not in hysterics, or freaking out, or overly upset. There are worse things than death. There is a life without honor, or truth, or justice. There is a life without freedom, or hope or spiritual values. There is the death of the Spirit and the death of the human body. The choice for us is not death. The choice is what dies: our bodies or our spirit. Robert Heinlein said "you can kill a free man, but you cannot enslave him." The choice for us in the days ahead is not whether we die, but how we die and what we die for. After all, in the kind of social collapse we are undergoing, it is delusional to think death can be avoided. I neither seek death, nor do I avoid it. It will come for me in its own time. I will tell you quite honestly I have become more spiritual these last few months. Some of that is probably the drowning rat looking for any piece of floating debris from the shipwreck he can find; some of it is probably age. Turning 55 teaches you wisdom whether you like it or not, if only because you try not to make the same mistakes three or four times. At any rate, there is a spiritual dimension to all this chaos going on today and if you don't see that you will be handicapped in trying to discern what is really happening.

I will say those who think things can go on like this, in the economic sphere, the military and political sphere are quite insane. Let's take economics first. What is really going on in the economic sphere is the collapse of the ability to issue debt by all types of economic entities. Whether it is state, city or county government, corporations, non profits, individuals or whoever the capacity to borrow money has ceased. Even after the greatest economic rape and pillage in history, the multi trillion bailout, stimulus blob, there is still no liquidity in the system. And the reason for that is simple, even now risk has not been probably priced into the equation. The reason for that is even more simple: there is no faith in the system and no trust in the system. And the reason for that is even more simple: there has been no accountability for the open criminal activity involved in the economic travails. The reason for the collapse is corruption and criminal fraud. Nothing more and nothing less. And until that fraud and corruption is cut out of the economic system, just like the Aztecs used to rip the still beating heart out of their victims, there will be, nor can there ever be, an economic "recovery."

Of course, under the current NWO regime there will be no accountability. That vile beast the Federal Reserve is even refusing to admit where the multi trillion bailout money went. The current economic system will not be reformed. It will not be saved. It will not be fixed. It will collapse-it will be allowed to collapse by the New World Order- and then it will be replaced. The collapse is ongoing, about to get worse as planned and then in a crescendo of chaos will be replaced just as the NWO has long planned, plotted and now executed. The NWO is scum, but I will give them their technical due.

As to what the immediate economic future holds, I will close with this. You ain't seen nothing yet. And the reason you ain't seen nothing yet is because it is not July 1st yet. At many state, city and county entities the fiscal year begins July 1, 2009. It is usually a two year cycle. The cycle for fiscal year 2010, 7-1-2009 to 7-1-2010 and 2011, 7-2010 to 7-1-2011. A long listing of the woes of state, city and county finances would be endless really. The essays involved in listing them would be legion. Suffice it to say, the fiscal collapse has not really started. Oh the shadow of it, the first faint glimmer of the red dawn of economic doom is visible, but the scorching, 150 F sun hasn't risen to scald the economy like a pot of milk. No, that is still to come. It comes quickly, as in about 30 days or so.

What is going to happen in July of 2009 is relatively simple. The states, cities and counties of the United States are going to go broke. Not all of them of course, but many of them, maybe even most of them. Certainly enough to trigger a Tsunami of economic chaos unseen in modern history. The Great Depression is nothing. As the social order financed by debt, funded by local spending implodes, we will see levels of social anarchy which usually follow the ends of wars or the collapse of great civilizations. And that is only if we are dealing with economic issues. There are other military issues on the plate that dwarf even economic collapse.

Just as the local collapse gathers steam, we will deal with a federal collapse, followed by open dictatorship. As the local governmental entities drown, they will reach out to the federal government, that debt soaked lush, to save them. We can be sure Obama the First will try. And then on October 1st 2009, the Federal government will crash and burn like the Hindenburg did in 1937. In the Hindenburg's case it was hydrogen; in ours it will be debt. Obama has/will borrow nearly 2 TRILLION in fiscal year 2009. And he will need to borrow another 2 TRILLION and then another and another. And it ain't gonna happen. No way and no how.

The times are certainly interesting. They will get even more interesting in July. And then by October 1st they will get beyond interesting, as in terrifying. Assuming North Korea doesn't nuke us.