Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today's Feature Stories | Natural News
Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State

(NaturalNews) Are Americans really living in a medical police state? The recent news with Daniel Hauser and his family's fight over chemotherapy seems to indicate so. Here are ten ways to recognize whether you're living under the oppressive tyranny of

Cancer Drug Makes Fingerprints Disappear; Patient Detained At Border

(NaturalNews) Imagine being treated like a suspected criminal or terrorist by immigration officials all because you have cancer and your doctor gave you a drug that causes a strange side effect -- your fingerprints have disappeared into thin air. Does..

More Than 70 Companies Vow to Avoid Genetically Modified Sugar Bee

(NaturalNews) More than 70 companies have signed a pledge promising to avoid using sugar from genetically modified sugar beets "wherever possible." Genetically modified sugar beets, engineered by the Monsanto Corporation to be resistant to its herbicide...

How to Reduce Allergy Symptoms Naturally

In the spring, many suffer from seasonal allergies aggravated by the pollen in the air. Building a strong immune system and vital force is the best defense. There are many natural treatments including constitutional homeopathy that can help..

Vitamin D Keeps Minds of Older Men Sharp, and Fights Asthma To

Getting a little hazy mentally and losing some cognitive function doesn't necessarily have to happen as you grow older. Evidence continues to mount that exposing yourself regularly to a healthy dose of regular sunshine and eating certain..

Common Backyard Weed is True Healer

Plantain is easy to recognize by the flower stalks played with by children: one has a long stem with a little green bundle on top that they use to wrap and snap off, the other a long green stalk of seed pods that children enjoy pulling off..

Dr. Doug Graham Part I: The Reason Why People Started Cooking Food

This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Doug Graham shares on his journey to a raw food vegan lifestyle and some surprising insights into why people..

Japanese Vegetarian Cuisine Explained

Even if you don't like seafood, your local sushi restaurant features an array of medicinal plant-based foods that regularly accompany each meal. This article will highlight ten healthy vegetarian items commonly found in Japanese cuisine along..

Exclusive Interview with Billy Best, who Fled Chemotherapy at Age 16 and Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma

(NaturalNews) Even as 13-year-old Daniel Hauser and his family are dealing with the reality of living in a medical police state that labeled them "fugitives from the law" for refusing chemotherapy, another similar case has taken center stage this week...