Saturday, August 1, 2009

All that water - Will Missouri and Arkansas become islands?


An update to "No Need For Panic"
by John Moore

Since I published this paper in the Fall of 2005, I've had difficulty understanding (and, in turn, explaining) what my confidential sources had learned in classified government briefings about coming rapid, violent, ocean-related events, including flooding, and tsunamis (tidal waves). The explanation of the source for the water for these events being melting ice simply flew in the face of these events happening in such a short span of time (four weeks).

When I first learned that U.S. Government scientists were stating that the Arkansas-Missouri Ozarks could become a series of islands, I had difficulty understanding "Where's all that water coming from?"

As it turns out, the answer is quite common knowledge in the disciplines of geology and oceanography: the water is in the oceans already! It's always been there!

The size of the world's ocean's is a bit difficult to wrap your brain around. Of the 197 million square miles of planetary surface, 139.5 million square miles are oceans!

According to the University of Southern California (USC) Geology Department, the world's oceans vary in their levels by 180 meters (highs to lows) that's 594 feet! This is major part of the puzzle as to where all the water will come from that will cause worldwide tsunamis (tidal- waves) and worldwide flooding! These variations in ocean levels are (I quote from USC): "Caused by gravitational differences resulting from irregularities in the lithosphere." Professor McCanney states that the Earth's rotation is the major factor in this phenomenon.

Here's what this means in plain English. The oceans have millions of square miles of water above what we think of as sea level. The oceans also have millions of square miles of water below what we think of as sea level. Go back to what the USC says above. This accounts for how the water stays in place (gravity & Earth's rotation). What is necessary to cause worldwide tsunamis (tidal waves) and worldwide flooding? New, outside forces that disrupt the Earth's rotation that currently keeps the water where it is. Plus vast quantities of water from space.(2)

A disruption in the Earth's rotation in either speed ( normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift), These possibilities are incorporated in what Professor McCanney calls "action at a distance, caused by very large comet"(2) and the Earth is in deep trouble in a matter of a month (or less). Ladies and gentlemen, as I state above, the water for world-wide tsunamis & world-wide flooding is already in the world's oceans!

The records, both in geology and historical(4), reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 MPH winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!

My best information is that these ocean-related events will take about 30 days to reach North America once the triggering mechanism occurs. Be advised: It (the triggering event) may not be something you are aware of! Also, the 30 days may end up being 3 hours!

I advise elsewhere in this paper (and frequently on my radio show) that the time to prepare is now! In spirit, in body, in skills, and in substance.