Sunday, August 16, 2009 | AMERICA'S 33 CZARS

AMERICA'S 33 CZARS -- (House of Representatives - July 14, 2009)

[Page: H8065]

(Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Rep. Jack Kingston [R-GA1]: Madam Speaker, czarist Russia, 18 czars over a 300-year period of time. Czarist Obama Nation, America, 33 czars in 7 months, 33 czars who are running policy from Guantanamo Bay, to energy, to a $790 billion stimulus package, to a myriad of other things and yet none of them have gone before the United States Senate for confirmation even though article II, section 2 of the Constitution says that the President should seek consent and advice from the U.S. Senate before appointing important policy people to his Cabinet.

Now, we do appoint and have the Senate confirm sub-Cabinet members, deputy Cabinet members, a myriad of judges--indeed hundreds if not thousands of people--but 33 people at a salary of $172,000 each are running a parallel government without consent and approval. We need to stop this.