Wednesday, August 12, 2009

John Galt | The Wholesale Inventory Report Bedtime Story

August 12, 2009

Once upon a time, Vice-President Joseph Biden said that a nice clean black man was fully capable of becoming our President. And so in the land of the sheeple, the nice clean black man became President and all was well after he sprinkled his magic commie fairy dust on the people and the economy began a massive surge, er bounce, where the GDP was a negative 6% but suddenly thanks to the commie fairy dust the bureaucrats learned how to manipulate the data rather than visit the gulags created in the depths of downtown Detroit, MI, where people and real estate are sent to hell. As the fairy dust wore thin on the sheeple, the realization that there were no new jobs, that they were working harder, and nobody was buying much of anything started to seep through the blinding blur created by smell of the dust often mistaken for the odor of cheap flea market incense. The sheeple began to unzip from the baaaaaaadly made sheep suits and start to march and protest the commie dust’s effects and throughout the land they were relabeled as villains because they dared to stand up for their rights and fight against the machine which might actually repopulate Detroit if the Evil Monk Rahm is allowed to banish the complete enemies list and Amtrak can improve their service enough to actually find Detroit on a map.

The conclusion to the story?

Numbers can lie, but eventually real numbers seep through and those bureaucrats obviously did not get political approval for the following message.......