Thursday, September 24, 2009 | Today's Featured Stories - September 24, 2009

Swine flu vaccine recipients could be tracked with RFID bracelets using Big Brother medical technology
(NaturalNews) Here's the scene from some dark, present-day action movie: David Balfour breathed hard. He could hear the thumping of heavy boots outside his door, down the hall, mixed with the muffled grunts of military men. He had known they would come...

U.S. Pharma Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways
(NaturalNews) In spite of claims by companies that they do not discharge their products into the water supply, federal researchers have discovered that waters downstream of pharma plants are more heavily contaminated with drug residue...

Breastfeeding Cuts Breast Cancer in High Risk Women by Fifty Nine Percent
(NaturalNews) What if medical science discovered a drug that reduced the risk of breast cancer almost 60 percent in women who are at high risk because of a family history of the disease? No doubt it would soon be making Big Pharma billions of dollars...

Detoxification or Amputation: You Decide
When patients' bodies have been showing signs that detoxification is needed, doctors have been prescribing a drug that can lead to tissue damage to the degree that amputation is then the next step. The FDA hasn't called for the elimination...

Chelation Detox Eliminates Mercury and Heavy Metals and Leads to Better Health
The modern environment is filled with many toxins. Thousands of new chemicals are invented and put into our environment and our bodies each year. A recent study showed that even newborn infants have over 200 chemicals in their blood and umbilical...

Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side Effects
Are apricot seeds a source for a natural substance that kills cancer cells without destroying the cancer victim's health and wealth? The essential ingredient has been called laetrile or vitamin B 17. If there is any merit to it, why is this...

Fight the Energy Crisis: Support Your Adrenal Glands
Stress, illness and poor nutrition can take a toll on our health, and the adrenal glands are often hit the hardest. If you're short of energy, it may be a cry for help from your adrenal glands. Feeling sluggish and cranky? Is mental fog...

Ani Phyo, Part II: Going Nuts, More Protein, Less Fat and Making Your Own Raw Chips
In this excerpt, Ani Phyo shares on soaking nuts, getting more protein with less fat and how to make your...