Saturday, September 26, 2009 | A GOOD SUNSPOT IS HARD TO FIND - September 26, 2009

So far in 2009, the sun has produced a meagre 18 sunspots, some so small that observers have argued amongst themselves about whether the spots are really spots or not! When sunspots are this rare, each one should be fully appreciated. Behold sunspot 1026:

Gianluca Valentini took the picture on Sept. 23rd from his backyard observatory in Rimini, Italy. "Finally!" he says. He's been waiting all year for a good sunspot to photograph, so sunspot 1026 was a welcome sight. His snapshot frames the sunspot's dark core surrounded by a maelstrom of hot, magnetized plasma. Yesterday, some of those magnetic fields became unstable and erupted to produce a C-class solar flare.

These days, a good sunspot is hard to find. Readers, if you have a solar telescope, now is the time to look.

more images: from Pete Lawrence of Selsey, West Sussex, UK; from Andy Yeung of Hong Kong; from John C McConnell of Maghaberry Northern Ireland.; from Trevor Little on the south coast of England; from Francisco A. Rodriguez of Cabreja Mountain Observatory, Canary Islands; from Richard Best of Sussex, England; from Fabio Mariuzza of Biauzzo, Italy; from Jörgen Blom of Stockholm, Sweden; from Pavol Rapavy of Observatory Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia