Friday, October 9, 2009

George Ure's | Special Update - October 9, 2009

The Facts Just Flu Away

This is definitely, for sure, going into my journal as "The Day the World Went Surreal." Not only do we have the non-sequitor of president Obama getting the Nobel Prize for Peace (for doing what, exactly?) but now we have another surreal cap in the you-know-what as the AP is reporting that (I just love this one...) "US, other nations stop counting pandemic flu cases." Granted, officialdom stopped counting cases in July - but the AP story quotes one expert who says the case count was a "Vast underestimation."

OK, sure, my masters is in business administration, not epidemiology or public health, but doesn't it seem kinda strange that now that we have so many people globally saying "Hey! This flu is no worse than any other in terms of death rates so far..." that now of all times, the decision is made to stop tracking meaningful statistics?

If the numerator is small and the denominator is getting too big to stampede people into cost plus flu shots, this stopping counting of actual cases smells know...that stuff that hits fans. Hand me my tinfoil hat, this is getting nuts.

If you only count dead people, should be easy to make it look like a 100% death rate, eh?