LONE PINE, Calif.—A 3-day-old earthquake sequence in a remote area of eastern California has thundered back to life with temblors ranging up to a preliminary estimate of magnitude-5.2.

The quakes occurred Friday evening 17 miles southeast of the town of Lone Pine in the arid Owens Valley below the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, about 180 miles north of Los Angeles.

The automated seismic network operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and other institutions reports the 5.2 quake was preceded by a 4.7 and a 4.9 between 6:09 p.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Inyo County sheriff's dispatcher Carol Drew says no damage or injuries have been reported, but the department has received several calls about the quakes.

A magnitude-5 earthquake occurred in the same area early Wednesday and has been followed by dozens of aftershocks each day.