Saturday, October 3, 2009 | Featured Stories - October 3, 2009

Trace mineral selenium helps prevent cancer
(NaturalNews) The CSPI is reportedly suing Bayer over the company's claims that the selenium in its "One-A-Day" multivitamin formula helps prevent prostate cancer. It's rare to see...

Traditional Plant Medicine Could Cure H1N1 Flu Virus, Chinese Scientists Find
(NaturalNews) The government's pro-vaccine push and the mainstream media's near hysteria over the increased number of H1N1 (swine flu) cases can leave some people feeling almost helpless. After all, there are reports that anti-virus drugs like Tamiflu...

Live the Way of Permaculture
Permaculture is a way of living; it involves sustainability, ethics, community living, harmony with nature, appropriate technology, organic living, organic farming, etc. It is a way to integrate nature and people in the most sustainable way...

Scientists Around the World Condemn FDA for Declaring BPA is Safe
(NaturalNews) An international consortium of experts on the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) has issued a statement condemning the FDA's insistence that the chemical is safe. "It is becoming undeniable that BPA is dangerous," said Laura Vandenberg...

How to Stay Sharp as a Tack
A few days ago a song got stuck in my head- the slow, haunting violin melody that set the mood in the movie Platoon. But I couldn't recall who wrote it, and it bugged me. Later, when I wasn't thinking about it, I suddenly remembered it was Samuel Barber's...

Globalization and Complexity Has Made Our World More Vulnerable to Catastrophe
(NaturalNews) Economic experts are warning that the complex interconnectedness of the global economy makes it highly susceptible to collapse from one or two sharp shocks. "While [complexity] helps the system diversify across small shocks, it also exposes...

New book reveals secret Brazilian Aloe recipe for curing cancer using just three ingredients
(NaturalNews) Living in South America, I often find myself steeped in abundant natural cures for many diseases, including cancer. You can hardly walk out your front door without finding yourself surrounded with natural medicines made by Mother Nature...