Friday, October 23, 2009 | Headline News - Compiled by G. Edward Griffin

UK: Government takes 7 children from one family because the parents were judged to be too fat - to protect the children, of course. Under collectivism, children belong to the state. In fact, so do adults. SkyNewsCached)

US: There has been a sharp decline in the percentage of Americans who trust reports of global warming. Support for "Cap-and-Trade" also has dropped. Politicians seeking to expand their power do not care and continue their agenda undaunted.
People-Press 2009 Oct 22 (Cached)

US: Government threatens non-drug doctor with imprisonment for claiming that the herb Astragalus has anti-viral properties - which it does. Problem is that FDA is captive to Big Pharma and works to eliminate any alternative to vaccines.
Natural News 2009 Oct 22 (Cached)

US: CBS News tests thousands of suspected H1N1 cases and finds a very small percentage actually positive. The CDC halted testing in July claiming that most cases are H1N1 anyway, so why bother? Therefore, reports of pandemic swine flu are based on guesswork, exaggeration, and fraud.
CBS 2009 Oct 21 (Cached)

Sweden: Nurses flock to hospitals for treatment of serious reactions to swine flu vaccine. One so far has died. Authorities spin this by stating (falsely) that the reactions are a good sign the vaccine is powerful. HFA 2009 Oct 21 (Cached)

US: Now that Ron Paul's "Audit-the-Fed" bill has gained strong support, pro-Fed Senators have introduced a competing bill that would block any meaningful audit. This is a classic example of controlled opposition.
Campaign for Liberty
2009 Oct 20 (Cached)

Canada: Soon will be illegal to wear bullet-proof body armour. Already illegal in U.S. and Australia. Why? So citizens cannot confront police on equal footing. CBC 2009 Oct 20 (Cached)