Sunday, December 27, 2009 | Breaking Headlines - Evening December 27, 2009

Venezuela and China gave a new boost to their thriving economic ties Tuesday, signing a package of agreements that advances China strategy of locking in access to the South American country’s vast oil reserves.

In the past few days, the wars over the world’s natural resources have been rekindled from the Amazon to the Niger Delta.

A study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences demonstrates the toxicity of three genetically modified corn varieties from the American seed company Monsanto, the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (Criigen, based in Caen), which participated in that study, announced Friday, December 11.

rior to the financial collapse, Goldman and others figured out a way to package risky securities, such as subprime mortgages, and sell them to investors who were told they were buying sound investments.

Health Canada is proposing an unorthodox way of combatting a food ingredient suspected in some cancers: