Friday, January 1, 2010 | Morning Headlines - January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

"Detroit bomber" incident: Playing the American people, again
Terrorism is serious. No question we're all deeply concerned about terrorists coming across our borders while Congress and the last five presidents have sat on their backsides, making half-baked efforts to seal up the borders, hunt down the illegals and get them out of our country. America has paid a terrible price from the slaughter of our citizens by illegal aliens. All we have seen is Band Aids since Ronald Reagan opened the flood gates and our brave U.S. Border Patrol agents treated as nothing but.........
by Devvy Kidd

New Year’s Resolutions for Constitutionalists

As another year comes to a close and a new decade beckons I’m looking past my frivolous resolve to exercise more and eat less. Instead, I imagine a wish list compiled by Americans who yearn for a return to government bound by the limits of the Constitution. What would such a list look like? When a minority of colonists stood up to a tyrant king over two centuries ago they did so because they believed that freedom didn’t look.......
by Mary Starrett

The Christmas Debt Coolie and Telling the Truth

Since my recent articles many people have actually stopped by home to ask questions about PERS and Springfield School District. Unfortunately I had to tell them the ugly truth and destroy their delusion. If you want the documented proof about PERS please don’t be shy. Just knock on the door and I will also give you a Christmas Debt Cookie along with the correct information......
by Fred Starkey

Let's Wake Up and Make a Difference in 2010
America has always been and continues to be in the crosshairs of Dictators, i.e. socialists, communists, terrorists and “other controllers” due to one major, systemic clash. We view freedom for each individual a pre ordained gift and right from God. They view freedom as a borrowed and assigned privilege from Government. The two ideologies clash to the point of bloody wars because the God’s are different and don’t mix........
by Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D