Thursday, March 18, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - March 18, 2010

Heal yourself in 15 days with the "Attitude of Gratitude" (part twelve)
(NaturalNews) So far in this 15-day self healing series, we've talked about healing yourself through many innovative methods that help protect you from threats to your health while activating the inner healing potential you already possess. Today, in...

Virtually all kidney disease patients on dialysis have vitamin D deficiency
(NaturalNews) Research abounds that adequate vitamin D is essential for good health. Unfortunately, however, millions of Americans are not getting enough of this so-called "sunshine" vitamin. Now it turns out...

Junk Food Nearly as Addictive as Heroin
(NaturalNews) Junk food appears to be almost as addictive as heroin, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Scripps Research Institute and presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. "This is the most complete evidence...

High-dose vitamin C therapy proven effective
(NaturalNews) There is a double standard in Western medicine when it comes to assessing the efficacy of vitamins compared to drugs. While medical science recognizes that dose levels affect how well a drug works, the same principle is not...

Ancient Superfood Reviewed for Anti-Aging and Immune Rebuilding Properties
Dr. Daniel G. Clark, author of Colostrum, Life's First Food states: " ... bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase...

Fresh produce often contaminated with pesticides
(NaturalNews) A number of recent tests have revealed the astonishing degree to which the non-organic fruits and vegetables on grocery store shelves are contaminated with dangerous pesticides. A test conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found...

Legislation Puts Your Health at Risk, Part I (Opinion)
What would you do if there are events that, bit by bit, take place that could adversely affect your health and put your well being at risk? Imagine coming to a natural food store and finding the supplement section closed, at best, or the...

Use Infrared Heat for Pain Relief and Other Health Benefits
You have probably enjoyed the soothing, therapeutic benefits of infrared heat without even knowing it. How is that, you ask? Well, if you`ve ever stepped outside on a sun soaked, warm day, then you have experienced some of nature`s best infrared...

Pregnancy Brain may be First Sign of EFA Deficiency during Childbearing Years
"Pregnancy brain" is a condition whereby expectant mothers experience short term memory loss and forgetfulness that often persists into the postpartum and breastfeeding period. Given widespread fatty acid deficiency in the Standard American...

NaturalNews connects readers with premium astaxanthin and spirulina at unheard-of discount prices
(NaturalNews) As many NaturalNews readers already know, I've been a strong advocate of the amazing super-antioxidant nutrient astaxanthin for several years. And the source I have consistently recommended is Nutrex Hawaii, the name brand...

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