Monday, March 15, 2010 | March 15, 2010

Solar Update - Sunspot 1054 continues to show signs of decay and the Solar X-Rays have been quiet the past 24 hours. There will continue to be a small chance for C-Class flares around this region.

A small new region has rotated into view on the eastern limb, But It may be too small at this time to fetch an official sunspot number.

Explosions Gone Wild - This past weekend there were a few explosions that took place around various regions on the sun. One of these explosions may have triggered a faint earth directed CME. There will be a chance for minor geomagnetic storming within the next 48 hours. The latest Lasco C2 Movie:

Solar 'Current of Fire' Speeds Up

In today's issue of Science, NASA solar physicist David Hathaway reports that the top of the sun's Great Conveyor Belt has been running at record-high speeds for the past five years.