Wednesday, March 24, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - March 24, 2010

How Soon is Too Soon for Infants to Start Drinking Soda?
(NaturalNews) If you really want to give your baby a head start in life by improving their social standing and guaranteeing their happiness, start feeding them Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other sugary carbonated beverages at the earliest age possible. Even babies...

Certified organic whole vanilla bean powder on sale at the NaturalNews Store
(NaturalNews) As our readers well know, we're always working hard at the NaturalNews Store to find and bring you incredible deals on healthy, delicious foods and food ingredients...

Johnson & Johnson Under Justice Dept. Scrutiny for Illicit Drug Payoffs, Kickbacks
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Justice Department has announced that it is investigating Johnson & Johnson for paying kickbacks to Omnicare...

Antidepressant drugs cause premature births
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology revealed that pregnant women who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during their second or third trimesters are five times more likely to...

Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder Finally Explained: Too Many Chemicals
(NaturalNews) A combination of toxic chemicals and pathogens are probably to blame for colony collapse disorder in honeybees, according to a study conducted by researchers at Washington State University. Researchers conducted careful studies to uncover...

Go to an MD and You may Commit the Worst Assault to Your Body (Opinion)
To TCM and other natural practitioners as well as many common every day Americans, it is becoming more and more evident that MDs are programmed to simply rob, kill and destroy. This may sound a bit harsh but this is not meant to take anything...

Stop Stress from Killing You, Part II: Seven Keys to Reducing Stress
Once you've identified the top sources of stress in your life, it's important to take action and start moving things in a positive direction. Most people are amazed at the improvement they see in their health after making just a few small...

Live Naturally with Herbs: Medicinal Properties of Feverfew
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a strongly aromatic perennial herb, originally from the mountainous regions of the Balkan Peninsula but now spread throughout temperate climates worldwide. Feverfew has a multitude of small, daisy-like flowers...

How to Tone Thighs and Lose Inches for Summer the Natural Way
Many people despair at the thought of wearing swimwear and shorts, with summer not too far away. Many have larger thighs than they would like...

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

(NaturalNews) Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the health and freedom of all Americans. With the support of an inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of the American people, the sick-care industry...

Gerson, Whitaker, Horowitz, Juice Daddy, Health Ranger spoke out at Healing Miracles Live Event
(NaturalNews) We just wrapped up our "Healing Miracles LIVE" event in Los Angeles this weekend, where many of the best-known champions of health freedom spoke out about healing, juicing, cancer and many other topics. We'll be posting some short video...

Proposed vitamin supplement limits scientifically flawed
(NaturalNews) The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission (EC) have been working on establishing dosage limits on vitamins and supplements within the European Union (EU) using flawed toxicology risk assessment methods to make...

Home Insecticides Linked to Autoimmune Disorders
(NaturalNews) Using pesticides in the home may significantly increase women's risk of developing autoimmune disorders, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and presented at the annual...

Natural compound in bananas could hold key to stopping HIV
University of Michigan (U-M) Medical School scientists have found a potent substance that could block the sexual transmission of HIV, the virus believed to cause AIDS. This HIV preventative isn't a potent new drug or chemical-laden vaccine...

The Scientific Fraud Pandemic: Few Honest Scientists Remain, Part I
Media headlines are full of stories about the fraudulent hucksters who lie at the edges of the natural remedies and anti-vaccine cultures, but when scientists in accepted fields of study are caught faking results and cooking the books, the...

Legislation Puts Your Health at Risk, Part II (Opinion)
In Part 1, dealing with the European Union`s corruption in protecting Big Pharma by curtailing the people`s access to nutritional supplements, we left off before getting into the consequences of such actions - actions which severely put people`s...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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