Thursday, March 25, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - March 25, 2010

Future News: Massachusetts makes disobedience vaccine mandatory
(NaturalNews) (Editor's Note: This story is a fictional future news story that depicts one possible future under an American medical dictatorship.) Taking aim at the growing spread of Obedience Defiance Disorder (O.D.D.) -- a mental disease...

Hospital superbugs kill 48,000 patients a year
(NaturalNews) A new study just published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that an alarming number of Americans are dying in the hospital from two infectious diseases: sepsis (also known as systemic inflammatory response syndrome, it causes...

Mary Tocco Asks Are Vaccines Safe? (Natural News Talk Hour)
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Mary Tocco talking about "Are Vaccines Safe - Think BEFORE You Act". Discover how to raise your children in a holistic (drug-free) manner. We'll reveal "little known" truths about vaccinations and...

Omega-3s linked to longevity
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, have found that omega-3 fatty acids have another beneficial effect besides maintaining a healthy heart. Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the...

Hormones in U.S. Beef Linked to Cancer Risk
(NaturalNews) Beef produced in the United States contains dangerously high levels of natural and synthetic hormones, warns Dr. Samuel S. Epstein of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. According to Epstein, more than half of all beef cows slaughtered in...

Bone Density Tests and Calcium Supplements Prevent Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition marked by weak or porous bones. The condition is diagnosed by bone scans and urine tests that check for bone density. Bone density can be increased and osteoporosis avoided, with proper diet and exercise. Calcium...

Common Additives in Your Food Contain Shocking Dangers, Part III
Food marketers are vying harder than ever for your shopping dollar. They use any of 14,000 additives to make their products last longer, taste fresher or seem more appealing. The health effects of these compounds, especially in combination...

How to Painlessly and Safely Remove Pesky Splinters
Most of us are familiar with the pain and aggravation that can come from splinters, which are usually small slivers of wood, metal or glass. Splinters can be difficult to remove and sometimes painful as well. If the splinter is not removed...

Canine Cushing's can be Treated Naturally
Cushing's Disease is a common condition in older dogs. Too often, the symptoms are attributed to the normal aging process. Left untreated, canine Cushing's can lead to serious conditions such as diabetes, pancreatitis, heart disease, seizures...

How Soon is Too Soon for Infants to Start Drinking Soda?
(NaturalNews) If you really want to give your baby a head start in life by improving their social standing and guaranteeing their happiness, start feeding them Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other sugary carbonated beverages at the earliest age possible. Even babies...

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