Monday, March 29, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - March 29, 2010

The real health reform solution: A Health Freedom Zone in America
(NaturalNews) Even as America has just been handed a "reformed" health care monopoly, most Americans by now realize that the drugs-and-surgery approach to health care is a failure. Keeping people sick and diseased so that you can pump more profits...

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools
(NaturalNews) The golden calf of public health was smashed in this recent flu season as many in the United States outright rejected the H1N1 vaccine. Drug companies are now holding the bag, as millions of doses of the vaccine are rotting on...

Leading heart surgeon calls for ban on butter
(NaturalNews) A British heart surgeon has issued a call for a ban on butter, citing excessive consumption of saturated fats which he believes has rapidly increased the number of heart disease cases in the Great Britain. Dr. Shyam Kolvekar expressed concern...

Activated Charcoal: Keep this Inexpensive Miracle Powder in Your Medicine Cabinet
Pharmacist P.F. Touery, shocked colleagues in The French Academy of Medicine in 1831 by drinking a massive dose of lethal strychnine in front of them. Amazingly, he suffered no toxic effects. He had combined the deadly poison with activated...

Elderly patients being executed in UK hospitals
(NaturalNews) Concern is growing that the United Kingdom's Liverpool Care Pathway, intended to ease the comfort of patients whose death is inevitable, is being misused to railroad elderly patients onto a path toward early death. "While we've been preoccupied...

Three-Pronged System Enables GMO Takeover of American Agriculture
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically modified crops (GM Foods) are fast becoming the only type of staple crops grown in the United States. Over 90% of soybeans, over 70% of corn, and more are all grown from GM seeds. The number...

Studies Reveal Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Dogs with Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative joint disease that affects many canines, especially geriatric dogs. Studies published in the January 2010 and March 2010 issues of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association...

Find Enough Protein in a Vegetarian Diet (Opinion)
If you are already eating a vegetarian diet or if you are moving in that direction, then by simply eating enough food from a variety of sources (consuming sufficient calories for your energy needs), you will automatically be getting enough...

Heal yourself in 15 days with the people around you (part thirteen)
(NaturalNews) Continuing with our 15-day self-healing article series, today we venture into the realm of what I call social healing. I wouldn't have believe this even two years ago, but I have since come to realize that WHO you are living with...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

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