Tuesday, March 30, 2010

NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - March 30, 2010

Vitamin B3 beats Big Pharma's Zetia cholesterol drug
(NaturalNews) The utter worthlessness of Big Pharma's cholesterol drugs was demonstrated recently by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed that niacin (a low-cost B vitamin) out-performs Merck's drug...

Researchers discover papaya is effective against breast, pancreas and other cancers
(NaturalNews) Originally native to southern Mexico and now cultivated in many tropical countries (including Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka), the papaya plant has been touted by traditional healers for centuries as a source...

LA Times Reports on Patients Eliminating Diabetes Meds Through Diet, Exercise
(NaturalNews) The Los Angeles Times has run an article highlighting the cases of five people, including television star Larry Hagman of "Dallas," who have successfully cut out the use of insulin and other diabetes drugs through improvements in...

Drug-addicted surgery tech gave hepatitis C to dozens of patients
(NaturalNews) A Colorado woman is facing a 20-year prison sentence for carelessly infecting at least 36 patients with hepatitis C during her time as a surgery technician. Kristen Parker somehow made it through hospital drug screening procedures and proceeded...

Breastfeeding Significantly Lowers Breast Cancer Risk
(NaturalNews) Women who breastfeed their infants have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine

Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure
The answer for lymphomas and other forms of cancer may have been found in an extract of common brown seaweed according to research presented this month at the AACR Dead Sea International Conference on Advances in Cancer Research. At the conference...

Natural Treatment Helps Hair Loss in Men
It is normal to shed hair each day but sometimes hair loss may be exacerbated by stress, a poor diet or illness. Hereditary hair loss is known as alopecia, which affects men more often than women. Many men turn to cures that promise amazing...

The Real Health versus Wealth
Americans spend two to three times as much on disease care as do Europeans, but Americans are significantly less healthy! In a study of 9900 Americans, 6500 Brits and 17,000 mainland Europeans, ages 50 to 74, Americans had the highest prevalence...

The Scientific Fraud Pandemic: Few Honest Scientists Remain, Part II
Recently, most of the scientific fraud accusations have been aimed at China, but they rarely (if ever) point towards the medical establishment or the industry. Here on NaturalNews, of course, exposing the transgressions of...

The real health reform solution: A Health Freedom Zone in America
(NaturalNews) Even as America has just been handed a "reformed" health care monopoly, most Americans by now realize that the drugs-and-surgery approach to health care is a failure. Keeping people sick and diseased so that you can pump more profits...

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