Tuesday, May 11, 2010

NaturalNews.com | Today's Featured Stories - May 11, 2010

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food
(NaturalNews) The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes "defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods", recently filed...

NaturalNews Store discount code to be announced to email newsletter subscribers on Tuesday
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Store, which offers health-related foods, food ingredients, kitchen appliances and healthy personal care products, will be announcing an unprecedented special this Tuesday exclusively to the NaturalNews email list...

Dead doctors still making millions from Medicare billings
(NaturalNews) Medicare issued as much as $92 million in payments between 2000 and 2007 for medical procedures or devices ordered under the names of doctors who had already died, according to a 2008 Senate committee report.

Companies exploiting socially-networked children to push junk food like drug dealers
(NaturalNews) In response to recent bans on junk food advertising in the U.K., junk food manufacturers like Fanta, which is part of Coca-Cola, have found a loophole to the restriction. Producers are paying children the equivalent of roughly $40 a week...

Alzheimer's drug clinical trial halted after nine deaths
(NaturalNews) Elan Corp. and Transition Pharmaceuticals have called a premature halt on trials on the two highest doses of their experimental Alzheimer's drug ELND005 after the deaths of nine study participants. "Greater rates of serious adverse events...

New Study Finds Multivitamins and Calcium Slash Breast Cancer Risks
A new study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting has found that women who take multivitamins and calcium drastically reduce their odds of getting breast cancer. The study, conducted at the Ponce School...

Bipolar Disorder: Try Effective Natural Alternatives, Part II
In Part I of this series, we discussed the symptoms and causes of a bipolar disorder, together with an overall diet plan. This segment will go into detail in outlining the proper diet and supplements necessary for treatment. Processed...

Look at Medicine and its Cross-Eyed View of Nearsightedness
People prescribed glasses for myopia (near-sightedness) find their error of refraction to increase by an average of -.25 diopters per year. Glasses do not cure myopia but rather treat symptoms of dis-ease. What is the cause of myopia...

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?
(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to commentators, including Paul Noel, a Software Engineer for the U.S. Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. He believes that the pocket of oil...

FDA continues dragging its feet on Bisphenol-A decision
(NaturalNews) The FDA has missed three self-imposed deadlines to re-evaluate its approval of the endocrine-disrupting chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA), after originally promising in June 2009 to deliver a finding in "weeks not months." BPA is a prevalent...

HIV-positive man accused of exposing others to HIV seeks to overturn prison sentence because his viral load is so small
(NaturalNews) An HIV-positive man from Sudan is seeking to overturn a 14-year prison sentence he received for failing to disclose his disease to his many sex partners. According to attorney Ian McNair, Clato Mabior's "viral load" was so low that none...

Another Way the FDA Wants to Keep You Unhealthy (Opinion)
The FDA`s Orwellian perversion of language to censor, harass and intimidate healthy food distributors has become a ghoulish nightmare for everyone concerned with good health. The FDA threatened cherry growers in 2006 for promoting cherries`...

Drinking coffee may lower the risk of severe form of prostate cancer
(NaturalNews) Men who drink coffee regularly may reduce their risk of the most dangerous form of prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and presented at a Houston conference of the American Association...

Bananas and Raisins: Home Remedies Help Lower Heart Rate
The heart rate, also known as pulse rate, is the number of times the heart beats every minute. The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats a minute, according to the University of Virginia Health System, although athletes...

Maintain Healthy, Sustainable Garden Soil
The first and most important thing a healthy garden needs is strong, nutritious soil to grow in. To grow your superfoods, you'll need to properly maintain your soil so that it will provide you with excellent, tasty, organic produce for years...

The BP plan for offshore rig riches (comic)
(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to commentators, including Paul Noel, a Software Engineer for the U.S. Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. He believes that the pocket of oil...

NIH panel foolishly insists Alzheimer's can't be prevented (are they demented?)
(NaturalNews) An independent panel of supposed experts recently met at the National Institutes of Health near Washington, D.C., to discuss whether or not Alzheimer's Disease can be prevented through dietary and lifestyle changes. After evaluating...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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