Thursday, May 13, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 13, 2010

Maca is the ancient superfood of the Incas
(NaturalNews) Superfood enthusiasts know all about the incredible nutritional powers of maca. This superfood, grown in the high Andes mountains in Peru, is packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, tannins, complex alkaloids and other phytochemicals...

Tips for using the Hurom Slow Juicer - A juicing guide
(NaturalNews) Since introducing the Hurom Slow Juicer at the NaturalNews Store a few months ago, we've received literally hundreds of emails from very happy customers who love the versatility and results of the Hurom Slow Juicer. It makes nut milks, after...

Dr Leigh Ann Connealy joins Natural News Talk Hour to reveal secrets of anti-aging
(NaturalNews) This week the NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Leigh Ann Connealy, MD and founder of the Center for New Medicine. Our show, "Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed", will show you how to reverse the aging process with all-natural therapies and lifestyle...

Bodies of pregnant women polluted with chemicals found in consumer products
(NaturalNews) Every pregnant woman's body is probably contaminated with multiple toxic substances, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Washington Toxics Coalition, the Commonweal Biomonitoring Resource Center and the Toxic-Free Legacy...

FDA finally sued over its illegal suppression of raw milk
(NaturalNews) Recently the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization devoted to protecting family farms and their customers from unconstitutional government intrusion, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

Psychiatric Drugs Cause Rapid Weight Gain in Kids
(NaturalNews) A new study has confirmed that atypical antipsychotic drugs can cause rapid weight gain in younger patients, as well as increasing levels of triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol in their blood. "We are very much afraid that this...

Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones
Practically everyone knows that calcium is vital for healthy bones. What many people are unaware of is that calcium alone is not nearly enough to ensure that bones remain healthy. There are in fact a number of other vital minerals and nutrients...

Grow Tomatoes at Home and Make Sun Dried Tomatoes and Sauces
Tomatoes have well-documented health benefits. The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene which acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Tomatoes also contain large amounts of vitamin...

Canine Diabetes: Think about Including Natural Remedies
Diabetes is a disorder where the body is unable to regulate blood sugar levels. Although we normally associate diabetes as a human disease, our canine (and feline) companions are also affected by its devastating effects. Caring for a dog...

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