Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 26, 2010

X-Balance superfood makes a delicious, nutritious chocolate milk drink for adults and kids
(NaturalNews) Remember the taste of chocolate milk? That wonderfully sugary, chocolaty fatty taste is one you'll probably never forget. And I bet you wouldn't think you could recreate that taste with something that's actually good for you... but now you...

Study reveals huge overdiagnosis of cancer causing unnecessary treatment and suffering
(NaturalNews) Imagine being told your imaging tests are back and there's bad news. You have cancer. To save your life, your doctor says, you must submit to surgery, chemo, radiation and a host of additional tests and drugs. Of course, there's...

Drug companies intentionally leave out required side effects information on drug ads
(NaturalNews) The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies citing them for omitting and minimizing information about risks and exaggerating potential benefits in material promoting their drugs. The letters order the companies to...

Facebook's green data center powered by dirty coal
(NaturalNews) The popular social networking site Facebook recently announced that its new data center in Prineville, Oregon, is "among the greenest in the industry", despite the fact that the energy company which is providing power to the facility is...

Doctor beats swine flu with vitamin D and elderberries
(NaturalNews) A former family practitioner in Canada says she cured herself of the H1N1 swine flu by taking supplements of vitamin D and elderberries. Dr. Gillian Arsenault, now a public health employee, said that she had a prescription for antiviral...

Little-known Herb Butterbur Cures Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
New research into the causes of migraine headaches reveals that a little-known herb called butterbur offers tremendous promise for migraine headache relief. Clinical trials also indicate that butterbur, discovered originally in Germany, can...

Fight Diabetes with the Power of Zinc
Diabetes is an escalating issue in the United States, and there are no signs of this health ailment diminishing. According to the American Diabetes Association, 23.6 million adults and children have diabetes in the U.S. That is 7.8% of the...

Look into the Lyme Disease Mysteries, Part III
As more is being discovered about Lyme disease (LD), its true contagious nature and the origins of its bacterial infections, more suspicions have compounded about a Plum Island bioweapons lab being the source of Lyme disease. Plum Island...

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